Seth To Be In The State 1

15. Seth To Be In The State

After the juries decisions, declaring Seth and Time Department as not guilty – Hugging each other for wining the case after a full encapsulations data's gathered. – winning the court they were tinted and not knowing what to do next full exuberance and tears that's tears of joy.

Closing the case and lastly end, the verdicts as the tenets government was charged $250M as it wear sued at,

Time Department gaining millions of dollars after the court case ended. Which was also recorded as financial cold case in every two years a sum of $250M will given to them whether after election been opposition or in power still will pay that money for putting false accusations on Time Department.

Seth struts to home with joy a notification alert pop up..


<+1 notification>>

< 1+ message>> Alerted << received successfully without any day past.

Receiving the message alert and re collating

Message Alert: Hi Seth Parker signal be tunneled whirlwind trip to magical world without any paradoxes in your time portal.

As a complete mission locomotive.

Giving blue ticks on the mobile message app received.


Seth just in received the message, around the room, packed for the trip without tracking the message details.

Not alerting Time Department about his new trip.

The next morning his mobile phone buzzed aggressively on his nightstand, and he look to see it's was almost twelve. His alarm was gone off for one hour. He bolted upright from his bed, clutching his chest yawning. He scrambled out of bed and dashed to his closet to throw something on... Not knowing someone was spying him inside the mirror.

When taking a bath. He storms to the airport there he met female check-in standing in front of printed copies wrapped in the main surfaces. Rifling through a papers after a while she found

"Hello dear - hello she replied

"What can I offer you to?" She asked

"Hmm... I need to go to USA for my tour."

"How long will you spend sir?!"

"I guess I will be spending 72days that's 1,728 hours." speaking through his throat in a mimic of high postion in rank. He fucked off to the airplane which was written on 'Airline United'

Inside was strange faces gazing at Seth the time he entered and sat for seat № 46 in vault 3. The plane flied above the skyscrapers.

For been two hours in the air Seth went for a urine in the bathroom through peeling quietly staring in the mirror.

The wind whip across his face as the airplane was switched in airplane mode on his mobile phone to avoid all calls and ads.

Some distance between him and the mirror after peeling off and turned trying to hook off from_ turns fast looking through the mirror a shadow casted behind him.

"Who are you?" Asking but nobody answered

Sudden the light in the room flickered, each time it flickered off the same shadow casted, seeing him through the mirror but when turned back nothing was there, and when turned forward always find the human form shadow casted at his backside. It catches his attention out of the corner of his eyes.... A glint was still in the mirror. He raised his hands to his face, but the reflection doesn't move, Seth freeze for further experienced.

The mirror itself looked a little odd.... Almost shimmery tremulous. – moving his hands to touched the mirror the palm started to sink into the glass, then his forearm before he knew it... Rushing in water yank Seth thrusted forward, forcing him, squeezing his eyes shut against the current!


Just as he felt his lungs starting to strain, splash came from his left! A pair of arms wrapped around his middle and pulled him to the water surface.

In front of him were a picturesque collection building of cozy looking with steepled roofs, a manicured lawn, and an ostentatious statue out front. But before he gawk, the carved marble figure keeps moving around, and overhead, the skies white not in a blur background, angels flying around on a variety of object including an ottoman, a feathers looping, and an ornamental rug!

He heard a footsteps approaching and a bass tremble, a longest man in overall white gown with no diffuse color and a yellow genie hair looking like wig in his hair a giant with many feet, taller than village buildings left with an inch to be with the castle.

??? "Welcomed" in view of Seth

Seth amazed to his spontaneous speech, in the front view Seth height to him was an ant in human view.

Before Seth could expresses his thoughts with him he holds his head upside to look at his face before he could respond.

"Who are you?" Said asked with his lips curled into a sneer as he asked. The voice gave one withering look, before he turns and stalked and say "follow"

Seth stoods holding his waist pushed left side watching the voice moving away. Then he lingered after him. He followed him to realm there, a man in humans figure with his back turn facing Seth and the voice. Timed when they reach their destination.

"Gradually you are emphasize to be here" the man spoke to Seth.

"Who are you? and where am I?" Said Seth. Tighten his lip on one side

The man turned to answer Seth questions as he turned and say "In Heaven!"

It was Dr Stephen..... "Stephen; I'm glad to meet you sir" with overjoyed and passion to meet his master.

"By the way, why am here Dr Stephen?"

"I mean you would ask, but.. you are here to complete the time god state" said Dr Stephen to Seth.

Seth was really soaked for falling into the water. So Dr Stephen paused his dialogues to warm & cool Seth.

"the spells to dry" Seth whole body he smiled at Seth warmly and offered his hand. Seth shook it, his fingers trembled with shock and the water cooled on his skin.

Seth was wet so Dr Stephen walked closely to him and does this quickly he felt a change in the air around him as he brought his clasped fists up to his mouth and blew through them


After the spells "Seth there is no time I handle you to the angel to send you to the one who can help you reached the level of god to be able to defeat Darkstorm the living planet" Said to Seth by Dr Stephen-with his arms folded to each other.

"C'mon there's no time follow me" the angel uttered to Seth "so you are an angel" the angel seems to replied Seth and say "No time for any questions let keep moving." He walked with the angel until there reach ostentatious statue he tried to pass it in the center of Heaven, it swivels, it look on Seth!

"What's this?" Seth asked

"Oh, that's the security system, which vaporize any attackers intruders. But not yet any intruders until war broke in heaven many years ago" the angel replied.

"Don't dragged me into the archaic the old war let's keep going"

He walked with the angel until they reached the massive double doors at the front of heaven. Inside of it, the angel starts towards the staircase but the loud chiming of a bell stop him. Seth followed him upstairs which lead into an adjoining hallway.