I will show them(1)

[half an hour later]

[In a hotel room in the babylonia town]

In here we can see

a boy with brown hair and purple eyes wearing a black kimono and a white haori over it, currently standing before a bed, he is staring at an uncouncious girl left laying there , the girl has dark green hair, a slim body, good proportions ratio and she seems to be wearing a short version of a kunoichi clothing making her seem like she is cosplaying.

[Akuto pov]

I was close to killing her without knowing, if I was a bit more cautious I would've been able to evade making such a lousy mistake,

As I thought she looks exactly the same as Eiko Teruya, I guess that's what it meant when I wrote a "fated meeting" when I made this change in that wishing site, hmm now how should I proceed....

I guess I will first take that gigai, that I didn't use till now since I have [Soul manipulation], with it I've been able to make people think that there is someone staying in this room,

Guess there is no time like the present.


After saying this I raise my hand forward and wait for a body looking exactly like me to appear , after which I just enter it with no hesitation, a few second later I am now in the body that I summoned, after while I was able to move this body like an extention of my soul body

After getting used to it I start thinking about a few plans that I have, for starters i have made preparations to deal with the one known as Eiko, even though she is not the real Eiko from that anime world she will most likely be extremely devoted to me and an amazing addition to my forces, after all I made it so she will be talented as a human so she will rank up rather fast.

I guess I need to go to Tokyo the capital of Japan to take over the government with my [soul manipulation] , this is necessary for the future and it will prove to be helpful to humans, after all I will not be able to manipulate every human there is...

After Being lost in thoughts for a few long minutes the girl named Eiko seems to start Waking up..... I guess it time to role play after all. I am the reincarnation of the soul king I can't let down this title if I don't act even a little bit kingly


[Soul manipulation] - allows the user to "delete", "create", "change" the memory of your chosen target .

Requirements for use:the user needs to touch the target of this ability at least once.

Raiting:[God King Rank]