Who Is Maya Yeung?

Sam sat on the sofa restlessly and waited for Tiffany to finish Maya's makeup. As soon as she was done, he stood up and impatiently walked towards the door. "Let's get going. I need a drink," he said.

Tiffany glanced at her watch. Sam had invited her to go clubbing with Dr. Brown and his friend, but it was way too early. What was the rush?

However, before she could respond, Sam had already walked out the door. Left with no choice, she quickly turned to Maya and said, "I'll leave my makeup case here and I'll come back for it tomorrow." She then took a glance at Noah and chased out after Sam. She couldn't lose Sam or she wouldn't know where to go.

After the two friends left, Noah was left alone in the room with Maya again. However, the woman looked a lot different to when he first arrived. With her dress and makeup, she was stunningly beautiful and he suddenly felt a little nervous around her. She temporarily removed her mask and looked at him. "I need to have some dinner before I head to the event. There will only be finger food there. Would you like to eat together?"

Noah found himself nodding eagerly. How could he say no?

However, Maya knew they couldn't risk being seen in public together, so she handed him a menu and said, "You don't mind getting room service, right?"

Noah looked at the woman in surprise. Room service? Wasn't that a bit too intimate?


In another hotel room not too far away, Ryan pulled out his phone and placed it in front of Lucas.

"Two days ago, after the pool party...Delilah Yeung was almost hit by a car..." he slowly explained as he analyzed Lucas' reaction.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. Almost hit by a car? He felt slightly concerned but he also knew that the Delilah he met looked perfectly fine.

"She fell on the ground, broke her nose, and was admitted to Sunset Hospital..." Ryan continued carefully.

Sunset Hospital? Lucas frowned as he began to piece together the information that Ryan had given him. Delilah had a twin, and a doppelganger was seen visiting Sunset Hospital on the day that she was almost hit by a car. Clearly, this doppelganger was her twin sister...

Ryan leaned over, swiped open a video recording on his phone and pressed play.

"While you were on your helicopter ride today, I took a visit to Sunset Hospital and recorded this..."

Lucas furrowed his brows as he looked at the video and saw that it was pointing into a hospital room. Inside the room, there was a young woman with long brown hair sitting on the bed, holding a mirror as she checked her nose and complained to another woman. He couldn't hear what she was saying, but the video zoomed in on the young woman and her face came clearly into view. Although her nose was bandaged, Lucas immediately recognized her as Delilah Yeung...

How could she be in the hospital when he was clearly on the helicopter with her today?

With a sigh, Ryan finally broke the truth to Lucas, "I spoke to the doctors. Delilah Yeung has not left that hospital room since she was admitted two days ago, and she won't be leaving for another 2-3 weeks. Lucas, the woman you've been seeing isn't Delilah Yeung..."

At that moment, Ryan received a message on his phone. As it was sitting in front of Lucas, he saw in the notification window that it was a message from Tracy. Without asking for permission, Lucas clicked into the message to see what Tracy had to say.

The message read, "I haven't found the person that reported Lucas yet, but I did discover something interesting. According to the officers at the police station, the woman that was arrested with Lucas was not Delilah Yeung... Her name was Maya Yeung..."

Lucas leaned back in his chair with a blank expression. He didn't know how to react.

The woman that had attracted his interest...

The first woman that had ever lasted more than 30 minutes with him...

The woman he went on a second date with and actually wanted to see again...

The woman that he hugged and kissed passionately in the helicopter...

The woman that had made his heart flutter...

She had been lying to him this whole entire time.

Who exactly was Maya Yeung...?


Oblivious that she had been discovered, Maya sat at the dining table and enjoyed her dinner with Noah as she tried to control the nervousness she felt inside. She had actually asked Noah to stay for dinner because she needed a distraction. A distraction from how anxious she felt to see Lucas again.

She thought she could forget their kiss and pretend as though nothing happened, but she realized at that moment that it was impossible. A mix of anxiety and excitement stirred up butterflies in her stomach and she swallowed a mouthful of pasta to suppress it, but the butterflies simply fluttered harder. She had never felt this nervous to see a man. What was wrong with her?

Noah watched as the beautiful woman shoved one mouthful after another into her mouth. As her lips moved and she licked some sauce from the side of her mouth, he felt slightly mesmerized. It was no wonder that even Lucas wanted to see her again.

For the past 4 years, he had been so focused on avenging his sister that he had no time for relationships. But, at that moment, he actually felt a pang of jealousy as he thought about how this woman was about to go to a ball with his enemy.

Suddenly standing up, he said to the woman, "I just remembered that there's something I need to do. I'll get going first."

Maya looked at the man in surprise. What did he need to do? Hadn't Lucas given him the night off? Even though she was confused, she had no choice but to see him to the door.

"Remember to send me your sister's details. I'll give her a call tomorrow," Maya reminded as the man waved goodbye.

Before he turned to walk away, Noah's eyes softened and he nodded his head.

After he left, Maya glanced at the time and she began to panic. Time had passed too quickly. In just half an hour, Lucas was coming to pick her up! She quickly tidied up the dining table, walked over to Tiffany's makeup case, and reapplied her lipstick. She then placed the long brown wig back on her head and looked at herself in the mirror. With a sigh, she whispered to herself, "I wonder if he's as nervous to see me as I am to see him?"