
As he spoke, tears streamed from Noah's eyes. It was clear that his sister's death had had a huge impact on him but he was trying to remain strong.

Officer Wilson looked at the young man in disbelief.

Was Nova really dead?

Why did no one know about this?

How did she die? Where did she die? Where was her body?

Was this...why they couldn't find her?

But if she was really dead, then who was the suspicious woman at the bar?

Officer Wilson had a million questions running through his mind. The murder had taken place in LA and he wasn't the officer in charge of the case, but he had briefly read the files. Never once did anyone mention anything about the possibility of their suspect being dead. If this was the case, then the entire investigation was void.

He looked at the distraught young man and asked, "How did she die? Why is there no death certificate or reports? How are you so certain that she's dead?"

Noah held his head and tugged on it again like he was trying to suppress his painful memories.

"One week before Anqing Qu's death...my sister escaped from the psychiatric hospital and came to look for me. She had heard that I was working for Lucas and she wanted to see how he was going... She still loved him and cared about him.

"But...that was when she discovered that Lucas was going on a blind date with Anqing Qu...

"She tried to threaten Lucas into not going on the blind date by sending him messages, but he ignored her. How could he move on so easily when she still loved him? Left with no choice, she told me to speak to Anqing Qu and convince her that she was in danger. My sister had a good heart. She truly loved Lucas even though he messed around with her mind and her feelings. She never hated him for what he did to her, but she didn't want another woman to end up like her. I agreed, so I spoke to Miss Qu. However, she simply said that she would take my warning into consideration. She decided to be friends with Lucas and make her own judgment on whether to take things further in the future. My sister was distraught when she heard this. Anqing Qu was smart, beautiful, and successful; my sister had a feeling Lucas would genuinely like her. So she believed Lucas had been stolen from her."

Officer Wilson raised an eyebrow. From what he had read, Nova Thompson was a mentally unstable stalker with psychosis. Stolen from her? Lucas was never hers to begin with. Had she brainwashed her own brother into believing her delusions?

"That night, my sister became really emotional. She grabbed my keys and drove off with my car. I had no choice but to chase after her with one of Lucas' cars. Eventually, I followed her back to Lakeside Angels Psychiatric Hospital. When I saw the familiar scene, I thought she was turning herself in for help, but to my surprise, I watched as she drove my car straight down a dock and plunged it into the middle of the lake in front of the hospital..."

Noah closed his eyes in pain. 

"There was nothing I could do as I watched the car sink and disappear..."

Officer Wilson looked at the young man in surprise. No wonder he looked like he was in so much pain. He had watched his own sister die in front of him. "Why didn't you call the police and report it?" he asked.

Noah shook his head. "I couldn't let anyone know that she was dead. I wanted my sister to live forever in their minds. I wanted Lucas to forever believe that my sister was close by. He was the reason why my sister killed herself. He doesn't deserve to live a peaceful life!"

"He doesn't... He doesn't..."

As Noah spoke, his eyes became bloodshot and he grew more and more agitated.

Officer Wilson looked at the man and felt that something wasn't right. This man's emotions were too unstable. Suddenly, a possibility arose in his mind. "Were you angry that Lucas caused your sister's death so you tried to get revenge by killing someone near him and framing him?" he asked carefully.

Noah's eyes suddenly opened wide in shock and he stared at the officer in disbelief. "What are you talking about? I didn't frame him. Lucas is evil. He clearly killed her!"

"Then why was there a dress with blood found in your apartment? Why was there a wig? Did you dress up as a woman so you wouldn't be recognized?" the officer probed.

Noah shook his head furiously, "No! No! Lucas did it... He definitely did it! I've never seen that dress in my life!"

Noah grabbed his head again and closed his eyes as he rocked back and forth in his chair. "I didn't do it...Lucas did... I didn't do it...Lucas did," he chanted.

Officer Wilson leaned forward and tapped the man on the shoulder, "Mr. Thomas, are you OK?"

Had he gone too far with his interrogation? This man did not seem mentally stable.

All of a sudden, Noah lifted his head and glared straight into his eyes. In a threatening tone, he growled, "Leave my brother alone!"

Officer Wilson jumped back a little and looked at the man in confusion. "Your brother...?"

"Noel's innocent," Noah said sternly.

Officer Wilson looked into the man's eyes and felt a chill down his spine. His gaze was completely different. It was as though...he was possessed...

Carefully, he leaned forward and asked, "Aren't you Noel...?"

Noah snickered. Shaking his head, he said, "No...I'm Nova...Nova Thomas..."