It Has To Be You

Maya didn't expect to get drunk.

She had never been drunk in her life.

But that was exactly the reason why she didn't know her limits and she didn't know how she would act under the influence of alcohol.

When one thought about it, it was funny how many similarities she had with Sam.

Fortunately, in her case, when she woke up later that night, she was still fully clothed and there were no condoms lying around.

Maya sat up in surprise and looked next to her. Although she was fully clothed and it appeared as though nothing had happened, there was a man sleeping next to her!!

She quietly leaned over to take a better look and actually felt relieved when she saw it was Lucas. At least, it was better than waking up next to a stranger. However, her head rang as she checked the time and realized 8 hours had passed!!

It was already 10pm!

When she started drinking at the restaurant, it was only 2pm...

What had she done during this time and how did she end up in bed with Lucas?

Maya glanced at the man again. He looked completely exhausted and he seemed to be in a deep slumber. If she wasn't fully dressed, she would have thought that they had undergone some kind of 'intense' exercise.

As she watched the man sleep, it felt inexplicably calming.

[I guess this is a good way to remember him by...]

Just as she was peacefully consumed in the moment, a slight buzzing noise broke the silence.

She quickly looked around in a panic. Lucas was sleeping soundly and she didn't want to wake him up.

At that moment, she spotted the man's phone. It was ringing.

She carefully climbed out of bed, grabbed the phone, and walked out to the balcony.

It was a phone call from Officer Grant. Her eyes immediately lit up. He must be calling to update them on the case!! Was it finally over?

Picking up the phone, she said, "Hi, Officer Grant. This is Delilah Yeung. Lucas is currently sleeping. Are you calling to update us on the case?"

Officer Grant heard the woman's voice. He was a little surprised at first, but he knew she was also a victim in the case and deserved to be updated, so he explained, "Miss Yeung, earlier today, we arrived at Mr. Thomas' apartment with a search warrant. Upon investigation, we discovered a bloodstained dress and a wig, along with other female belongings. At 3pm this afternoon, we spoke to Mr. Thomas and he confessed to murdering Miss Anqing Qu..."

Maya held onto the phone in surprise. "Are you sure? Why would he do that? He genuinely seemed convinced that it was Lucas... Are you sure he wasn't coerced into covering up for his sister? What about Nova? Where is she?"

Officer Grant sighed and replied, "Technically, the real Noel Thomas is innocent..."

Maya furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"

Officer took a deep breath and decided to explain everything, "Noel Thomas told us that Nova Thomas is dead. He watched her die right in front of him. Probably due to the shock of losing his twin sister, the psychiatrist said it may have triggered him to create another personality..."

"Another personality?" Maya asked in confusion.

"The medical term is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), commonly known as having a split personality. Mr. Thomas wanted his sister to be alive so much that he created another personality in which he believed he was his sister. He even dressed up as her and went to kill Anqing Qu. The Nova personality believed Miss Qu and Lucas drove her to kill herself, so she wanted to kill Miss Qu and frame Lucas. Selfishly, she wanted him locked in prison so he couldn't ever be with another woman. But even though she was thinking like a woman, the Nova personality knew she was using Noel's body, so she sexually harassed the woman to make us suspect Lucas more. It was very smart of her because it did indeed confuse us for a while. All along, we thought it was two people when it was just one. It was a ruthless premeditated attack. Unfortunately for her, Lucas had a clear alibi that night," Officer Grant explained.

Maya's eyes opened wide in surprise as she remembered the kind, soft-spoken man who genuinely loved his sister. She pitied Anqing Qu, but she also pitied 'Noah'. She loved her sister too. If her sister died right in front of her, would it drive her crazy as well?

"What will happen to Noah?" Maya couldn't help but ask. "Is he aware of this other personality?"

Officer Grant sighed, "We brought in a psychiatrist this afternoon when Mr. Thomas returned to his normal self and they had a good long chat. He was completely unaware. We even did a lie detector test to make sure and the psychiatrist officially diagnosed him with DID. He will be using the insanity defense to avoid prison, but he will be likely kept in a mental institute until he is fully rehabilitated, which could be many years from now..."

Maya also sighed. Although she was happy that the case was over, she had lost a friend...and...she was about to lose Lucas...

"Officer, can you do me a favor?" Maya suddenly asked.

"What is it?" the man on the other end queried.

"Can you call again later today and explain all this to Lucas?" she said.

The officer raised an eyebrow, "Why aren't you explaining it to him yourself?"

Maya cleared her throat awkwardly. "It's a lot of information. I don't think I'll be able to relay it properly..." she lied.

"Oh...OK..." Officer Grant replied.


After Maya hung up the phone, she glanced at Lucas who was still sleeping soundly in bed. "It's all over, you're safe now," she whispered under her breath. His stalker was dead and the murderer who had been lurking in the shadows was caught. was time for her...the liar by his disappear as well...

She walked back into the suite, gently placed the man's phone on his bedside table, and looked at him one last time. She then leaned over and placed a light kiss on his forehead. "Lucas, you are a good guy. I wish you all the best, and I hope you find true love. Unfortunately, it can't be me." 

With that, she grabbed her belongings and tiptoed out of the suite without turning back.

But as the door shut...the man slowly opened his eyes...

With a smirk, he whispered, "It has to be you."