"He threatened her. She is the head and owner of S.A.C. Does he know what he has done?" Dom questioned, dislike evident on his face for Hayden.

"Do you like Amy or something like that?" I asked, shoving food in her mouth. Everyone coughed and Dom looked around confused.

"She is the head. We cannot do anything against her" He stated as if Amy was the ruler of the world and they are insects who can not do anything.

"So, what if she is the head? If she is wrong, she is. You are justifying her wrong doings. That is just dumb of you." I said in a disgusted voice.

For the first time, Jeremy actually looked at her carefully. Somehow, he liked her because she knew what was right and wrong. Not like Dom, who was stubborn.

Hayden entered the kitchen, Carl following him.

"Sir, we have all the reporting's and we have men following her" He stopped, looking at the amount of people that were present in he room.

"Okay, you can now leave and order your man to stay on full guard every time. Even one moment of laziness and you all pay for the consequences." Carl just nodded and left the room.

"Jeremy, I would like to talk to you, meet me in my office in five minutes" He spoke typing on his phone and making his way out.

"Oh, and a cup of coffee" He looked towards me and I inclined my head, finishing the scrap of my plate.

"You just have to say and I will make you some more" He looked at me amused, because I had scraped my plate clean. I just stuck out my tongue at him and stood up making coffee for everyone. After making the coffee I handed Jeremy the tray and guided him to the office that was at the end of the hallway.

"You know, we used to know a very different version of Hayden Daunter, we did. But this one is the polar opposite of that one. Though, you sometimes see that side too. But wow, man; you have changed him for good. I am impressed." Ivy shook her head in disbelief. I just smiled, sipping on my coffee.

"You know, I have to agree with the person who said that, be with the man who knows your coffee order" Katie sighed.

"Nah, not me. I was with this guy who knew it but he cheated on me, bastard" Ivy pulled a face and all of them laughed.

"Yes, you wanted to talk" Jeremy upon entering asked Hayden.

"Katie, Katie Warner. You like her don't you" He picked up the cup from the tray. Jeremy got alerted.

"Yeah, why are you taking about her?" He inquired.

"Because it is not just Clare, Amy is after, it is also Katie" He sipped his coffee calmly while sending Jeremy's mind in a mess.

"Why her?" He inquired.

"Because we both share a bond that is stronger than anything. But, we must have our powers nurtured and under control before we use them." It was me who was standing at the door of the office with the coffee cup in hand. I had seen a paper that belonged to Hayden that was left outside. So, I came in the office to return it but on seeing my name on it, I couldn't stop my curiousness and had read it. Hayden stood up from his chair, smiling at me fondly. He walked towards me and kissed my forehead, taking the paper from my hand.

Jeremy liked their interaction. It seemed like they had known each other since childhood.

"So, I have to protect her" He butted in between Hayden and mine's unheard conversation.

"You can't protect her if she stays in S.A.C" Hayden pointed out.

"But I have no other place to go" He looked worried.

"What about the house that was given to you by the S.A.C as you have the authority of NYC center" Hayden queried.

"I have it, but I haven't used it besides it is my family's too" He told him. Hayden checked the phone that had dinged.

"No use, Amy must have done something to it. We cannot trust it" Hayden dismissed his own idea.

"Just keep her close to you. Not even a single time she would be out of your sight or anything could happen. And when I mean anything, I mean anything" He emphasized on 'anything'.

"I just left Clare with you guys and you were attacked. If something had happened to you no one would have known because It was Amy who did it" He carried on, his voice turning darker.

"When we were attacked, It was just us that was, but Dom wasn't attacked by them all of a sudden. They attacked him one by one. I just found it weird" He told Hayden, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I don't know, must be something related to Amy" He was dismissing the idea when I interrupted him.

"But he always is always saying that we shouldn't go against her, like legit, always" She pointed out.

"Yeah, that I have noticed but.... I don't know" Jeremy seemed uneasy on the thought of Dom going against them.

"Depends, but be careful. Amy can do anything. Keep yourself out of danger, now that Amy knows you are with me. She must also know that I might have warned you. Be normal with her and don't act strange. That is all I can say" Hayden advised him and Jeremy got up.

"We will be leaving then." He walked towards the door while Clare and Hayden followed.

"I will be going with them" Clare informed him, who instead of replying pulled her back towards him.

"No you are not going anywhere" He said seriously, looking into her eyes.

"But..." My protested were stopped by a chaste kiss. I frowned as he pulled me towards the foyer. I knew he wasn't going to let me go at any cost so I decided to stay. Ivy smirked at me as she saw us. I glared at her playfully.

"Someone looks star stricken" She whispered in my ear, teasing me. I pushed her. She just giggled at my antic.


"They are after us, we cannot do anything" The man spoke slowly, cowardly.

"I don't care. Kill those bitches or you die. Your choice. I am the queen. How can I not do it. Use the arrows." She spoke venomously. The man shuddered and left the room, ready to prepare for the attack. But they didn't know that they can go against everything, but not fate.

We arrived down the elevator along with then because Hayden wanted to take me out on a date. We entered the parking lot and as I was about to sit Carl shouted mine and Katie's name. Before I could react. I was pushed to the ground by Hayden. We were on the other side of the car while we were being attacked from the other side. I tried looking at him but by the amount of strength he was holding and protecting me I could just stay low. We heard a loud bang and a bunch of screams. I shuddered as Hayden soothed me by creasing my back. After a minute or so we heard the voice of Carl screaming all clear. He ran up to us and as he saw that we were okay, he sighed heavenly before running to check on others. As we stood up Hayden and Jeremy exchanged dark looks.

"Sir, we caught this man" A guard came up to Hayden, holding a man by his collar. Hayden grabbed and placed his foot on the mans injured hand. "Who?" He just asked him the one word when an arrow came and it took the man in the eye. I gagged as Hayden backed of hiding me immediately behind his back knowing fully that the danger is not over yet.

"ALL IS CLEAR, I REPEAT ALL IS CLEAR" Carl's voice echoed through the speakers in the parking lot as guards surrounded us. Hayden was shaking in fury. I could do nothing except hug him from behind. On feeling my touch Hayden calmed down a little bit before turning and patting me on the head.

"It is okay" I whispered to him.

"Mhm" He replied holding me even more close. Everybody was stupefied at due to the attack. It took us a while to calm down. Katie had hurt her head and was taken to the paramedics. Jeremy and Hayden stood close talking to each other as I and Ivy consoled Katie. Dom was sitting along with Ivy. He looked a little disoriented. I, on noticing nudged Ivy who asked Dom that what was wrong with him.

"Nothing, we were just attacked twice in a day. We have gone on mission but never attacked so its just new." He massaged his eyes. Hayden ad Jeremy were still discussing something.


"He is dead" A man stood by the door of the room.

"Very well, you will take the task. A person who cannot do something deserves to die" The man gulped at her merciless attitude.

"Why are you afraid?" She asked, her voice sickeningly sweet.

"No, mam. It is an honor" He tried to normalize his voice, failing miserably.

"Go then, please me" Her eyes gleamed evilly.