Ryan Yoo

Maya held onto her phone and hesitated as she glanced at Noah. Helping her sister marry Lucas Lee was no longer a priority. Instead, she was more concerned about whether Lucas was guilty or innocent.

If he had actually tried to hit her sister, then she was going to punish him and throw him behind bars, but if he was innocent, then she had to clear his name. Either way, it made sense for her to meet him again.

At that moment, she noticed Noah pull out his phone. He had received a message. He took a look at it and furrowed his brows. Judging by his reaction, Maya could roughly guess who sent it.

Covering her mouthpiece, Maya leaned over and asked, "Is it from Lucas?"

Noah nodded his head. "He wants me to drive him around today."

Hearing this response, Maya narrowed her eyes and made up her mind. If Noah was driving Lucas, then it meant she wasn't meeting Lucas on her own. If anything bad was to happen, Noah would be there to help her. So, with a smile, she removed her hand from her mouthpiece and said to Delilah, "Fine, what time?"

Noah looked at her curiously, oblivious to what she had just agreed to.

"OK, I'll wait in the lobby at 10am," she continued to say.

Noah heard this and checked the time on his watch. If she didn't go home soon, she wasn't going to get enough sleep.

So, after she got off the phone, he turned to her and said, "It's getting late, let me drive you home. I hope you seriously think about what I told you today and leave Vegas as soon as possible."

Maya smiled secretly to herself and nodded her head, "Drive me home first. We'll talk about it later." This man had no idea that he was driving her home now and picking her up again in a few hours.


In a hotel suite not too far away, Lucas had just finished having a shower and was wiping his hair dry as he stepped out into the living area.

Sitting on the sofa waiting for him was a young Korean man. He adjusted his glasses, leaned back, and sighed, "I got all your belongings back for you. You're lucky that I helped you apply for a permit just in case something like this happened. You need to be careful from now on. If you keep getting caught like this, the media will eventually find out..."

Lucas threw his wet towel at the naggy guy, "Fine, I'll be extra careful next time."

This naggy guy was his personal assistant, Ryan Yoo, a friend that he had met during university and later hired. Ryan was a law graduate so he often helped Lucas out of the stickiest of situations.

"But then again, they were supposedly more concerned about some 'white powder' that you had in your backpack over the fact that you trespassed. What was that white powder anyway?" Ryan asked curiously.

Lucas walked over to his backpack and opened it up. Inside was a small pouch of white powder. Holding it in his hands, he answered casually, "Chalk."

Ryan looked at the pouch and laughed. He had seen that pouch before. Lucas was an avid rock climber, and that backpack contained all his climbing gear. For a rock climber, chalk was essential for preventing slips.

"Why didn't you just tell them? They might have let you call me sooner." Ryan continued to laugh.

"They never asked," Lucas sighed. He also wished they had just asked him.

At that moment, he suddenly thought of something. "Did they ask her about it?" he whispered to himself. [Is that why she was released so easily?]

Ryan overheard and asked nosily, "Who's 'her'?"

Without any intention of hiding anything, Lucas replied casually, "Delilah Yeung."

Ryan almost jumped out of his seat when he heard this name, "Delilah Yeung?!"

"Was she on the rooftop with you???"

Lucas nodded his head as his lips curved upwards slightly at the thought of the woman.

"Didn't you get rid of her?" Ryan asked. "I thought your blind dates never lasted more than half an hour!"

Lucas shook his head, "She's different."

Ryan almost choked. "Different? How is she different? I spied on her at the pool party the other day like you told me to. She was barely wearing any clothes and she was flirtatiously exchanging glances with two blond-haired guys all day. If she didn't get drunk and leave, she probably would have slept with one of them!"

Lucas furrowed his brows when he heard this. He remembered the pink bikini that he saw on Delilah's social media and felt a little annoyed. [Was she wearing that and flirting with two blond-haired men? I thought she said she wanted to marry me!]

At that moment, his phone buzzed. He had received a message. [Speak of the devil.] He unlocked his phone and opened the message: "I'm so glad that you messaged me. Yes, I would love to see you later today. I think we had a really good connection and I cant wait to see you again."

Relaxing his eyebrows, he smiled at the message proudly and said, "You must have been imagining things. She told me that she wanted to marry me and she seemed quite genuine about it. Why would she lay eyes on another man, when she has someone as handsome as me in her life?"

Without holding back, Ryan refuted in a brutally honest manner, "Oh, please, it has nothing to do with your looks. She's after you because you're rich and influential. Besides...I reckon she has a thing for blon—"

Before Ryan finished his sentence, something hit him in the head and there was a puff of white powder around him. He glanced at Lucas, saw his empty hands, and realized he had thrown his chalk pouch at him. In an annoyed manner, Lucas pointed at the door and yelled, "Get out!"

Ryan looked at Lucas innocently and frowned, "But we're supposed to be sharing this suite... Where will I sleep?"

Without showing any mercy, Lucas replied heartlessly, "In the corridor..."