I devoured two plates of pasta without any sigh of slowing down. Hayden looked at me astonished at the speed of my eating. What? I have a big appetite and there is nothing wrong about that.

"What are you looking at, never seen a girl eat before?" I questioned his piercing gaze.

"Nope, I have never seen a girl eat like a pig before" He emphasized on the word 'pig'.

"I don't eat like a pig" I emphasized on each and every word of my sentence.

"Oh really?" He leaned forward on the island.

"Mhm" I also leaned forward, gathering all the confidence I had. He reached forward, wiping a bit of sauce that I had on my left side of the mouth and licked it of his finger. An unfamiliar feeling started to gather at the pit of my stomach. Hayden sat back on his stool still smirking at my face, that was flushed red due to the thought that just occurred in my mind.

"You can go to bed, I won't eat you" He chuckled and I stuck my tongue out at him. I got up and walked towards the stairs when I stopped at the noise of glass smashing. I turned around but was thrown down on the floor with a great force. I looked up to see four Dosorllas entering the pent house through the broken window as Hayden protected me from them. He was trying to dodge the attacks and keeping me safe at the same time. I looked around trying to find a thing that could do something as I was looking here and there I slipped. I caught a handle of a cabinet to stop when it opened and a bunch of dagger fell out. I grabbed one and threw it at the one that was hovering above Hayden. It instantly melted. I grabbed a couple more and threw them at the other three and they instantly melted too. Hayden was still on the floor, panting due to the rush. I held out a hand but instead of getting up, he pulled me down along with him. I landed on him, processing what was happening. An arrow flew above my head and hit the wall. We stayed still for a couple of minutes before getting up.

"What the hell was that?" I looked at the arrow in pure horror as a green liquid dripped from it. Hayden didn't reply. I looked at him. He was smirking at me.

"What?" I looked at him confused. His smirk deepened, as he placed his hand at my back. I realized that I was straddling him. My face turned red and I tired getting up but he pulled me back. I glared at him and he glared at me back. We stayed like there for five minutes until I broke the staring match and got up. This time he didn't pull me, Thank God!. We stood up and Hayden examined the arrow and the liquid. He frowned, calling someone on his phone.

"What's the problem?" I asked him.

"The arrow, it was sent by Amy" He ran a hand through his hair, looking frustrated to death.

"Pack up, we are going somewhere else to stay" He said before leaving to go to his room. So, Amy was trying to kill me. I scoffed and went upstairs to pack some stuff. Looking inside the closet I made me realize that he sure knew what a girl needed and what she didn't. I came downstairs to see him ready. He took my hand and we left the building that was now surrounded by guards. We crossed NYC streets and made our way towards a farmhouse.

The farmhouse was under heavy security. Guard surrounded us with all the technical ammunition I had only seen, not used. We lead our way towards a hut. We were standing outside as Hayden opened the lock. I heard a rustle in the bushes that covered the hut like a fence. I looked to see my mother waving at me.

"MOM!" I screamed running towards her. Hayden right behind me. I rushed and hugged her.

"Congratulations you both. I am so happy for you. I know that you will keep my daughter safe, Hayden. Look after her. As for you dad, he and I are okay. We will come out when the time comes." And with that she vanished just as I lunged to catch her.

"Mom" I whispered tears spilling out of my eyes as I clutched Hayden's arm. He soothed my back, he himself relived that his father was okay.

"It's okay " He whispered patting me. He carried me bridal style back in the hut and played some music to soothe me. I smiled as I lisped to the scientist by Coldplay while Hayden strummed the guitar.

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry

You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you, tell you I need you

Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions

Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles, coming up tails

Heads on a science apart

We smiled at each other and laughed at our states. We both had someone we had to find. We both needed each other to trust. We both were broken yet we were joining each other's broken souls together. The song carried on.

I was just guessing at numbers and figures

Pulling the puzzles apart

Questions of science, science and progress

Do not speak as loud as my heart

Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me

Oh, and I rush to the start

Running in circles, chasing our tails

Coming back as we are

I didn't knew what had happened because I fell asleep the moment the song ended. I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard someone sobbing. I looked behind me to see it was Hayden.

"Dad, don't leave me. please, please. stay for me" He was having a recollection of his past.

"Hayden, wake up it is okay, he is okay" I tried waking him up and he awoke with a start.

"Hey, it's okay" He looked around and upon seeing me, hugged me immediately. My heart melted as he held me tightly. I rubbed his back, comforting him with all the words I could find. After running out of words I started humming to him. He dried up his tears, and sat back.

"Sorry, just happens" He apologized. I just smiled at him, knowing he didn't need words, just someone who could be with someone. I gave him a side hug.

"They will be alright, wont they?" He asked me as if reassuring.

"Yup, they are two strong man and woman siblings. Even Amy cant beat them, however strong her sources are" I spoke as if I believed it. If my mother could escape from that place, tells that, she could do it even before but she was waiting for a moment to arrive. As if she wanted to see me before running away. Moreover, she trusted Hayden and I knew he would never let me down no matter what the cost. I looked over to Hayden who was now asleep. I also drifted off, staring at his face.

I woke up at the crack of dawn when I felt an intense staring at my face. I opened my eyes to see Hayden. He was strumming his guitar, staring at me and taking sips of his coffee in between. I cocked my eyebrows at him but he just kept looking at me. After I had given up on the match, he stood up and walked towards the small kitchen. I looked around to see a big glass window. A kitten was playing in a puddle. It was drizzling. I gasped, getting up and running outside the door. The moment I stepped outside, the drizzling turned into a shower of rain. I ran and started playing in the rain, when I heard Hayden calling for me.

"Come on, enjoy the rain" I shouted at him as the rain picked up its speed. I couldn't hear him so I moved closer to the shelter.

"Come back inside, you are going to get sick" He scolded me like a dad.

"Oh, stop being such a party popper" And I pulled him into the rain, drenching him along with me. I twirled around in the rain. Hayden glared at me then pulling me into a hug. I laughed out loud as we enjoyed jumping in the puddles. I challenged him to catch me, which he did quite easily. He caught me from behind and then changed my position. I faced him and I literally forgot to breath. He looked like a Greek god who had just descended from the sky. His features sharp, his jawline hard as he stared intensely in my eyes. He came forward, standing nose to nose. I Looked into his eyes and couldn't stop as electricity surged through me. I kissed him with all the passion I had and he returned it with all he had. Our bodies joined together, heating up each other touch. At that moment, I knew I had gotten all I had ever wanted in my life.