Chapter forty-seven

A red glowing eyes spied the young teen spying on his friends with his heart filled with dark emotions, and a nasty smirk appeared on the demon's lips.

Asmodeus was getting tired of waiting for the chosen to mistep on their own so he is going to give them a little nudge in the right direction or the wrong direction depending on who you ask, and he is going to start with the little gay dude.

The perfect vessel he thought approaching the teen. In a puff, he appeared as a dark smoke whispering into his ears like a buzzing sound, fueling his jealousy and rage.

Getting his emotions as black as a coal he watched as the smoke he blew turned into a raging fire.

He laughed when the chosen ran out with tears streaming down his cheeks, perfect things were going his way he thought in his evil mind, with him vulnerable he could be swayed into betraying his vow granting him another victory. Yep he was brilliant he thought arrogantly patting himself on the back.