Follow My Lead

Maya tugged on Lucas' sleeve and whispered beside his ear, "What's happening? Are we really doing this?"

Lucas furrowed his brows and whispered back, "I'm sorry. If we don't play along, my father won't believe us. Let's put up with it tonight and I'll resolve this issue tomorrow."

"Play along? How do you expect me to play along? You do know what 'ritual' he's expecting right?" Maya hissed.

Lucas grabbed onto Maya's hand and said, "Just follow my lead."

He then pulled her towards their bedroom.

As soon as he opened the door, their eyes were almost blinded by the amount of red in the room. 

The bedsheets, the quilt covers, the curtains...even the pillowcases were a bright red with flowers, phoenixes, and dragons embroidered on them. This was a traditional wedding chamber and red was supposed to bring them good luck.