"Amy Daunter is here in London and I have to go and meet her, Bye" He clicked his phone shut and made his way towards the road where a cab was waiting for him.

"Hey Sel, I need you to tell me that where is Amy right now and what she is doing. Great, I am on my way" I informed Selena on the phone and just as I was about to turn around I bumped into someone.

"Hayden" I smiled at him, trying my best not give in.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, holding my hand.

"Ummm, nowhere" I smiled at him, trying to get my hand out of his hold.

"Don't lie to me." He squinted his eyes at me.

"Fine, I am going to see Sel" I gave in.

"Fine, then lets go see her" He walked towards his parked car.

"Hey mister, I never offered you" I shouted at him.

"Oh yeah and like I ever listen to you" He shouted back at me.

"Well, I was your first" I sassed. He turned around and pulled me towards him, trapping me.

"Hey" I whined. But he kept his finger on my lips. I looked around to see some weird colors in the sky, Like a halo above the chimney of the roof which was spreading and surrounding the whole house. Hues of blue and purple color surrounded us. As they touched the ground they vanished and all seemed okay like nothing happened.

"What the heck was that?" I was the one who broke the silence first.

"I don't know but don't move a step out of the house." He took the phone out of the pocket and dialed a number while I just stared at the entrance of the house where the halo disappeared. I turned towards Hayden but was distracted by the sound of dog barking. I turned around just in time to see the dog running towards the house, as he entered the garden of the house, he disappeared and red flashes erupted from where he had jumped.

"What the fuck?" was all that came out of my mouth. Hayden and I stared at the point where all of this had happened. The dog had just vanished into thin air. We walked near the place and saw that there were ashes. I took the pen from Hayden's pocket and threw it. What happened left us shocked. It disappeared and we saw a red flash and some ashes fell on the ground.

"Hayden am I seeing things" I tapped his hand.

"No, you are seeing what I am seeing" He replied and I sat down on the ground my mind in a fuzz. Hayden held my hand tightly and pulled me up. We went inside and luckily ran in Max. Hayden explained him everything.

'Brrrr" My phone rang. It was Selena.

"Selena, yeah I am so sorry." I apologized to her.

"WAIT, you cannot come here because we just saw a halo that enveloped the whole house and a dog came running and it burned like literally burden. Do you know what might have happened" I told her the happenings but she didn't reply.

"Selena, Are you listening?" I called at the phone as she didn't reply.

"I am coming there" She said and the line went dead.

"What, she can't, Is she in her right mind" I murmured to myself as I once again ran into a very stressed Hayden.

"Selena is coming, or that is what she said" I informed him.

"But she can't, didn't you see?" Hayden looked at me as if I grown a pair of horns.

"Hey, I know but I told her everything and then she just said that she is coming" I defended myself.

"Sir, Mam Selena is here" Max came running inside.

"What in the world are they thinking..." He ran outside the house and I followed him. Selena stood in front of the house like a savior with purple flames in both her hands.

"Hayden, what the hell is happening" I asked him as Selena raised her hands up in the sky. Red flames enveloped the house and a moment later they disappeared. I looked at Selena who had her hands raised, eyes closed and was hissing some words. A minute later she stopped. She turned towards us and walked in our direction.

"My sister, I found out yesterday that she was endowed. She is good at magic, but she has some terribly weak points. I found her out. I am tracing her right now. It seems that she is helping that bitch Amy" She folded her arms on her chest.

"So, what did you just do?" I asked, still not familiar with the magic.

"I have done some safety measures that will be a precaution and she can no longer do anything to you. Now, I have to go and find her for that is more important, Bye" And with that she left.

"So, we are safe" I asked Hayden in re assurance.

"Yes we are safe and sound and you stay here because I am going to run some errands" He advised me and followed Max while I stood in the foyer.

"Mam, your father is awake" A maid informed me and I ran upstairs.

"Dad, you are awake, Thank god!" I exclaimed sitting down beside him.

"Yes kiddo, I am awake. How are you?" He smiled.

"I should be the one asking you this" I gave him a funny look.

"Yes, but you were the one who was awake in this world" He laughed at me as he gulped down his porridge and I rolled my eyes.

"The real Amy Daunter is dead" The spoon that was on the way to his mouth stopped in mid air.

"Yes, that is true, the Amy that we see is not really actually her. She is a doppelgänger or something like that. She was murdered. We saw it in the memories." I told him.

"And" He asked.

"We couldn't see no more because Hayden was traumatized. But, I will go and see some other time" I told him, grabbing a piece o toast, dipping it in his tea and ate it.

"Like mother, like daughter" Dad commented as I gobbled down the slice of bread.

"Where were you?" We sat up straight as we heard Jeremy's angry voice.

"I am not answerable to you" It was Dom that had replied.

"What do you mean by that Dom, stop right there" Jeremy spoke in a deadly voice. I came outside to see an angry Jeremy and a very annoyed Dom. I asked Ivy who looked at me helplessly that what had happened.

"We are close like siblings we share everything between us Dom and if someone hides something from us we know" This time Jeremy spoke calmly.

"We did share until he came along" Dom spitted at Jeremy who was now controlling his anger that was on the edge.

"Dom, he is protecting and helping us and he has nothing to do with us" He spoke calmly when a servant came running.

"Sir, Mam, Miss Katie is burning in fever' He informed and I ran up to her room with Ivy and Jeremy and a reluctant Dom.

"Katie?" I whispered as I sat down beside her.

"I feel like I have been walked over with a bunch of elephants" She spoke feebly making us all laugh.

"I want to eat spicy ramen" She whined. I looked over to the maid who nodded scurrying away.

"Can we watch Arrow" She spoke again and I shook my head, opening her laptop.

"Hey you guys will join us right" She looked towards the three of them who nodded. Half an hour later a large bowl of spicy ramen with chopsticks was delivered to Katie's room. Katie, I and Ivy were sitting on the bed, while Jeremy and Dom were sitting on the edge of the bed. We girls were the only one's watching Arrow. After finishing the whole bowl of ramen we decided to kick the boys out and have a girls party.

"Oh yeahhhhhhhhhh" We screamed as we sang along to songs and stalked people on instagram.

"You know its funny how normal people are making all fantasy things that are actually real" Katie pointed out.

"Banal is what we call the normal people" Ivy told us.

"Mundane is usually used for them, what the heck does Banal means?" I asked her.

"It is French for mundane. Our literature is mostly written in French people that is why we speak some words that are specifically in French" She explained.

"OHHH" Both me and Katie exclaimed loudly.

"It is ten already" Ivy exclaimed and I saw the clock. It was really ten. We bid each other goodbye. I was entering my room when I saw Dom. Deciding I should talk yo him, I called his name. He turned around.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that if you don't like Hayden's any type of interference in your business tell me, I will stop him but I won't compromise on Katie's, Ivy's and as well as Jeremy's security because they are all dear to me, including you and by the way where were you today?" I asked him and his expression tightened.

"Nothing" He replied firmly before turning away.

"Can't a man meet his family" He spoke to himself not wanting me to hear but I did and I stopped in my tracks.

"What the hell?"