Engagement Party

On the same day that Maya left Vegas, Delilah was discharged from the hospital. Although her nose wasn't completely healed yet, Dr. Brown determined that it was no longer necessary for her to stay in the hospital and occupy precious space, so she returned to the hotel to recover.

During her first week out of the hospital, she spent most of it bingeing shows on television and ordering room service. Apart from Tiffany, she refused to see nor speak to anyone else. She even ignored all of Maya's messages and had no idea that she had already left Vegas. 

"That little b*tch must have revealed herself to Lucas by now..." she complained to Tiffany. "She's probably badmouthing me right now and telling him how I forced her to lie to him. Hmph... I'm never going to forgive her!"

Tiffany sighed. Although she thought it was wrong for Maya to steal her sister's love interest, she also thought Delilah was overreacting a little. Delilah had never even met Lucas before and she knew nothing about him. Not to mention, she never had genuine feelings for him anyway. Need she spend an entire week complaining about that incident?

She was over it!

But just as Tiffany was about to lose her patience, Delilah suddenly received a message on her phone. She took a quick glance and her eyes immediately lit up. Sitting up straight, she swiped open the message.

Tiffany watched as excitement slowly filled the woman's face. Like a bomb exploding, Delilah suddenly jumped up on her feet and started squealing as she dropped her phone on the sofa beside her.

Tiffany picked up the phone out of curiosity and saw that it was a message from Lucas: "I don't know why you left so abruptly, but I've decided that I'm not letting you go. The engagement party in Hong Kong that you spoke about...if you're still willing, I'll see you there..."

Tiffany looked at Delilah in shock. Did this mean what she thought it meant?

Delilah quickly grabbed her phone back and searched through the unread messages that Maya had sent her. The first one was from a week ago: "Sis, I'm sorry if there's been a misunderstanding. I'm leaving Vegas now. I didn't tell Lucas anything."

The second message was from 2 days ago: "Sis, why are you ignoring my calls? I am back in New York with Dad. Have you spoken to Lucas yet?"

Finally, the third message was from the previous day: "Sis, are you still mad at me? Why aren't you answering?"

Delilah grinned. Maya never revealed the truth to Lucas. She had left without saying anything! That meant, Lucas still thought she was his blind date, and he was agreeing to their engagement in Hong Kong!

Grabbing Tiffany's hands excitedly, she laughed, "Maya did it! She actually did it! She actually got the infamous Lucas Lee to marry me!!"

She then grabbed her handbag. "Come on, I need to go find a dress!!"

As she headed out the door, she held her phone to her ear and finally dialed a number that she had blocked for the past week. 

On the other end, a voice answered in surprise, "Sis! You're finally calling me back! Why didn't you reply to me earlier?"

Delilah smiled and said in a soft voice, "Like you said, I had a misunderstanding... But I've just realized what a good sister you are."

Maya listened in confusion. Was she being sarcastic? She couldn't tell.

"Maya, since you held up your end of the deal, I will definitely hold up mine. Come back to Hong Kong next week. I will get you an interview with Lotus. At the same time...you can pop by...and attend my engagement party..." Delilah said proudly.

Maya's hand trembled a little when she heard this. "Engagement party?" she asked in surprise. But she quickly realized what this meant. "Did Lucas agree?" she said as she tried to maintain her composure.

Delilah squealed in excitement, "Yes, Maya, he agreed! You did it! You got him to marry me! You're the best!!"

Maya slowly put her phone down as she tried to recover from the shock. Lucas was marrying Delilah, and she had made it happen...


One week later.

Probably because Maya dreaded the day, time seemed to go by faster.

Standing inside the bathroom of the grand hotel, she looked at herself in the mirror and reminded herself to remain calm.

A woman with shoulder-length black hair looked back at her in an elegant dress that was beautiful but not too dazzling. She was at her twin sister's engagement party and she couldn't steal the limelight from the bride-to-be. 

Maya sighed.

Originally, she wanted to find an excuse not to attend the party. She couldn't bear to see Lucas and her sister together. But they were family and she couldn't let her father attend on his own. So she eventually gathered the courage to return to Hong Kong with him. 

They had invited her father out of courtesy, but she knew how much Delilah's family looked down on him. If he went alone, he would definitely feel awkward and out of place. Just the thought of it broke her heart.

Maya stepped out of the bathroom and hooked her arm with her father's nervously. As they stepped into the ballroom, many of the guests naturally looked her way. Her face looked exactly like Delilah's but her hair and her presence were completely different. 

Delilah quickly approached and explained, "This is my twin sister, Maya."

Everyone gasped in surprise. They never knew the bride-to-be had a twin sister.

"Wow, you're both beautiful," one of the men commented.

"Is your sister taken?" another man asked.

Delilah laughed. Just as she was about to respond, the main door to the ballroom suddenly flew open and everyone fell silent.

Maya glanced towards the door curiously just as three authoritative figures walked in. Walking up front was a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his fifties. Next to him, was an elegant woman in her thirties, and dawdling behind was a face that Maya recognized. It was Lucas!

"That's the chairman and his secretary! The man behind them must be Lucas Lee! I thought he was meant to be ugly!" some of the guests whispered.

"Wow! I'm so envious of Delilah Yeung! Her fiancee is so handsome."

Delilah heard the whispers and smiled smugly as she walked over to greet her 'future family'. Of course, her mother quickly ran over to join her.

Meanwhile, Maya and her father took a step back and found a quiet corner to hide in. They were simply there for support. They didn't want to draw too much attention.

Father Yeung ran his eyes across Lucas Lee and sighed. "So...is that the guy?" he asked his daughter.

Maya looked at Lucas and nodded her head without saying anything.

Father Yeung watched as Delilah hooked her arms affectionately with the man. Her gaze was filled with admiration. Her bandages had been removed and her nose was back to normal, but this was actually the first time she properly met her fiance. Lucas glanced sideways at the woman and did not react.

"He must be blind to not see the difference," Father Yeung whispered.

Maya looked down. "We're twins. It's not that easy to tell the difference."

Father Yeung shook his head and pinched his daughter's cheeks. "You're much more beautiful than Delilah," he comforted. He knew Maya had been placed in a difficult position by accompanying him to this party so he tried to cheer her up.

But just as he finished speaking, Lucas seemed to sense that they were talking about him, and his gaze drifted their way. As the young woman lifted her head, their eyes met for a brief moment, and Maya was sure she saw him smirk.

Delilah also noticed him look at Maya and quickly explained, "Ahem, I forgot to tell you that I have a twin sister."

Lucas raised an eyebrow, pretending to be surprised. "Oh?" he said.

Not wanting him to think that she was deliberately hiding something, Delilah quickly dragged him over to her sister. "Lucas, this is my sister, Maya. Maya, this is Lucas..." she introduced.

Lucas looked at Maya and narrowed his eyes. However, he did not say anything.

So, Maya stuck out her hand nervously and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Lee."

Lucas smirked. Ignoring the woman's hand, he said, "Please...call me Lucas. We're family now..."

Maya pulled her hand back and looked at the man awkwardly. Something about his tone felt familiar: this was the same tone he used whenever he teased her!

Just as she thought this, the lights in the ballroom suddenly turned off and a stage at the front lit up. Maya blinked a few times to adjust her eyes and realized that Delilah and Lucas were gone, and they were heading for the stage.

Chairman Lee was already standing on the stage proudly at that moment. He grabbed the microphone and said, "Thank you everyone for attending Delilah and Lucas' engagement party. I am really grateful that you took the time to come here tonight and witness this important event. To make things official, I have prepared a set of engagement rings for the couple. After they exchange these rings, they will be officially engaged."

The crowd cheered as Lucas and Delilah stepped onto the stage.

Chairman Lee handed them each a ring and pushed them together eagerly.

As Maya looked at the two rings...she felt her heart sink.

Things were about to become official, and there was no turning back...