Chapter Sixteen

Jugdiel sat beside the demon in the airplane while the question of if he has lost his mind kept ringing inside of him. Probably he thought holding onto the seat tight as the plane began to ascend. He never would have thought he will be scared of something created by the humans, but being inside this thing while it rose to the sky was causing weird feelings in his stomach and a sensation he has never experienced before was making him feel like the content of his stomach was to come through his mouth.

"Are you alright? " the demon beside him asked.

Jugdiel just nodded his head scared of opening his mouth as he wasn't sure what will come flying out.

Beelzebub just smiled at the obvious discomfort on the angel's face which he was being too proud to admit. Deciding to leave the angel to his misery he looked around for something to amuse himself with.

Searching through the different minds on board the plane, he encountered a thought that brought a sick smile to his face.