Moment of Truth: Dangerous Creature

Something was wrong with Stellar. Her heart angrily pounded in her chest and she felt as though she was having a heart attack. And every time she got a whiff of Holden's cologne, goosebumps would dot her skin.

She felt hot and bothered the entire ride, and felt the need for another cold shower.

That was the least of concerns though because after what happened in the bathroom earlier, Holden was back to his usual calm and approachable self as if nothing happened.

Occasionally, when their gazes met, the corners of his eyes would crinkle as he rewarded her with an understanding smile.

Somehow, Stellar felt as if she was just hallucinating things, and whatever she thought transpired in the four corners of the ensuite was a fruit of her wild imagination.

Letting go of her frustration, she sipped water from her tall tumbler and swore on her forefather's grave that she would never drink a drop of alcohol again.