Who Knows If He's Pretending...

Maya searched through Delilah's luggage and held another dress up to her body. Looking at herself in the mirror, she shook her head. Delilah's dresses either had huge splits running up the sides, or the collar was so low that it exposed too much cleavage. They were very inappropriate for a charity masquerade ball. [Why does Delilah have to be so revealing?]

While she was doing this, Noah sat on the sofa and watched quietly. A few times, he almost choked when he tried to imagine Maya in the dresses that she picked up. The woman had a good body and he was an average single male, so it was hard not to fantasize a little.

At that moment, there was a knock on the hotel room door. Maya ran over to open it and a tall Asian male stood in the doorway. Noah recognized this man, it was Delilah's best friend, Sam.

In his hands, he had a couple of shopping bags.

"You messaged the right person," Sam said as he hurried into the room and dropped the bags on the floor.

Maya had actually messaged Sam as soon as she boarded the car earlier. When he styled her for the blind date the previous night, she was quite pleased with the outcome even though it was not her style, so she decided to ask him for help again. She had a feeling Delilah wouldn't have anything appropriate.

Maya didn't know this, but Sam was actually a fashion designer. Initially, he knew Delilah liked fashion so he deliberately went into a field that he thought would impress her. Who knew, he'd actually be quite good at it.

Sam pulled out three boxes from the shopping bags and grinned. "You're gonna love this!" he said. "Go! Try them on!"

Maya looked at the three boxes: one obviously contained a dress, one contained a pair of shoes...but the third one...

"What's in here?" Maya asked curiously.

"Open it and you'll see," Sam said excitedly.

Maya flipped open the box with curiosity and gasped in amazement when she saw what was inside. Sitting on a small silk pillow was a beautiful Venetian mask. It was silver with a delicate filigree pattern carved into it and it had small diamonds that gave it an extra sense of opulence. Maya had never seen such a beautiful mask.

Sam glanced at his watch, "Come on, didn't you say that Lucas was picking you up at 8. If you don't start getting changed, you will be late!" He helped the woman with her boxes and started pushing her toward the bedroom.

But...just as he was about to step inside, a hand grabbed onto his arm, and a deep male voice said, "It's inappropriate for a man to enter a woman's bedroom. You're not planning to help her, are you? I'm sure Maya can get changed on her own..."

Sam looked at the blond-haired man and raised an eyebrow.

At that moment, Maya turned around and smiled, "It's OK, he's not interested in women..."

Noah ran his eyes up and down the man with doubt. Not interested in women? Really?

"I don't care," he said, "He's still a man. Who knows if he's pretending..."

Sam almost choked when he heard this. For 10 years, no one had doubted his sexuality. Who knew this guy would be spot on. Perhaps, Noah did have a good eye for spotting lies. Delilah did say that Noah suspected Lucas of running her over; something that none of them ever imagined.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Sam handed the boxes to Maya and said, "Noah's right, I'll be outside if you need anything." He then turned around and returned to the living area.

He had almost gotten carried away with treating Maya like Delilah. Spending 10 years as a gay best friend, there was not a single part of Delilah's body that he had never seen. After all, he was a fashion designer and he often dressed her. So he had almost treated Maya in the same way.

Some would say that seeing naked women was one of the perks of his job. But for him...it was torture. It was like waving a carrot in front of a donkey and never giving it to him, and for him, Delilah was definitely that carrot.

As Noah and Sam sat on the sofa, there was an air of awkwardness. Apart from briefly meeting when Noah saved Delilah, these two men had never talked to each other.

After a little while, Noah finally broke the silence, "Seeing that you weren't so surprised to see me here, did Delilah tell you about my suspicions?"

Sam nodded his head.

"Does Delilah know how much danger her sister is in?" Noah continued to ask.

Sam nodded his head again. This time, with slight shame.

Noah scoffed.

At that moment, the bedroom door opened, drawing the men away from their awkward conversation.

A pair of long slender legs stepped out first, wearing a pair of elegant silver heels. They traced their eyes up the legs and saw a beautiful black asymmetrical dress that was short at the front and long at the back. The tulle fabric created soft layers that accentuated the woman's curvy figure and gathered at her slim waist. Just the bottom half of the woman's body already looked stunning.

Continuing up the woman's body, the dress sat elegantly off her shoulders, revealing her seductive collarbone and slender neck. She didn't have any makeup on yet, but her skin was clear and smooth, her lips were soft, and her eyes were pure. Underneath the delicate Venetian mask, she had an alluring air of mystery to her that drew the men in.

Looking innocently at the two men, Maya asked, "How does this look?"

Both men nodded their heads, "You look beautiful."

At that moment, there was another knock on the door. Maya went to open it and a young woman came scurrying in wearing a glittery silver dress. "I heard someone's going to a ball tonight. Let me help you with your makeup." It was Tiffany.

Sam looked at the woman in surprise. He never told Tiffany that Maya was going to a ball. Did Maya ask her for help as well?