I woke up at the break of dawn. The birds chirped loudly on the balcony of my chamber. My room was now shifted in the chamber. I sat on the bed to hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" I straightened my back.

"You are awake?" Dad asked as he entered my room.

"Yupsy" I smiled at him.

"Dad" I called him and he turned around to look at me.

"Can I get married today?" I asked him, leaving him spellbound.

"Marriage?" He repeated. I nodded my head at him

"I don't want to ascend the throne as a queen. I want to have a king beside me" He looked at me in disbelief. "Have you asked Hayden?" He asked me. I nodded my head in a yes.

"So, are you ready for this?" He asked.

"Mhm. I have everything ready" I flopped down on the bed.

"Well, then what are you waiting for, go grab the man" He patted my head before leaving. After taking a shower. I sat down in front of the vanity table, just o turn around at the sound of my door banging open.

"You are getting married?!" Katie screamed while Ivy was still panting. I shrugged my shoulders as both of them. They stared at me in disbelief.

"Okay, you are getting married. First thing, the dresses, the cake, the décor?" Katie was counting the list of things when I interrupted her.

"What is the point of marrying a businessman?" I shrugged and stood up, throwing open the door of my closet. An elegant snow white ball gown was hanging in their.

"WOAH" Ivy gasped.

"These are your dresses" I handed them their dresses which they took, awed.

"Sit down this instance, Let's get you ready. It is a long day ahead of us" Katie pushed me in my seat, opening compacts and lining lip colors. Ivy ordered the servants around and bustled helping me. After a lot of pulls and tugs, I was ready. I threw them both outside so they could go change as I helped myself in my dress.

"Oh my gosh" Katie and Ivy squealed as they entered my chamber. I was finally ready. The white ball gown fitted my waist perfectly as it flowed down like a water fall behind me in a long tail. I wore my hair down in a braided barrette and a diamond tiara was placed on it. They both were wearing rose gold long silk dresses as it was the theme of my big day. We walked out of the chambers towards the backyard where the exchanging of vows was held. Jeremy handed me a a bouquet of lilies. I saw dad standing near the door. He held out his hand and I caught it.

"If she would've been here, she would've been so proud of herself" He squeezed my hand as we walked towards aisle. I looked in front of me to see Hayden standing with all his glory. He looked ravishingly handsome in a rose gold suit. I bowed my head and smiled. I looked up to see him deeply absorbed in me that he didn't realize that I was standing right in front of him.

"Mhm" Dad cleared his throat, chuckling as he handed my hand over to Hayden.

"I won't say nothing but take care of my girl, or else, well she will get back for that" He smiled and went back to take his seat. I looked around to see Amy and the Xander's present there in the first rows. I turned my attention towards the Senex who was stating the vows and at Hayden as he said "I do" I smiled at him and looked at the senex before saying "I do" myself. Dad stood up and walked towards us standing in front of us, his back towards us as he faced the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present you Mr. and....." He couldn't even complete his sentence because Hayden had swept me up in a mouth devouring kiss and the guests had started hooting. Dad turned around and hugged me, patting Hayden, he backed off as we walked back towards the house. I turned around at the end of isle and threw my bouquet in the air, which landed straight in Katie's hand who was standing beside Jeremy. I laughed out loud before getting pulled by Hayden inside.

"Mrs. Daunter" He tested my name before agreeing. "I like it" He commented before pulling me in a hug.

"It is time for food" Katie shouted as we moved back outside to have some food.

"'Your coronation is in the evening and the reception is after that" Katie whispered in my ear. I nodded before biting into a prawn. Oh man! This is so delicious. I moaned out loud, before earning a warning glare from Hayden whose hand rested on my thigh, which he wasn't removing at any cost. Everyone came up and congratulated us as we thanked them. After lunch it was dance time.

I had opted for a mix playlist that was my original one. Baby I am amazed By Paul McCartney played on the speakers as we danced to it. The noon ended dancing on Best Song Ever by One Direction. It was nearly evening when I went upstairs and changed in my coronation clothes. Since I was married, It was mine and Hayden's coronation.

We walked in the basement to see that it had totally changed. It was now transformed in a large hall. The senex stood their with the dagger and a stone plate. We walked towards him and stood in front of him, our heads raised as silence fell. Hayden stepped forward and picked the dagger, cutting his hand in a swift manner, as blood dropped in the bowl. After him, I stepped forward repeating the ritual. The paramedics came and washed our wound, covering it with bandage. Senex stepped forward and placed the crown on Hayden's head. He turned towards me and placed the other crown on my head before stepping back.

"May I present you the King and Queen of Magna" He spoke in a high voice as everyone bowed in front of us.

