I had slept in the car and Hayden bought me to his room. I looked around thanking that I was fully clothed when I was pushed back on the sheets by a heavy hand. I looked around to see Hayden's hand on my waist as he snuggled close. I stopped and observed him. Man. If I ever am going to admit something to him, it would be his Oh-so-sharp jawline that I was obsessed with, hehe. He was my fiancé, contract marriage or not.

'This new year really brought up something I would never have imagined doing' His hand moved inside my shirt and I slapped it away. "Pervert" I called him and he opened his eyes. "What did you just say?" He asked, his voice hoarse. '

'This is going to be a long morning' was my first thought upon seeing his darkened eyes. He repeated his question as I squirmed under him. My mind worked trying to find a way out and it concluded that only one thing can save me, and I did it. I bit him, again. He rolled off and I stuck my tongue out at him, running out of the room. I came outside and let out a sigh.

"I AM FREE" I shouted as I danced going up to my room. Katie popped her head out of the guest room. "Are you nuts or did you just got out of jail?" She asked rubbing her eyes. I kicked her back in her room and shut her door. I was happy. I don't know why but I couldn't rub the stupid smirk off my face. I changed and washed and skipped downstairs. As soon as I stepped on the floor. I heard a voice. I turned around slowly to see Amy standing there. I snickered at her and turned to leave when her voice stopped me in my tracks.

'What the.....' Was the only thought in my mind as I turned to face him.

"I know that you and Hayden met Jane and Henry, huh. Of course those pests are jealous of me for I am the queen. But, what I know is if you are creating an assassination group against me. I assure you that you will only be inviting your death." She stood their proudly. Little did she know that her pride was about to shatter to fragments, in no time. Seeing her attitude I could not help but burst into laughter. I was holding my stomach and giggling like a mad woman when Hayden entered.

"Jeez, I thought you had gone nuts" He heaved a sigh. I stopped laughing and glared at him.

"Language Mr. Daunter or else" I threatened him showing him a finger. He held my finger as I stood up, snatching it from his hand and flaunted my hair and walked towards the kitchen area.

"That girl is getting out of bounds. I suggest you keep her leashes in your hand quite tightly" She ordered Hayden who made no effort in listening her.

"I wanted to tell you that I would be moving to London in a couple of weeks, along with Clare" He spoke airily.

"No, you are certainly not going to that wrenched country....." She started angrily.

"Hey, come on I love England so much. Don't you dare say a word against it." I stepped in between their talk my mouth stuffed with hash browns.

"Don't talk with your mouth full" Hayden scolded me. I swallowed my mouthful going back towards the kitchen to grab some more.

"I was saying you are not..." She was again stopped by Hayden. "And when have I ever heard to what you have said. Do not dwell on the topic you cannot win" He shrugged his shoulder, making his way to the kitchen. Amy stomped on the floor before following Hayden. On hearing her footsteps Hayden turned around. "You were never invited, CARL" He called Carl walking away.

"I AM YOUR MOTHER" She shouted, as Carl stopped her from going any further inside and led him out of the penthouse.

"You know, you treat her like you are not her son. I really am having second thoughts about your relation." I joked and he flicked a finger at my forehead.

"Ouch" I commented rubbing my forehead.

"Where the heck is Katie? She was awake a while ago. KATIEEEE" I screamed her name as Hayden covered his ears. "You scream like a banshee" He looked horrified.

"Yeah and she will be here within no time" I said and popped a piece of toast in my mouth. And she was here, standing in front of me, within no time. "See, I aren't I amazing?" I removed invisible dust of my shoulders.

"Yeah, an amazing narcissist" Katie spoke crossly.

"Hey, don't be jealous of my narcissism. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" I asked jokingly.

"Oh, I don't know about me but I sure am thinking that you woke up on quite the right side of the bed" She was still crossed for she hated being woke up like this.

"Fine, I am sorry. But, you know. It is such a long way up to your room" I whined out. She just gave me a pointed look before eating her pancakes, quickly.

"What is the rush about?" I asked her.

"Jeremy is coming to pick me up" She informed as I fell from my chair. Hayden looked up from his laptop before looking back down.

"What?" Katie asked.

"You didn't blush. My god. History has been made, people" I spoke in an exaggerated manner.

"Stop acting like a douche bay, Clare" She said at my acting.

"Since when are you so serious?" I asked her.

"Since, when you turned into a booster" She retorted back at me. I grumbled at her and sat back in my chair. The elevator dinged, indicating someone has arrived. I swung around to see Carl escorting Jeremy inside. He sat beside Katie as Hayden passed him some coffee.

"You wanted to discuss?" He started after taking a sip.

"We need to go to London in order to find the token or what ever it is?" Hayden said sitting straight.

"Why London?" It was Katie who asked that.

"We need to meet someone who will tell us. Dad dropped a hint" Hayden got out his phone and showed us a picture.

"Selena?" Katie and I both spoke up at the same time.

"How do you know Selena Marie. What has she got to do with this" Katie asked looking confused.

"Man, I always told her to add Gomez into her name. I mean Selena Marie Gomez is the name of "Selena Gomez" the famous singer. If she just added it then it would be like, Bro, I am the relative of Selena Gomez. So juicy" I butted in with a totally different topic. Katie gave me a are-you-in-your-right-mind look. I turned towards Jeremy.

"You have changed my best friend quite a lot. It is like she was your girl friend from childhood and I just met her" Katie didn't turn red and I jumped up again.

"See, she is not even blushing. She used to turn red so furiously even when that Jerk Richard looked at her.... humphhumph" I was interrupted by Katie who put a hand on my mouth.

"Who Richard?" Jeremy asked.

"No one" Katie replied quickly.

"Her boyfriend of five years" I butted in again. Katie glared at me. Jeremy, for the first time looked at me and smiled, may I repeat smiled at me. I felt like I had gotten an unasked brother.

"Why are you stopping her?" He asked Katie.

"Because..." Katie squirmed under his gaze.

"Because you thought I wouldn't like it?. Why would I?. For I don't care about the past. Just the present" He spoke to him as if me and Hayden didn't existed. Katie looked at me and smiled.

"Let's move to the office. She would not let us talk in peace at all" Hayden got up along with his laptop and coffee.

"Hey" I pouted at him and he winked back at me boyishly. I giggled.

"But what about Selena?" Katie inquired.

"Later" Jeremy and Hayden replied in a chorus.

"Thanks for having my back" Katie thanked me.

"I am your sister Katie. Even if you don't want me their I will be their because I have to. We are something we don't know. We need to find it out. We need to embrace who we are and what the world we are in is. We need to use our power to stop the wrong and make it right. If we don't do it, then who will. We need to find what the token is and do what we have to in order to save our parents and everyone who is in danger. She want's us dead because we are stronger and can overcome her. She fears that and we have to defeat her by the fear" I looked at her meaning every word I ever said to her. She smiled and hugged me.

"You are the best sister one can have" She whispered.

"I know" I replied cockily.

"Narcissist Jerk" she commented and we both laughed out loud.