Chapter fifty five

It has been few weeks, and a damn new whole month since Brian spoke to him. After he caught Adrian kissing his roommate he had been avoiding the boy like a plague.

Adrian had tried his best to make things right, to explain what he saw but the boy was not interested in hearing him out.

Adrian stopped trying after the last time he tried convincing the boy to listen in front of the classroom and the boy blatantly ignored him to make out with some skank. Yes, Brian has gotten a new paramour. It didn't take him time, Adrian thought bitterly as he walked down the hallway. 

" Are you okay? " Lee asked seeing the frown that marred the boy's features.

Adrian's face brightened immediately as he turned to look at his roommate. " Yeah, I am good. Why? "

" Just saw a dark look across your face, wondered what was troubling you, that is all, " Lee responded lightly even though he suspected where the boy's thought had gone.