Chapter 5

As the agent walked out of the church's building, all the citizens within the city were speechless. Here they thought that their city would be reborn into something large and mighty, but this man in front of them prevented it.

The only question on their minds, as if this man would stay and help them, or if he would simply leave now that his assignment seemed to be ending. Awaiting his words, not a single citizen moved, except a small boy no older than six years old.

This child seemed to have a graceful appearance, even though he was covered in rags and his short blonde hair was uncombed. With peaceful and carefree eyes, this child slowly made his way in front of the rest of the citizens who stood closest to the building's entrance.

"You should all know by now that agents such as myself for my church are tasked to bring down our enemies who try to build their followings in cities such as this one. However, do not worry about yourselves because we actually allied ourselves with a new organization whose sole purpose is to help reconstruct cities such as this one."

"By sharing some extra resources, we have as a church and the manpower of our new ally, our church will be reconstructing many cities around the world such as yours to build each and every city into self-sustaining and prosperous entities under our banner."

"It will be publicized soon, but our enemies of the dark church have recently been crumbling many of their weaker cities and draining soul energy from its citizens to increase their stronger member's strength. You may not thank me now, but down the road, you will pray and thank my church for its kindness by saving you all today."

With a deep and dignified voice, the man explained the situation around the world to the citizens of this city. Due to the city being so poor and lacking any manpower, the news of what goes on around the rest of the world, would hardly ever reach them except for years later.

"Once I return to my headquarters, I will request that a large squad is sent here from our recruits and that organization. This city may be very remote when comparing it to the rest of the world, but it will be treated as the main base for our growth within this region.

After he finished explaining what would be happening very soon, the agent started to make his way into the crowd to start his journey back to his headquarters that was closest to this region. However, he quickly paused his movements when he felt something strange.

"Pureness, since when can a city bring up a child that is drenched in light and purity especially when a dark church ruled over it for so many years?" this man thought as he turned towards the small child. A quick thought flashed through his mind before he made his way in front of the child.

"Who is the mayor of this city?" the field agent asked once he was standing beside the child with a satisfied grin on his face. It was obvious that the citizens around him were confused and were unsure what his intentions were towards a random child.

"I am the one in charge of this city now that the dark church is no more." An old man nearby made his way over to the agent and child's location from the crowd. This man had on a wrinkled and worn out suit with a top hat that's colour was almost completely faded away.

"Who is this child's parents?" the agent asked the mayor as the rest of the citizens started to disperse back to their resident.

"His parents?" the mayor asked still rather confused concerning this man's intentions before he started to ponder over the question. "I know many of the families who live in this city, but I do not recognize this child. Since he is out here all alone, I must assume that he belongs to no one. I must warn you though, a child of this city, will not be taken so simply if that is your intention."

"Do not worry mayor, I will be taking this child with me because the purity he is radiating out of his body confirms that he will grow to be a great figure within our church one day. Before I leave your home, I will give you many weapons which I could tell you lack. This way you can protect your city and this child will no longer be a thought in your mind." The agent said as he picked up the child.

"Purity is a hard attribute to find nowadays even within the top ranks of our church. However, having such purity at a young age confirms that this child's potential is limitless. I will make sure to serve him as he continues to grow, and I can promise you that no one will lay a hand on him within our church."

Like this, the agent left the city during the night and left the mayor with over one hundred different basic weapons that he could distribute among a small militia he could control. "You may be the chosen one that will be the one who will eventually slay their god. I hope you are ready for the road ahead of you."