Ordinary Day

The pitter-patter of hurried steps echoed in the lobby as Stellar scurried inside Kosmos's building towards the elevators. She left a trail of dust and smoke as she ran for her life after kissing Holden.

Waiting by the elevators, she had a hard time keeping herself upright when her knees wouldn't stop shaking from horror.

Why did she have to kiss him?

Couldn't she just answer his question with a yes or something?

Why, Stellar? Whyyy?

The ding of the digital board snapped Stellar from her inner turmoil. The door split apart, and employees parted for her like the Red Sea so she could stand by her spot in the corner by the buttons as usual.

Reaching her office, she did a quick touch up of her make-up with just light powder, and a lip tint to add some color to her face.

Her mother would surely notice something was up just by looking at Stellar's flushed face, and that's the last thing Stellar wanted to happen.