"The poison has spread.We can't do anything now He has just one day left" The doctor told Dad. He nodded and gave a cold sigh before opening the door and going inside.

"I need a moment alone with him" He patted my head and I made my way outside.

"She will be devastated" He turned around to face Hayden.

"Ash said so. I can't do anything" Hayden raised his hands in surrender.

"When is he showing that pretty of his?" He asked.

"Soon" Hayden laughed.

The rooster crowed, announcing that the morning had came. I woke up and stretched my sore limbs. Getting up, I changed my clothes and made my way towards the infirmary. I opened the door to see that no one was on the bed.

"Dad, where is Hayden?" I asked him entering the dining room.

"He is off to do some work" He informed.

"Work, wasn't he beaten last night. Well, it seems who ever hit him didn't do enough to give him a piece of mind. Where?" I asked him.

"I don't know" He shrugged his shoulder's. Leaving my breakfast, I got up and made my way outside, calling Hayden. He didn't picked up. I made my way towards my study to trace him out. He was behind that windmill. I cursed at him, getting up I wore my gear, making my way downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked.

"To save that jerk" I replied, making my way out. I zoomed towards the place from where I had saved him last night. I got out of the car, just to see him surrounded by people. He was in between in them, in a kneeling position.

"Hey there" I called out loud at the guys who surrounded him. They turned towards me and laughed, pointing at me.

'Uhhh, Why do people underestimate women' I thought before getting my dagger out. I looked around, taking in their position before setting my stance. I jumped on the fence, using it as a boost as I twisted my body in the air before landing on them. I kicked at the knee of one, spraining a foot of the other. I hit one on his neck which lead to him fainting instantly. I bounced up, my hands on the ground and hit two people in their eyes with my feet. Soon, they were all, laying on top of each other in a neat pile as I clapped my hands together in anticipation.

"So, what were you thinking...." I turned around to Hayden but my sentence was left hanging in the air, when I saw him unconscious on the grass.

"Hayden?" I called as I sat on the ground, shaking him.

"HAYDEN!" I screamed, shaking him vigorously. His face was green and so were his hands. I hugged him, tears spilling down my face, as my mind was filled with worst scenarios that could happen.

"HELP" I screamed weakly as my vision started to blur. I couldn't feel anything as darkness enveloped me.

I woke up to see I was in my bed and Katie and Ivy surrounded me, their eyes red, indicating they were crying.

"What happened and Where is Hayden?" I asked them, sitting up. Katie looked at me as if she was trying to hide something. I turned towards Ivy who bowed her head.

"His condition is critical. He was poisoned." She told me quietly and I clenched the bedsheets.

"Leave me alone" I managed out and Katie looked at me in horror.

"No, I won't do anything, just leave" They stood up and left. I let the tears spill out of my eyes as once again my vision blurred. The light that was on, turned off and darkness invaded the chamber.

"Hayden" I called out weakly as I smelled his cologne around me. I leaned back but instead of touching the pillow, I fell into someone arms. I sensed that it was Hayden because the touch was same as I once again fell into a deep slumber.

I woke up to see that I was alone in the chamber. I rubbed my eyes, somehow feeling much better than before. Someone knocked on the door and I told him to come in. It was Dad.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"How is Hayden" I counter questioned him.

"Better than ever" He smiled and I let out a sigh.

"Can I go and meet him?" I asked.

"But remember my words 'Larie" He left the room. I got up and made my way towards the infirmary. I was about to open the door, when someone else opened it for me. I turned around to see it was Jeremy. I entered the room but stilled at the sight in front of me. The world stopped for me and everything came crashing down. I stumbled but Jeremy steadied me. I moved forward and removed the white cloth from the head of the body. I sat down on the floor as I saw Hayden's white face beneath it. I was too shocked that I didn't know how to react. There was only one thing that came in my mind.

'Everything is done for me'

I started shivering vigorously as Jeremy enveloped me in a warm hug, trying to calm me down. At that moment I had lost everything that kept me together, I wailed in his brotherly embrace as he soothed me. I had lost a part of me. I had lost Hayden. Everyone that I loved were dying and there was nothing could do. I couldn't change the fate, can I?

I didn't knew how long I had cried. Jeremy helped me up, when we were told that the funeral was to take place in an hour. I walked towards my chamber defeated as I changed into mourning clothes.


"Yes, no matter what you do you are still you. The coronation will be held tomorrow where you will take the oath. Many people before you have taken the oath, some have done the right thing while the others did against it. Some fell and some rose. But it matters to no one because it was their choice. History always remembers the valiant, not the coward. Learn from the mistakes of your elders."


'I, Clare Jane Daunter am the true queen of Magna. I vow that death is forbidden for me, until I don't avenge the innocent people that have died. I won't sit still till the blood of those bastards is spilled and known as a warning to all the others. I vow that I will make their living like hell, until they don't pay the price of what they have done.'

I walked out of the chamber and made my way towards the backyard where the funeral was held. Everyone had already taken their seats. I gazed around and stopped on a person sitting in the front row, his face hidden with a mask. I stared at him, realizing that he was sitting as the same posture as Hayden did. He had caught me staring and immediately bowed his head, but I had seen the color of his eyes which left me in a shock.