
Maya turned her head in surprise to find that Lucas was standing right next to her. A handsome grin clung to his face as he watched the fireworks explode in the distance. "So, was it a good idea to come up here with me?" he asked proudly.

Maya looked at the man. She had to admit that this was quite unique, exciting...and even a little romantic, but she didn't want to inflate the man's ego too much nor did she want to admit that trespassing was a good idea. So, she ignored his question and turned back to watch the fireworks in silence.

It had been a long time since she watched fireworks, especially from such a good vantage point, and each explosion made her feel alive. The last time she watched fireworks was 5 years ago with her father in New York. He was her best friend growing up and they often spent the new year together. The thought of her father made her miss him a little and her eyes grew slightly teary.

Lucas took a glance at the woman and noticed this. "Is something wrong?" he asked gently.

Maya wiped her eyes and shook her head, "I was just thinking about my father. I used to celebrate the new year with him and I haven't seen him for a long time."

Lucas looked at the woman with slight surprise. He wasn't very close to his father and barely saw him, but it didn't mean that he didn't miss him sometimes too. Especially when he was a child, he often wished they could spend more time together. "I'm jealous. I never celebrated the new year with my father," he smiled as he turned back to look at the fireworks.

Maya could tell that this was an emotional topic for both of them, so she tried to change the subject. "By the way, how did you know about this place? And how did you know how to access it?" she asked.

This entire night felt so surreal. If she was to tell her father what happened tonight, he would never believe that they trespassed onto the rooftop of a building with a grappling hook and a harness that Lucas made from rope. It sounded like something from a movie.

Lucas kept his eyes focused on the fireworks and explained casually, "I like the view from here so I did some research."

Maya furrowed her brows in confusion when she heard the man's simple response. "You seem quite rich. If you wanted a good view of the fireworks, you could have booked a penthouse or attended one of the exclusive parties around town. That tower over there has the highest view and they supposedly host a great party every year. Wouldn't that have been easier than climbing up here?" she asked as she pointed to a tall tower.

Lucas smirked and his eyes softened, "I don't believe that I should pay to enjoy the new year. It is not a product that has a price tag on it. Besides, the best experiences come from the simple things in life. A quiet rooftop with good company is better than a snobby party filled with fake people that just want to show off their money."

Maya was surprised by the man's response. This was not what she expected from him.

As the last few fireworks exploded in the sky, she glanced at him sideways and felt her heart flutter a little. His thoughts were very similar to hers and she could surprisingly relate. Working in the marketing and advertising industry, she had witnessed the way that people were easily influenced by image and money. If something wasn't expensive, then they didn't think it was good, and if someone didn't keep up with the latest season, they would look down on them; they had all forgotten the simple pleasures in life. Unable to control herself, she said softly as the last sparks from the fireworks faded away, "You are a lot different than I thought..."

Lucas turned his head when he heard this comment and looked at the woman that he had unexpectedly celebrated the new year with. Under the moonlight, there was an ethereal beauty to her that made her even more beautiful than the fireworks he had just witnessed, and she made his heart skip a beat.

He subconsciously took a step forward and brushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

This time, Maya did not step away. She was no longer deterred by him. In fact, she felt quite comfortable around him.

But she quickly snapped back to reality when Lucas stared gently into her eyes and said, "And you are very different from what I thought too, Miss Delilah Yeung."

Guilt immediately rushed through Maya's body when she heard this. If they had met under different circumstances, they could have probably been friends. But right now, she was lying to him and he was a victim of her lies.

Glancing at the ground, she shook her head and said regretfully, "I'm sorry Lucas...I need to be honest with you. I'm different because I'm not who you think I am..."

But before she managed to explain, there was a loud bang behind them and the door to the rooftop flew open. A moment later, three police officers approached them and asked, "Do you have permission to be up here?"