Chapter 2: Goofing off


Me, Jenna, Shayla, and Kennady are in the media room watching The Vampire Diaries. Jaxon, Jake, Elijah, and Rodney are in the game room playing Fortnite. Hayden, Kailer, Xahlia, McKenlee, and Hardin are outside with the adults playing hide and seek.

"Elena and Stefan belong together," Kennady says.

"No, Elena belongs with Damon," I say with Shayla nodding in agreement.

"I still think she belongs with Matt," Jenna says with a shrug.

We just look at her like she has a second head.

"They literally had like no relationship what so ever," Kennady says.

"Doesn't matter," Jenna responds.

We just roll our eyes at her and then hear the guys yelling in the next room.

"Should we go mess with them," Shayla asks with a devilish smirk on her face.

"Definitely," the rest of us respond in unison.

We get up and silently make our way next door. Jenna walks up behind Jaxon, I walk up behind Jake, Shayla walks up behind Rodney, and Kennady walks up behind Elijah. I hold up my fingers and count down from three then we all yell "BOO" and grab their shoulders.

"Fu-," Jaxon starts to say when Jenna smacks him upside the head. Jake literally falls out of his chair while Elijah and Rodney scream like little girls. The girls and I bust out laughing and then run when the guys turn to us with murderous looks.

"Retreat," Jenna yells. We take off toward the backyard but the boys quickly catch up to us.

I squeal like a pig when I feel strong arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"That wasn't very nice, babe," he whispers in my ear, making me shiver.

"Do something about it," I say with a secret smirk on my face, thinking he isn't going to do anything. I am sadly mistaken when he lifts me into the air and carries me to the pool.

"Jake! What are you doing," I yell nervously.

"Don't you dare," I hear Jenna yell.

Next thing I know, I'm submerged underwater and I swim up to the top and glare at the first person I see, who happens to be my twin.

Shayla and Kennedy are cracking up, but stop when Elijah and Rodney pick them up and carry them toward the pool.

"Let me go you turd," Shayla yells at Rodney while Kennady yells, "How are you so strong?! You're only thirteen," at Elijah.

They soon join Jenna and me in our fate.

"That's what happens when you are being very bad girls," Rodney says with a smirk.

"What the hell is going on over here," Edward, Jake and Kennady's dad, says. I notice that everyone has made their way over to see what all the noise is.

"Revenge," Jake says, shrugging his shoulders. I glare at him with a look that could kill.

The girls and I get out of the pool, our clothes weighing us down.

"You guys look like drowned cats," Elijah laughs, pointing at our appearance.

"If y'all don't want to look the same, I suggest you go far away immediately," Jenna says, shivering.

"Don't be like that babe," Jaxon says, walking up to her as if she is a wild animal. She scoffs at him and walks toward the house, the rest of us girls following behind her.

I stop by Jake and mutter, "You're in the doghouse mister," then I keep walking.

We stop at the patio doors to take off our wet clothes so we're not tracking water through the house and hear someone whistle.

The girls and I look at each other and roll our eyes, then we continue into the house with our wet clothes in our arms.



"So we're definitely canceled, right," Jake says.

I nod and say, "Yep."

We go back into the house apprehensively, looking around the corners to make sure the girls aren't lurking.

"What's the deal with you and my sister," I ask Jake as we head to the kitchen to get some drinks.

"What do you mean," he asks nervously. I look at him suspiciously and he begins to fidget.

"I can tell you like her dude," I tell him.

"Yeah, you're always looking at her with longing," Elijah adds, making kissy faces at him.

Jake rolls his eyes and pushes on Elijah's forehead, making him fall over.

"So, what if I do? Would that be a problem," he says defensively.

"I mean it's a little weird, but I guess I don't know how to feel," I tell him honestly.

"If she likes you back then that's y'all's business," Rodney adds in his two sense.

Maybe this is what he's been hiding lately. I can tell something has been up with him lately and I wonder if this is related.

"Is this why you've been acting so sus lately," I ask him, tilting my head in question.

"Kind of," he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Dude, you know you can talk to us," Elijah says.

"You're my best friend dude, you can talk to me about anything," I tell him.

"Thanks, guys, I guess I was just a little nervous about your reactions," he takes a big gulp of his bang and the girls walk in, wearing jackets and shoes.

We give them big grins but they just roll their eyes and head back outside.

"Looks like somebody isn't getting any tonight," Elijah teases.

"Yeah, I think we effed up guys," I say, following after them like lost puppies.

I run up behind Jen and pull her back flush against my chest. I bury my face in her neck and mumble, "Don't be mad at me baby."

"You're an idiot," she says. "We could have gotten hypothermia!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll be your slave for the rest of eternity," I tell her, placing a kiss on her neck.

She turns around in my arms to look up at me and narrows her eyes. "Eternity you say."

I give her a nervous laugh and nod my head. This is going to come back and bite me in the butt.

"Then all is forgiven," she says happily, standing on her tiptoes and kissing me.

When we pull away I scan the backyard in search of everyone else. I notice Jake and Mea huddled together by the bonfire, her head on his shoulder. I guess it wouldn't be too bad if they got together. I'd rather her be with him than some jerk that would just break her heart. At least with him, I know she would be loved and protected.