"So did you catch him?" Hayden asked me as he entered the study. I nodded my head in a yes, before running a hand through my hair.

"It is going to be okay, don't you worry too much" He sat in the chair in front of my desk. I smiled at him.

"Midnight driving, please" I pouted at him. He smiled, chuckling at my tactics. He held his hand to me, which I caught and he pulled me up.

"I need to change first" I whispered to him.

"You have 5 minutes, hurry" He let me go and I rushed towards the chamber. I grabbed his black tee and my black pants, freeing my hairs from the band, I grabbed my jacket and wallet along with the phone, pulling up my black boots and rushed back upstairs.

"That was fast" He commented as I patted my wild hair back to their place. We made our way outside to see Hayden's driver standing beside the car.

"You can go home, we are going alone" He took the keys from him and gave him his leave for the day. We sat in the car as Hayden sped up the car, opening the roof of the car. I smiled and took a deep breath before playing the radio. The voice of Taylor Swift filled the silence.

Salt air, and the rust on your door

I never needed anything more

Whispers of "Are you sure?"

"Never have I ever before"

But I can see us lost in the memory

August slipped away into a moment in time

'Cause it was never mine

And I can see us twisted in bedsheets

August sipped away like a bottle of wine

'Cause you were never mine

But do you remember?

Remember when I pulled up and said, "Get in the car"

And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?

Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all

"Meet me behind the mall"

Remember when I pulled up and said, "Get in the car"

And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?

Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all (For the hope of it all)

I sang along with Taylor Swift, feeling Hayden stare on my face, making me hot. I cocked my eyebrows at him and stood up in my seat, letting the rushing wind hit my face. My emotions right now were a mess. I felt like crying, screaming and laughing at the same time. I closed my eyes as a stray tear slipped out of my eyes. I sat back down, closing my eyes and resting my head on the head rest, letting the stupid tears fall freely. After a while I felt the car stop. I opened my eyes to see that we were in the drive thru of Mc Donalds. I took the tissue Hayden handed me as I wiped my face. Taking a deep breath I placed my order. Soon we were sitting in a park and eating our food.

"So, what are you going to do about Blaine Tobias?" He asked me.

"First, I need to find out where Dom is. Then, I will make him suffer what he did to me. In the process, I need to take of his mask or however he is hiding his face and do the same with Aubrey, and make her pay for both of our mother and father. Oh and by the way, what came up at the office?" I asked him, changing the subject because every time some one mentioned it, I felt like killing him this instance.

"Annabel came up" He commented, his face turning sour. I laughed at his face.

"What did she want?" I asked.

"She wasn't leaving so they had to kick her out but she threw a tantrum. I had to go and stop it." He bitterly told me. I bit in a laughter.

"She had the audacity to yell at me and say that she will tell her father, I mean you are talking to a king right? but no, she actually didn't believe it" He looked at me, as if wanting to say that 'yes, so unbelievable' but instead I bursted out laughing. He looked at me shocked, making me laugh even more.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked him, gaining control over my laughter. H gave me a look before shaking his head again. A knock on the car window, made me turn my head.

"Speaking of the devil" Hayden commented as he rolled down the window which resulted in me laughing straight at Annabel's face. She looked apprehensive.

"Hi, Annabel, is everything okay? You seem scared." I asked her.

"Wow, the devil is now scared." Hayden commented and I turned my laughter into a cough.

"Someone has been following me for the past two hours" She started but was interrupted by Hayden.

"And out of all people you saw us" He commented again, making me snicker.

"Look, I know but please help me" She was on the verge of crying. I opened the car door, exiting the car.

"Which car?" I asked her. She pointed to a car which had tainted windows. The window rolled down, when Annabel pointed at it. I threw Annabel to the ground, and I felt some thing hit me on my left side. It felt like my whole body was on fire. I groaned as my vision started to blur. The last thing I saw was Hayden's worried face before fainting in his arms.

"Owwww" I groaned as I felt I had been run on by a bulldozer. I tried opening my eyes, which were blinded by the sharp lightening in the room. My left side of the body was too numb to give a response. I felt someone slide their arms beneath me and pull me in a sitting position. I looked around, my eyes now able to see my surroundings. I saw Hayden sitting at my foot and dad on my left side. Ivy and Jeremy stood back as Katie looked at me, her eyes red from crying.

"Why are you crying, I am alive and okay" I told her and her mouth hanged open.

"SERIOUSLY, seriously? You were on the verge of dying and you wake up and tell us not to worry." She screamed at me, making me flinch.

"Ow, Well, do care I just came back from the heaven and you are screaming at me, making my eardrums burst, I can't even feel the left side of my body" I whined out the last part.

"Wait a minute, where is Annabel?" I asked realizing that she was missing.

"Upstairs, she wasn't even hurt yet she was crying like a baby" Ivy threw back her hands in mock surrender.

"Well, she was trapped in order to get to you and Hayden because the attacker knew that she would go to Hayden at any cost" It was dad who had read the question on my face and replied.

"And?" I asked Dad.

"The attacker said that he would giver her 1.5 million dollar if she lured you guys in a trap" This piece of information left my mouth hanging open.

"That bitch"