Perfect Synchrony 3

The sun got swallowed down the horizon, and slowly, the moon glowed in the nighttime sky. Stellar was engrossed in dragging the files in her computer, arranging them alphabetically and sorting them in folders, that she didn't notice she was the last person in the office.

She need not arrange the files though, but she had to kill time until seven in the evening, plus, she wanted to silence her mom's voice in her head as she delivered that horrible news earlier. 

Her thoughts drifted back to that moment, when Aster's voice rang in the room, it sent a heavy blow that pushed Stellar a step back in her spot. Her mom's voice until now rang in her head like a broken record.

~You'll be working under Beau for a month for your training.~

~You'll be working under Beau for a month for your training.~

~You'll be working under Beau for a month for your training.~

Stellar's head spun around and around in an endless kaleidoscopic loop.