History Of Mental Illness

Lucas and Maya sat awkwardly at the dining table as they ate the food that Ryan brought them. Although she understood that Lucas was only trying to protect her, Maya couldn't help but wonder whether he was overreacting.

However, a phone call that Lucas received, quickly confirmed that he had made the right choice.

"Hello, Officer Grant," Lucas answered as he placed his phone to his ear.

"Lucas, keep a close eye on Maya and stay in your hotel room if you can. There have been some developments in the investigation..." Officer Grant said as he huffed and puffed into the mouthpiece; it seemed as though he was rushing somewhere.

"Developments?" Lucas questioned.

"I spoke to the woman that was pretending to be a nurse from Lakeside Angels Psychiatric Hospital. Apparently, Noah was the one that told her to do that, and it seems as though Maya wasn't the first victim of his lies..."

Lucas furrowed his brows. "Who else did he lie to?"

"Anqing Qu..." Officer Grant replied.

Lucas' eyes opened wide in shock.

"I followed this lead," Officer Grant continued. "Apparently, he met with Anqing Qu before she went on her blind date with you... She had called that fake number a couple of days before she met you."

Lucas nodded as though he finally understood something. "I thought it was weird that Anqing Qu walked into our blind date, shook my hand, and said straight away that we should just be friends. I had no intention of taking things further with her, so I happily obliged, but I never considered that someone may have approached her beforehand and told her something. Judging by the things that he's told Miss Yeung, he may have convinced Miss Qu that I was some evil playboy set on breaking her heart."

Officer Grant sighed, "I'm afraid that Noel or Noah, whatever you want to call him, may not just have crazy beliefs. I'm afraid...he might actually be crazy..."

Lucas furrowed his brows, "What do you mean?"

"I visited Lakeside Angels Psychiatric Hospital again and tried to get more information about the twins. As we both know, Nova was diagnosed with a serious case of schizophrenia and she was often living in her own delusional world where you were her boyfriend. According to the staff, the Thomas Family actually has a history of mental illness. We never asked about it before because we already knew Nova had mental issues so we didn't need any history to prove it. But now that I'm looking at this information, I'm beginning to wonder whether Noah's obsessive and erratic behavior may be signs of a more serious problem. I spoke to the officers at the Vegas police department and apparently, he's been acting a little strange. For all I know, he might not just be an accomplice; he could well be the actual murderer!" Officer Grant continued to explain.

"We won't be getting the results of his DNA test for another 72 hours, at least. By then, he will have to be released. I am worried that we might be releasing a killer back onto the streets so I am heading back to the office now to review some surveillance footage from the night of Anqing Qu's death. If I can place him at the scene of the crime that night, then we may have enough evidence for a warrant and enough reason to take the investigation further. In the meantime, we're not sure if Nova is working with him and whether she is lurking in the shadows. We still have no trace of her whatsoever, so please stay safe."

Lucas glanced at Maya as he hung up the phone.

"I-Is everything alright?" she asked nervously. It appeared as though Lucas had just finished a serious conversation.

Revealing a reassuring smile, Lucas nodded his head. "Stay here and everything will be fine."

[You'll be fine. I will protect you.]


Because of Delilah, Sam had never had a proper girlfriend.

Over the years, his only relief from his manly desires was watching adult videos online or sneaking out to have one-night stands. But even then, he was quite restrained and had only done it a few times.

Now that he thought about it, if he counted the three times last night and what they were about to do in that locker room, he had already had more sex with this woman than he had ever had in his entire life. This woman had dragged him down a rabbit hole that he didn't want to climb out of.

Everything that he had bottled up over the years was being released by this woman, and he had a lot more bottled up than he realized. Perhaps, he had had never been as attracted to Delilah as he thought. Never had he been this unrestrained in his life.

As he pressed the woman against the locker, they heard some footsteps approach from outside. Sam looked at the woman, sighed, and slowly backed away. But, to his surprise, the cheeky woman grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the showers. Shutting the shower curtain, she leaned in and whispered teasingly beside his ear, "Have you ever done it in the shower before?"

Sam smirked. This was not a question but a challenge. Without hesitation, he turned on the tap and sunk his lips into her neck. Sumi quickly covered her mouth to hide her moans of pleasure as the door to the locker room opened and someone walked in.

Sam looked at the expression on the woman's face and liked seeing her reaction. With a smirk, he slowly moved his lips down her body. This woman made him feel more like a man than he had ever felt before...