January 5, 2021
To the wind,
All this sitting around is making my ass sore.
I mean, I think that goes without saying, really, considering the fact that we've been here since we started on this trip. We're trying to reach the place as soon as possible.
It's funny, Jake seems worried about getting there as soon as possible. Is there something out here that we don't know about? Some sort of monster, maybe?
It's not unlikely, both me and May spent most of our time indoors, and I was the only one to step outside the building to raid the restaurant. That wasn't a long excursion either.
We have to trust him then, at least when it comes to what lies outside this car.
May's still keeping her distance from me, at least as far as she can stay when we're both in a car together. Still got no clue why. Hope one day I'll find out.
Not much else happened today. If something does, I'll write it down.
January 6, 2021
To the wind,
Nothing interesting happens in a trip like this, huh?
Still, Jake seems to be even more worried. All that worry just ends up feeding my curiosity.
I want to know why he's afraid. What made him this way? Afraid of the outside world... or was it something else?
Maybe I'll ask him soon.
I just remembered, I was planning on contacting my friends online... and I just realised that I never got any of their social media accounts, and from what I remember, it was all weird names with nothing to do with their actual names.
Well, guess this is what I get for being so anti social.
Hope I get to see them again one day.
As for May, not a word outta her so far. She's still keeping her distance from me. I can't find a reason for it either.
Write again later,
To the wind,
So, about May.
She's finally asked me for food.
Well, she's done it before, but just through her dad. Now she's talking directly to me.
Guess she's gotten over her fear of me?
What was she afraid of in the first place?
Anyway, she just talked to her dad for a bit and showed her book after which he said something and apparently that was enough to solve this.
I guess I'll never know the reason.
She still has her guard up, but I guess that's a good thing considering the current predicament of this world.
I imagine this world is total anarchy at this point, though Jake says that he believes that his leader's gotten somewhere with her idea of a city.
Sounds like a born leader, to me at least.
Maybe she'll have answers about what happened.
Can't wait to get there really.
Write again later... I can feel my legs atrophy.
January 7, 2021
To the wind,
About the other guy, the one who's probably in my book, Mini J. He's been really quiet lately. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Still, it's been bugging me so I just wanted to put it out there.
In other news, we now have a gun.
I know, where the hell did I get a gun from in the apocalypse?
Well, there was a pile of clothes that looked like they belonged to a police officer. I saw them while we were taking a small break from the drive. Sorry to the policeman or woman who I got it from but I think that I'll need it more than you.
Sorry again.
Anyway, this time, May actually held a conversation with me.
Man, I forgot how much I missed having a full on conversation. So far, on this trip, it's just been, "morning," or "food please," or "water," or something like that.
Damn, we should be getting there soon right?
- (AN: Another bit from Mini J)
Don't get your hopes up about getting there any time soon. They covered a lot of ground while beefcake over there was looking for his daughter. Might take the entire month to get there.
January 10, 2021
Good to hear from you again Mini J... not that happy to hear what you gotta say though. I mean, would it kill you to be a bit more positive?
On that note, can you even be killed to begin with?
So, we just stopped at a convenience store to restock our supplies. Can't go on a possibly cross country trip on an empty stomach, can we?
We got a couple extra bags to hold more food in too.
Lots of fruits and also some canned food along with a metric ton of water.
I swear, staying in a car for more than 24 at a stretch has really messed with my legs. They feel like jelly and I fell face first after getting out.
I even did those leg exercises I remembered seeing somewhere for long trips.
Anyway, now we're well stocked again, with an improved max capacity and a bit of stretching to keep our muscles from turning to mush.
One more thing. Jake's been agitated about us taking our time. It's like the thing is the sort of thing that's always following you then?
Maybe it's like the thing from the movie "It Follows"?
Like, that was a creature only you can see and follows you non stop with no regard for anything else from what I hear... never watched the movie myself.
But then that raises the question, how would being in a settlement protect from something like that?
Does this leader of his have a way to stop that?
Anyway, another day gone trying to catch up with a group we've never even heard of... hope this guy know where he's go.
Quia nunc vale,
- (AN: And now, a segment from Mini J)
What's up with you and foreign languages?
Can it for a bit, will ya?
I mean, seriously, you don't even know all that much in terms of Latin. This is just one of the few phrases you know along with the little titbits you learned from the time you were interested in palaeontology.
Just say goodbye or something.
January 11, 2021
To the wind,
Alright man, what's up with you? It's my diary, you're just someone inside it.
(AN {As a WWE commentator} : What's this? Could it be? It's MINI J! *Theme music start*...
{He doesn't have a theme though... pick anything. As long as it kinda fits a book... now I try to figure out what I meant by that.}
Anyway, here's Mini J)
I suggest you switch diaries then.
I can't stand another day of this BS.
(AN: Joseph)
Wait... hold on. What are you? How are you doing this? I mean, you're moving ink? Does it have iron filings in it that you can move around with magnetism? And the ink? Where does it come from? It there some in between the pages? Can-
(AN: Mini J)
Stop it. Now.
I just came here to discuss the terms of our cohabitation.
I live *inside* this book. I have no memory of anything before that and it's a pretty recent development too. Just came to when everything went to shit.
Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that you should stop writing shit I don't want to see.
Think of it as painting the wall with your life story.
I don't want to see that. Don't think that anyone does.
Any questions?
(AN: Joseph)
Ok... sure?
How will this be a diary if my life story isn't here?
(AN: Mini J)
Just go light on the details then, give them the summary.
(AN: Joseph)
But this is a summary. I'm leaving out a lot of details.
(AN: Mini J)
Why did I know that you wouldn't just go with it?
Just do as you wish, but if you listen to me, I'll help ya' out if you got any problems. But don't expect any divine intervention. Just a tip or two for a tough situation.
I'll take my leave now then.
(AN: Joseph)
Hey, does that mean you know something about what happened here on the new year?
1 hour of diary staring and no response. Guess he really did call it a day.
I guess I'll follow his example then,
Good night... or is it good morning? Nope, still good night.
January 12, 2021
To the wind,
Well... the car broke down. Yeah, that sucks...
We're stuck to just walking all the way to the place. That or we need to find a new car that we can use.
At the moment, we aren't too far from a city so we won't have the issue for too long. We might find a car there... maybe someone else as well.
For now, we're gonna stay in the car. Tomorrow we get going and explore the place and see what we can find. That and try to find a car that we can use.
I guess I'm gonna call it a day here.