Time under attacked

When Seth left Time Department behind the eight-ball. They suffered the brats of the paradoxes by been into khartoum presences, after the tenets was begunk by the same paradoxes. High atrocities occurred and including all affluents in khartoum, their invasion on khartoum was industrialization.

Darkstorm was suggesting the death of Seth but he was not around that time he was busy in heaven completing his time god tutorials.

The evil tenets was suppressed and many of them was captured to back in times where Darkstorm invasion, but as for Time Department they stood high on their feet readying for whatever and hardly fought with the creepy paradoxes until their last breath..

The population census for khartoum decreases to low and low financial problems.

Besides, Mrs Bouse and her children was freed due to their staying point...

Time Department rejoiced when won over the tenets government in the court with their encapsulations data's gathered to faced the tenets government.. the following day they searched for everywhere for Seth until they found his mobile phone on his bathroom and a message they couldn't understand where he was the message said magical world it was really abysmal and absurd to them they were disappointed thus making them low in watching the department in a sleazy way.

They gathered men for special operations looking for Seth they went back in times, the majority of them engaged themselves in leaving to the past, the few ones at khartoum presences sat in the vaults on the computer for information. The majority went to 1930s looking him whether he could be there by using the time machines, after a couple of days nothing came but only false notifications.

For the majority ones to returned back in Khartoum using the portals mistake broke in the vaults failing for the majority stuck in the attacked of the paradoxes. The fewer ones was powerless to fought with the paradoxes, but indeed they tried their best but they couldn't reached to the grand finale.

They fewer ones that retreated found a hidden spot to hide from the paradoxes... conquering Time Department the paradoxes haunted the people of khartoum, the evil government officials was overheated into death by the paradoxes.

Over looking a smoldering battlefield Khartoum and the paradoxes fought very severely tight guns, swords, axe's, and all kinds.

Footsteps approaching old tavern in the woods for a while then when the footsteps reaches out of over rushing crushed with a man hardly collapsing down. Later on, the person eyelids flutter open widely seeing a strange new man stand in his view.

"Who are you?" The man standing talked to the one lying on the ground.

"Coughing I am Time Department worker"

"Alright hold my hands for my help."

The time Department workers gave his hands to the man for assistance, the man pulled him up to stand on his feet and he clutched on some chair, his body scratches from thorns and the head was bent upside down.

"What's your name?" The Man asked

"I... Before he could finished the sentence, someone bumped the tavern main door hardly with a roaring sounds followed.

The Time Department worker got a clue the outside door was two roaring sounds causing commotions among themselves.

The man make an attempt to open the door but the Time Department worker stopped him from open the doorknob.

"It's the creatures!"

The man shook and opened the mouth widely trying to scream, the Time Department worker covered his mouth with his palms. He stepped into the windows and found the paradoxes he walked back slowly to the man.

"What should we do?" The man asked again, and lowered his voice.

"Is there any exiting door? We must used it if not let's found a way to."

"Yeah we should escaped from the back exiting door to the rallies in the desert before they storms us down."

"Okay we gotta move, we gotta move." Panting on the shoulder twice facing the south part. The man followed him to the back door then existed through the back gate into the quaint town out from the little tavern. The commotions paradoxes spotted on them they looted after them they sprint through the woods and the paradoxes after them, their heart was racing as a cut of shrieks In the night! The paradoxes looted at them they reached a high cliff the Time Department worker staggered on top of the cliff, waiting for the man, he extended his hand down and help the man climbed up... The paradoxes arrived beneath the cliff, they jumped hovering in the air afloat to land on the cliff, both the paradoxes and the human stuck.

The paradoxes kept moving towards the humans the Time Department worker stood front and the man tarry back...

Top the hill, a vicious paradoxes circled the humans trapped behind a boulder,

"I will go first." The old man pursued forward against one paradoxes and brawled the creature on the face twice, the creature stroked from the hill to the down without returning back again..

Left with one creature, "Grawk!!" Crying like an massive owl bear.

The creature goes straight on the Time Department worker, the worker evaded his first punches "c'mon!" Raging the creature, he exchanged punches with the creature until he punched the creature abdomen "Oof!" The creature winced and staggered back sizing the pain off. He advanced by running to the creature and darted the creature from the hill to the down.

The man ran off to him at the down hill for conclusion. The time Department worker woke up to the feet, nothing was on his dody, he was free from any injuries the man hugged him and squeeze the ass and said this "you, destroyed this creature hands down." He continued to squeeze the ass tight, the time Department worker body was pinched... He proceed to squeeze the man ass for their victory. Until they separated they swung their arms around each other neck and started to walked off together they thought to only defeat two creatures they are Superior. While walking off the leaves to the woods trembled, the woods squawked and reinforcement of the creatures come off, the two of them quickly ran off and they charged at them!