Which One Is The Real You?

Noah watched from behind the dumpster. Although he was far and the two people were merely two small figures in the distance, he could roughly see what they were doing and he was beginning to panic. If anything was to happen now, he was too far away to help, but there was no way for him to get close enough to do anything without being discovered.

What was he to do?

Then...a thought suddenly came to his mind.

There was only one thing he could do...

Picking up his phone, he dialed 911.

"Hello, police? I would like to report two people for trespassing..."


Maya sat back nervously in her harness and looked around as she rose higher and higher above the city. Looking down at the streets below, she began to figure out her approximate location. She hadn't been to Vegas that many times, but she had gone there for some business trips and roughly knew her way around.

[I wonder if this is that building...]

A light winter breeze brushed past her nose and she breathed in the fresh nighttime air. She glanced at the watch on her wrist and realized it was already 11:30pm. The night had gone by quickly. It had been a long time since she stayed out this late. Normally, she would be tucked into bed, ready to go to sleep so she could return to work the next day.

Now that she thought about it, her life had really been consumed by work. Not only did this day pass quickly, but her entire year had also passed quickly.

Had she ever truly enjoyed her life?

Maya closed her eyes and took in the senses around her. The air was fresh and icy, as though it had been carried from the far distant snow-capped mountains, and it made her shiver a little. She had always dreamed of going to the snow — but she never did — and she suddenly felt a little regretful.

As the wind blew against her body, she began to feel a little cold. Although she had a coat on, she was still wearing a dress, so her legs were exposed to the elements. However, due to all the stair-climbing, she had not noticed the temperature until now. Now that she thought about it, her night had been really different and it was actually quite adventurous and fun. Perhaps, this was how she should have been living her life all along.

Just as she was beginning to enjoy the night, a sudden jolt snapped her back to reality. Maya opened her eyes in confusion and looked up at Lucas in shock. He had stopped pulling her. She was almost at the top. Why did he stop?

Lucas peered over the ledge and brushed his hand across his forehead as though he had been sweating. "Phew! You shouldn't have eaten so much for dinner..." he teased.

Maya frowned. Was he saying that she was heavy?

Glaring at the man impatiently, she yelled, "Hurry and pull me up! It's getting cold here!"

The man leaned to one side tiredly and said to himself in a volume that Maya could clearly hear, "I do so much for her, but all she does is talk to me so fiercely. Yet...she still expects me to marry her. What a shameless woman..."

Maya furrowed her brows. She had almost forgotten that she was supposed to be Delilah, and Delilah would never talk so fiercely to the man.

So, she quickly swallowed her pride, fluttered her eyelashes, and said, "I'm telling you to hurry because I know you're just joking. Look at your big, strong muscles. This should be nothing for you. Even if I ate another meal, you would be able to pull me up with ease."

Lucas smirked. [She can really switch on that act whenever she pleases. What a sneaky woman.]

In reality, Maya wasn't actually that heavy. Lucas simply enjoyed teasing her because her reactions were always unexpected. It was like she had a split personality: she was feisty one second and flirtatious the next.

"Hmm...I guess I can give it another try, but...I want you to be honest with me and answer my question from earlier first," Lucas suddenly said.

"Question from earlier?" Maya asked with confusion.

Lucas nodded his head, "Yes. I asked if this was the real you and you never answered me..."

Maya darted her eyes nervously, "I don't understand what you mean."

Lucas leaned forward with interest. "I browsed through your social media account. Online, you appear arrogant, superficial, brainless, and narcissistic, but the Delilah I met tonight was smart, feisty, confident, and brave. Which one is the real you?"

Maya's eyes paused on a particular spot on the wall as she thought about what the man said. Did he just call her smart, feisty, confident, and brave? It made her heart skip a beat to hear the man's praises, but...she quickly snapped back to reality. There was only one right answer to this question. "Which one do you prefer?" she asked.

Lucas' eyes softened a little as he stared at the woman that was hanging in mid-air. "I prefer the Delilah that I met tonight..." he answered honestly.

"If this is the real Delilah...then I would like to see more of her..."

Maya stared at the man and suddenly felt her heart begin to race. She could see that he was being genuine and the guilt that she felt earlier quickly returned. She was supposed to spend the entire night acting like Delilah and convincing the man to like Delilah, but she unconsciously started acting like herself and the man actually preferred her over her sister. What was she supposed to do now?

Sounding defeated, she mumbled, "Pull me up first. Let me explain everything."

She didn't want to continue lying to the man. She had to tell him the truth.