Chapter forty four

They were going at a neck-breaking speed, the boy beside him was driving as if in a car chase.

Adrian held on to his seat belt with his eyes tightly close as he prayed in his mind like he never prayed before.

He was begging to reach where they were going in one piece and that the cops do not catch them driving at such a high speed.

" Woohooo is it this fun?" the green eye boy screamed in excitement glancing to his side to see his passenger green and about to pass out.

" No is not fun, " Adrian wheeze he was doing all he can noo let the content of his stomach through his mouth as the organ was churning like a rumbling volcano threatening to erupt.

" Common babe, don't be a chicken, open your eyes, " Brian cajoled the boy beside him before he pressed a button in his car that let the up cover slide down exposing them to open space and the breeze.