[Bad Ending] [+18] Fertility Dance

The ransom never arrived, Frea kept abusing me and her elf slave every day. The floggings, spankings and verbal abuse only got worse.

After a few months, my mind just broke. I was nothing but a puppet for Frea to physically and sexually abuse. Once my mind broke, I stopped being self aware. One day I just woke up and Frea was gone. After a few days free of abuse, my mind returned, and I was told by the elf, Roxane, that another Germanic tribe had attacked and taken us prisoner. We never heard from Frea again. Nor from Rome.

Roxane explained that the barbarians placed us in a tent instead of a cell, because of our aristocratic birth. It was a modest tent; it had rugs and bedsheets that passed as a bed, a wooden indoor bath and a bucket to use as toilet. After a few days I learned that every morning, a young boy would come with breakfast and a clean bucket. He would then fill the bath, provide us with clean sheets, clean towels, clean clothes, etc. Then later on the day he would bring a snack and dinner. Roxane and I eventually nicknamed the boy 'Bucky'. His treatment was not something of which we could complain.

The only issue with this daily routine is that they never allowed us to leave the tent and there was nothing to do. Naturally, Roxane and I became well acquainted with each other and spent the entire day indulging in pleasures of the flesh. But eventually this got boring, and I had her teach me how to curse like a high-class elf. In turn she learned the way of aristocratic Roman women, a fancy term for educated prostitutes.


"Bucky is never late," I told Roxanne. Her bright purple eyes gave me sinister looks whenever she was hungry. Sometimes I wonder if she could eat me.

"Well Tiberius, It's been hour, if he isn't late, then where is he?" She said. But her question was answered when three brunettes entered the tent.

The three young women were barefoot and wore a matching white dress. Did they just woke up? No, their dresses were too elaborate to be nightgowns, and Bucky always appeared well dressed despite showing up earlier than them.

The women only came with buckets of water; they seemed more interested in refilling our bath. It took a few minutes of entering and leaving the tent for them to finish their task.

"Will breakfast be late today?" Roxane asked. But the girls did not respond. They instead smiled and with tickles and light pushes they undressed us and made us dip into the clean water of the bath. The water was warm, it had been heated. This was something that Bucky never had done. While I was lost in thought, one girl rubbed my back and torso with a soft and wet sponge, another mingled her fingers back and forth across my wet hair, rinsing my hair with oil. It had been a while since I enjoyed such a thorough massage. Once they were done, I could smell the strawberry fragrance of which the oil was made. Instead of breakfast they gave us wine, even the taste was fancy.

The girls gave this same treatment to Roxane. My smirk intensified as I watched them rub Roxane's small breasts. She tried to hide her blush, but her pointy Elven ears betrayed her, her ears turned red. My smile just grew bigger and so did my dick. She knew. That evil woman knew.

She splashed some water at my face, and I flinched. I didn't see when she moved her right leg, but I felt when she rubbed my dick with her toes. The poor girls who were attending us kept doing their job, unaware of Roxane's evil.

"Woah," I said. "Why did you stop?"

She giggled. "You don't need me." She asked. "Aren't all these girls, you type?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked. My cheeks and ears were on fire. She didn't finish the job. "What a tease" I thought.

Once we were clean, the girls rubbed us with clean and soft towels. I reached for my tunic, but someone grabbed my arm. One girl said something in german.

Roxanne translated the german on my behalf. "She said your tunic won't be necessary."

I didn't understand, but after such gleeful massages I was in a good mood. The girls led us outside of the tent. It had been a while since I had stepped outside. The feel of short grass and soil fiddling underneath my toes felt strange.

Hundreds of barbarians were crowded outside, men wore white tunics, while the women wore white dressed just like the girls that were attending us. An old man approached us, a druid of sorts. He placed a small diadem on me and Roxanne, because of our aristocratic roots.

We then walked towards an effigy of hay that the barbarians had built. Before we got close, I was drowsy and my vision blurred. When I stopped for a second, one girl held my hand and pulled me through the crowd that had built around us. I too held Roxane and at no point did I let Roxanne's hand go. Their smiles and friendly gestures were hard to distrust. They showered us with flowers as we made our way to an effigy. But holding onto Roxanne made me feel more secure.

Before we made it into the effigy, I couldn't feel my hands or the floor anymore. I looked down at my feet and fell over. When I opened my eyes, I was up on a wooden platform of sorts, on the back of the effigy. There was a hole in its back, an entrance. Whoever was dragging me, pushed me and I fell into the effigy.

I fell into a pile of naked flesh. Hundreds of naked men and woman piled on top of each other. The flesh of the woman beneath me softened my fall. She was still breathing.

Then Roxanne joined us, her breasts pressed against my back. The weight gradually increased as they kept throwing people on top of us. It was hard to breathe.

The cheer amount of bodies stacked over one another in an enclosed space made the heat unbearable. I soaked in sweat. We all did. The room reeked like bitter strawberry.

I tried to move my numb body, but neither my toes nor fingers budged. As horror creeped through my body, Roxanne's heart started pounding against my skin. My breathing became hard and erratic. The person below me too was in a panic.

I peeked through the small gap in the hay. The Barbarians danced and circled around the effigy. Then they halted. My eye fixated on a young and blonde girl. In her hands, a torch. She raised it with both of her hands and marched towards us.

When she disappeared out of sight. I spoke, but only a unintelligible slur came out.

My screams sounded like moans. The wine that we drank had some exotic poison.

Grunts and moans echoed across the human pile, like a chorus of pain, the fired spread. Everyone tried to desperately move. It was useless. They only trembled. Roxanne's vaginal juices started dripping on my skin. She was not alone. The sudden discharge of violent vibrations coming from me, paired with the ones above and beneath me, caused my shaft to rub against flesh. I had no control of my body fluids. I cummed then pissed myself, Roxanne did too, everyone did. Sweat, piss and cum started flowing downwards. The grunts and moans spread upwards.

But that did not stop the fire. When Roxanne and I caught fire, it took us three minutes to die. The poison did nothing to stop the pain.

The wicked pagans kept dancing, drinking, cheering and laughing. When the fire ended, they had a big banquet and druids promptly married all the young men and woman who had just came out of puberty. As per costume, that night, young couples collected the ashes and smeared them on the marital bed, before consummating the marriage. This increases both fertility and vitality, or so they say.