Love Is Blind

Ryan glanced up at the sky and saw a helicopter hover above his head. [I wonder if that's Lucas' helicopter.] Even though he had no control over Lucas' decisions, he still couldn't believe he was having a second date with the obnoxious and narcissistic Delilah Yeung.

Ryan furrowed his brows and looked around as he stood outside Z Hotel. He was only here a couple of days ago, spying on Delilah at the pool party. Who knew he'd be back so soon...

That day, he watched Delilah carefully and saw nothing that he liked. He even told Lucas that he wouldn't like her. Who knew he'd be wrong...

Perhaps, some people were right: love could be blind...

As he stood there checking his watch, a woman wearing a baseball cap suddenly approached him secretively and handed him a folder. "Everything you need is in here. You will be surprised," she said.

Ryan took the folder, gave the woman some money, and returned to his car as though nothing had happened. After he boarded his car, he sat in the driver's seat and flipped open the folder. Slowly, his eyes opened wide in shock...


Over at the hospital, Delilah finished her breakfast just as Tiffany arrived. Dressed from head-to-toe in branded items, she strutted into the room like she was a runway model and Sam quickly updated her on the situation with Lucas.

"What? Maya managed to get a second date? I knew he wouldn't be able to resist you, Dels! I told Maya to act exactly like you. I even taught her your signature moves," Tiffany cheered as she clapped her hands.

Sam immediately nudged her and said, "Hey, don't take all the credit. Don't forget that I chose her outfit and her wig. She looked irresistible!"

"You don't like women! How do you know what's irresistible to a straight man?" Tiffany teased.

Sam almost choked when he heard this. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he frowned and looked at Delilah. "Dels...she's bullying me again..."

Delilah giggled and flicked her hair back. "Both of you did well... I just hope that stupid Noah doesn't get in the way again."

"Noah?" Tiffany raised an eyebrow. "Noah Thompson? The guy that saved you?"

Delilah nodded her head in frustration and started explaining what Noah had told her and how he almost convinced Maya not to help her anymore.

"...can you believe that?!" she exclaimed as she finished her recount of the events.

Sam and Tiffany heard the entire story and suddenly opened their eyes wide in shock. "Wait a minute!" Sam exclaimed. "Does that mean you sent your sister on a date with a potential killer? Worst of all, you didn't even get us to help her prepare her disguise? What if Noah's right about Lucas and what if she blows her cover? She will be in even more danger!"

"We had a late night. I thought you guys needed extra sleep so I didn't want to disturb you..." Delilah mumbled guiltily as she started to realize the seriousness of the situation. She had been so focused on her own goal that she didn't even consider her sister's safety. "She should be OK, right? Lucas Lee can't possibly be dangerous..."

Sam shook his head and sighed, "I'm disappointed in you, Dels." He could accept it when his best friend was spoiled and reckless, but when she was selfish like this, it really annoyed him. Even though he didn't know Maya well, she was still Delilah's biological twin. Moreover, she seemed like a kindhearted person who truly cared about her sister. How could Delilah risk her safety like this?

Delilah felt her heart sink when she heard this. For some reason, it hurt when Sam said he was disappointed in her.

Sam stood up, frowned, and started walking toward the door. "I need some fresh air."

However, just as he reached the door, Tiffany suddenly jumped up and said, "Wait! This isn't right. I saw the driver of that car! It wasn't Lucas..."

Relief immediately appeared on Delilah's face as her eyes lit up. "What did you see?" she quickly asked.

Tiffany thought back carefully. "Noah said the car sped up and never stopped. But...I'm sure I heard the driver step on the brakes. She didn't come to a complete stop, but she did glance back to check on the situation as she drove away. The driver was a woman. She had a baseball cap on but she had a few strands of loose blond hair. She also had blue eyes...much like Noah... Actually, just imagine a female version of Noah. They looked very similar. I don't think Lucas was involved. Besides, I seriously think it was just an accident."

Delilah smiled when she heard this. "See? I told you Lucas was innocent," she said proudly.

However, Sam frowned again and continued walking out the door without turning back. At this point, the main issue wasn't whether Delilah was right or not. It was her selfish act that got him annoyed.

Sam walked over to a drinking fountain, leaned over, and tried to cool himself down.

On the surface, it seemed as though he was upset at Delilah. But deep down, he knew better than anyone that he was actually upset at himself. Upset that he had spent the last 10 years pretending to be gay just to stay by this woman's side. Upset that even though he knew she was selfish and heartless, he still loved her with all his heart...

Love was indeed blind...