19)- Meeting Mister Pierrot part 2

My eyes widened after the car fall from the cliff .

' how can I forgot this accident ?' .

Then shuichi -san rushed into  the water  swim to the car as it  sinks to the bottom of the sea .

After few minutes he pulled the victim with him into the surface .

" that oni- san is back " said ran .

" can we save him ?" Asked shinshi looking at the victim .

" I don't think so " said Akai .

At that moment I was thinking hard trying to remember what happen in this episode .

' god why now '

"Rin "

" what's it tenti kun ?"

" you're spacing out again , well  that onii-san told me to check something on that shop I will go now, he said that there is another passenger who were in the vehicle  " said shinshi I nodded at him then he ran there .

' another passenger in the car ? ....oh right there must be  watches robbery or something like that , ohh  I can't  remember   well !!'

Then  i noticed the bag near the corps so I went to Akai then and  asked him " ano pierrot onii san  did you found something particular in that bag ??"

"Yeah I found  branded watches with prices tagged  on them " he said then i smirked

' so this is it !!'

" is there something wrong young lady ? " he asked .

" no just found a clue ..." I said smiling .

After a while a  police officer come.

" so this car fall from the cliff " he asked examining the body .

" yes " replied yukiko-san .

" and this man her was the driver of the car ,

Whom you pulled out from the car , then called the police ?" The police officer asked.

" yes I called the police but it wasn't me who pulled him out the car , it was this young man  " yukiko-san said pointing at akai-san .

" who are you ?" Asked the police man looking at shuishi .

" Just an exchange university student from America , I've come to Japan after awhile and I was spending time with my family " said akai .

" you told in the report that there is someone else in the passenger sit right ?"

Then akai explained his deductions.

" nee say mister was there any watch  shop  robbred near here ??" I asked the police officer .

"Who are you kid ? "

" she is with me"  said yukiko .

" so is there one ??"

" yeah right there is a report two house ago that a shop whatch was robbred about as kilometer away from here , but how did you know kid  ?"

" well easy this onii-san found a bag full of watches in the bag of the car , the watches has price tagged on them , there is a possibility that they are wholesaler delivering the products , but if so they would have been put on a protective case but seeing the watches bundled in the bag carelessly that eliminate the possibility   "   I said pointing at the bag .and they look surprised .

After that shinshi brought the three suspect .

I observed them then it clicked unknown to me akai was looking at me smiling .

       3rd p o v

And  now yukiko is calling yusaku -San .


ith yusaku :

" oi oi yukiko I told you to not call me now, huh what  a car fell from the cliff and the driver died    !!" Said yusaku .

" it's seem like the man was a robber and he has a partner with them , there are three suspect I will send you the photos now " said yukiko .

' even if you are curious , from the phone how can I ...'

Then he looked at the photos yukiko send him and smiled .

With Rin and the others :

" what you found who the criminal is  ?? , how did you ? I just sent you the picture of the suspect " Shouted yukiko in the phone .

"Well that what you told me to do right? " Said yusaku .

" I was intended to give you more details "

After she gave him the details of the case .

" I see just as I thought also I bet Rin already now who is the criminal   " said yusaku .

" Rin-chan ? Ow come on tell me who is it ?"

" the criminal is the  lady who brought the sandals "

" it's you kitamuri yasu -San " Akai and Rin said in the same time.

" no way " said yukiko .

" is it that surprising ? " asked yusaku .

" no it not that Rin and a young man said the same thing just now " said yukiko surprised .

Rin P O V

" the other criminal is kitamori yasu-san " me and akai said in the same time then we looked at each other .

" huh? Just wait a minute how did it just come to this just because I brought sandals ?l mean look at me i'm just a regular beach visitor " said kitamori -San .

" yeah it might have been so , but have you been wearing a swimsuit ?" Said akai .

" yeah that's not a swimsuit " remarked the police officer .

" that's right she was originally wearing a skirt or  pants when she escaped from the sinking car . when she rose to the surface she saw the beach the she realized that she will be found if she wear like that . that's  why  she took off her skirt or pants when she was in the sea, used her scraf as a makeshift pareo and tied  the end of her shirt to pose as  a beach visitor " said akai .

" but you see the other two men can do it too ,  since they bought clothes from the shop and the lady only bought beach sandals ? " said shinshi .

' time to shine ..'

" she could only afford to buy sandals " I said .

" huh ?"

"  her purse get wet cause of the sea water and  so all her money soaked , thus she can only use spare change anything that's why this lady is the criminal " I said .

" really ?" I nodded .

" even I know this onee-san is the criminal " said  shinshi .

' go for it tentei -kun ..'

" what are you talking brat ?" Shouted the women .

" you see this watche that you're wearing now look like it came from the store "

" of course it is because I bought it there "

" but it's stop at 10:10 right ? "

" yeah as I said before it might broken when I went to the water "

" oh you don't know onee-san in order to clearly show the name of the  manufacture watches on display in the shops are usually put on 10:10 or thereabouts "

" beside your watch is branded so it will have a serial number  if we check it we can know if the watch is stolen " I said looking at her .

After that the woman confused her crime and the police arrested her .

" case closed " I said .

" onee-chan let's go we are going back to the hotel "

" go  first I will bring tentei-kun " I said

" okey then "

she  went with yukiko -san .

I went to shinshi who is now with Akai -San .

" tentei -kun it's time to back " I said to him  he nodded

" nice to meet you onee-san bye now  " he said to akai -San

" let's go Rin " then he ran to yukiko -San before I fellow him I looked at akai in the eyes and said in English

"beware of the crows "  then I turned around without seeing his expression .

' it's not the last time we will meet again so there is no need to say good bye Mr pierrot '

" you two are really wizards !!" Said Masumi .

" huh?"

" you two made onee-san laught " she said

" I did ?" She nodded .

I smiled .

" you're Masumi Right ?" I said .

" y-yeah "

" want to be my friend Masumi -chan ?" I said to her .

" I can ?"

" of course "

" then yes  so friends "

" best friends " then we laughed .

Before I go I gave her my phone number so with that we can keep in touch , I said  good bye to her and made my way to yukiko -San and Ran .

" nee-chan hurry up !!" Called Ran waving at me I just smiled at her .

" Rin what did you two talk ?" Asked shinshi curious .

" just saying good bye to my friend  " I replied with sparkling eyes .

" friends? Since when ?"

" from now "

" is that so .." I nodded .

' yay I befriended Masumi  '

" you two stop talking and hurry up " scolded

Ran .

" hai " we replied .