Chapter Twenty

Adrian could hear the loud music filtering out the house as he approached the director's house. He drew closer to the door and knocked, his knock a bit hesitant.

Adrian was happy that he was invited to this party, but he has been to his share of parties and knows what goes on in there maybe this one will be different and he wouldn't have to deal with Brian douche friends, hopefully, he added in his mind as the door opened slightly and a head peeped out.

Adrian frowned deeply when he recognized the face peeping out.

It was Dylan, one of Brian's friends and the douchest of the flock.

"What are you doing here?" the blonde hair lanky boy asked, giving Adrian the who the fuck invited you to look.

Adrian released a weary sigh while rolling his eyes behind his eyeballs.

He didn't bother saying anything to the other guy, he just fetched his invitation from his black pocket and flashed it to his face, smirking inside when he saw a dark frown cloud the other boy's face.