Chapter eight

Then the sky appeared in the middle of the room, the bluest, Adrian has ever seen it, with several unicorns appearing in their majestic glory looking so beautiful and white, he thought in admiration staring up at them with a dope smile, his grey eyes hazy.

Then he imagined himself riding one of the unicorns, as they soared high through the sky, his smile growing wider and crazy looking. He was so into the ride that he didn't see the roadblock in the sky till the unicorn crashed into it sending him flying off its back and spiraling down towards earth at an alarming speed.

With him losing grip with his fantasy, reality started penetrating his imaginary world, the loud music heating up the room he was in reached his ear helping him crash out of his fantasy world that the white substance he inhaled a few minutes ago had sent him into.

The loss of his imaginary world destabilized Adrian for a minute as he found himself disoriented a bit, the room spinning on its axis. When he was able to get his brain to stop playing tricks on him he became aware of the several human beings filling up the room making it crowded and rowdy.

He was currently at one of his schoolmate party, and the drinks and drugs were flowing high and he had decided to indulge like he always does to forget all his troubles because whenever he is high he forgets the pain, the pain of loss, the shame of who he is.

His dazed eyes tracked the different bodies moving all around him till it met one that shook his body with pain. Despite how long it has been, the sight of Adrian's best friend Cole always causes his heart to clench in pain. He had been in love with his best friend since they were fifteen years old.

he had been confused about all the feelings his best friend aroused in him and as much as he tried to contain it or deny it, it was not going away, so he opened up to his best friend and his reaction scarred Adrian and sent him spiraling down the rabbit hole trying to escape the humiliation and betrayal.

Cole had not felt the same way, but he wasn't satisfied with just telling Adrian that his feelings were not returned, he went about it in the most callous way possible.

Humiliating him in front of the whole school, calling him derogatory names and got the whole school looking at him like he was a freak, and to avoid being labeled as a freak Adrian had tried to conform.

He denied who he is, trying to get himself to feel something for the girls in his school, and when he couldn't he had turned to drugs to help him cope and he was able to sleep with his first girl under its influence and since then has not been able to stop. He kept using drugs and sex to bury deep who he is.

Watching his best friend started in him the flames that Adrian has been trying for the past two years to put out. He knew he needed another escape so he bent towards his new best friend at the moment currently occupying the table in front of him and snotted the white substance through his left nose while squeezing the right one close.

Allowing the substance free ride through his system, Adrian threw his head back to the couch to enjoy the awesome ride. Getting tired of being by his lonesome self he stood up to join the dancing bodies on the dance floor.

The whole place was lit with party music, the bodies on the dance floor gyrating to the music. Being a great dancer himself, Adrian allowed the music to flow through him, eyes closed he allowed it to direct his movement. His body movement was slow before picking up to match the rhythm of the upbeat music filling up the room.

He allowed himself to get lost in the music and the drugs following through his system, dancing like he had no care in the world.

Midway into his dancing, Adrian felt the pinprick of someone watching him, he opened his eyes to search for the source and his eyes met those of the dark brown eyes of a blonde standing at a corner.

Her eyes were not hiding her interest at all, and if Adrian was a normal person he will be smiling coyly in her direction, responding to the glint of interest shining in those eyes, but like all the females who have shown interest in him, Adrian couldn't mutter an atom of feeling for her. But tonight Adrian was trying to feel normal so he smiled at the girl and tried to portray some kind of interest as the girl started moving in his direction.

"You dance beautifully well, " she commented when she was close enough, touching my arm, and smiling coyly at me. The tale signs of a girl interested in you, not just in you but in taking you to her bed. Adrian decided to play along.

They danced for a while before the girl was taking his hand and moving towards the stairs. Despite how much his mind screamed at him not to do it he found himself climbing the stairs with the girl leading, his senses still clouded by the amount of drugs flowing through him.

On their way towards one of the rooms upstairs they encountered Cole as he exited the room with a sex satisfied grin on his face, and the female behind him with the same satisfied grin as she tried to adjust her dress.

When his eyes met those of his ex-best friend, he looked at him before his eyes went to his hand being held by the female walking in front of him, Adrian felt the urge to remove his hand from that of the female clutching it but he fought it. Cole gave a smug smirk before throwing a wink at him then continued his way downstairs.

Adrian watched him go with a painful longing looks, he missed his best friend and no matter how much he tells himself that Cole is not worth having his heart, the feelings won't go away and the sight of the gorgeous boy always brings them flooding back through his system.

The sound of the door banging close behind him brought Adrian back to reality as his arms were filled with the body of the girl he just walked into the room with as she started kissing him.

"I have been meaning to do that since I saw you enter the party."

Adrian felt like scratching the back of his head at the weird feeling that the girl has been watching him for that long, but he wasn't given time to contemplate about it as the girl was back to kissing him.

Adrian responded to her kisses as best as he could trying to feel something from kissing the soft lips, but nada. Adrian felt his hand being taken by the girl as she moved it over her body trying to get Adrian to touch her which he obliged causing the girl to moan out in pleasure and the next thing he knew the girl was tearing his clothes off him and dragging him to bed.

"Who is Cole?" the girl lying half-naked beside him questioned in a soft and curious tone.

The sound of Cole's name caused his heart to skip a beat.

"Who? " he replied pretending ignorance.

"You moaned out his name while we were having sex, "the girl commented with no feeling of hurt in her voice.

Adrian's heart started beating hard. "I don't know what you are talking about, " he denied hotly in a trembling voice as he sat upon the bed putting on his clothes in a hurried manner. He needed to get out of here asap, his mind screamed at him as his insides squeezed in fear and anxiety. Not looking in the girl's direction Adrian hightailed it out of the room like the hounds of hell were after him.

When he got downstairs he went straight to the drink cooler and took a cold beer which he drowned at a go.

"You must have had a lot of fun my friend if you are this tasty," a familiar voice teased him. A voice he didn't need to hear at this moment. He turned to face his best friend seeing the twinkle in his Amber gaze he felt his heart react to his presence as his gaze trailed over the sculpted chest and ridged abdomen, revealed by his unbuttoned shirt.

He swallowed another drink as his body reacted to the sight and he quickly looked away before the other guy notices him ogling him. Not really in the mood to be chatty with his ex-best friend, Adrian left him in the kitchen without a word.

Outside with the crowd, Adrian decided to drink himself to a stupor.

The next time Adrian became aware of his reality his head felt like it was being banged with a hammer, he tried opening his eyes but the pain was so blinding that he closed them again, and when he managed to open them again and saw the sun streaming through the window, his eyes grew wide in fear as he exclaimed "shit," falling off the couch that he must have passed out on last night.

"Shit! shit! " he chatted, his parents were going to kill him, he thought gathering his things and running out of the room.

Adrian arrived at his house to be received by the butler, he was about to sneak off to his room when the sound of the butler's voice stopped him on the stairs.

"Your parents want to see you, master Adrian," the older African American man who has been with his family for the seventeen years of Adrian's life said softly to him.

Adrian groaned at the thought of what was coming.

"Where are they?" he asked the butler.

"In the study."

Adrian turned back on his heel towards the study to face the music. While he transversed through the house he couldn't help being sad at the lack of Christmas decorations in the house.

His father never believes in the celebration of anything deeming it as a waste of time, and being the man who thinks that all his time should be spent profitably, and that time is money birthday celebrations were also counted as part of the waste of time and loss of money.

Adrian winced at the thought of his severe, intimidating over serious workaholic of a father. His surprise to even have him home, usually by this time he will at one business trip or the other.

"Where the hell have you been?" his father bellowed in rage as soon as Adrian twisted the door handle to let himself into the study. His face red from his restrained rage before he started screaming at Adrian not giving him a chance to answer.

Adrian sat down in the chair beside him and with an unconcerned look let his father rant.

He looked towards his mum to see her crying softly and rolled his eyes. To see the bitch shedding tears as she cares pisses Adrian off when he knows that the only thing she cares about was the family's reputation.

What will our friends think when they find out our son is a C- student, what will they think if they think you are gay, what will they think if they find out that you are dabbling in drugs, please Adrian stop bringing shame to our family, Adrian mimics his mother's words to him bitterly in his mind.

His parents had not cared for what he was passing through and still do not care, all they cared about is appearing perfect to their stuck up rich friends.

Adrian decided to tune his father out and lose himself in his mind even though that is not a happy place either but is better than being present for this shit in this room.

When everywhere grew quiet Adrian joined them back in the room to see his father frowning at him.

"Did you hear a word that I just said?"

"Not at all, "Adrian answered with a lack of concern and a smirk in his father's direction. Adrian watched with a cheeky smile as his father face squeezed into a murderous rage before he bellowed at him

"Get out of my sight now, " he yelled with his fist clenched and his face flushed red with rage.

"Gladly," Adrian said with an attitude before he got to his feet and walked out of the room.

Going back towards his room he heard the sound of music playing that brought a smile to his face. He followed the direction to see his eight-year-old younger brother practicing at his piano.

Calvin was the perfect son their parents could ever ask for, acing everything he puts his mind on. Seeing all the love his parents showers on his younger brother has never made Adrian jealous and he loves his brother so much seeing he was the only light teetering him to this world.

"Hello chap, " Adrian said getting the attention of his younger brother while ruffling his hair.

Calvin looked up at his brother with a huge smile that deemed when he remembered the raised voices he heard coming from their father's study.

"Papa is mad at you again, " he whispered with a frown disliking when his parents shout at his older brother because he sees how sad that makes him.

"Papa is always mad, one day he is going to wake up one day to see his face squeezed like this, "Adrian demonstrated squeezing his face into a comic frown weird expression causing his little brother to laugh out loud.

"Why don't you continue your practice, while I go take a bath I think I stink," Adrian said with a sniff to his armpit making his brother squeeze his face like he smelt something bad before it relaxed into a smile, and then Adrian walked out with his brothers smile in his mind helping him calm down.

For the past twenty-four hours, Adrian has been on house arrest his parents denying him permission to go outside and by the time the second day came, Adrian was going out of his mind. He couldn't take it anymore so that night he sneaked out of his parent's house and went to a party being thrown by another of his schoolmate where he planned to let loose like he always does.

But this night things went to shit as Adrian found himself foaming in the mouth lying on the floor with people screaming around him and no one calling for help. Realizing that he was going to die hear regret filled him when the face of his younger brother filled his mind. He felt ashamed at the thought that when he dies and his brother learns of the reason that he is going to hate him. With that ugly thought in mind, he succumbed to darkness.

When next Adrian came he was lying in the hospital alone and when he enquired from the nurse on duty what day it was he was told it was new year eve, so lying there broken alone and filled with regret, Adrian promised himself to allow his father get him help and to stop the drugs.