-Yes Dore, why did you ask. "The green of the carpet is great. The coffee table is also bone color. I also liked the glass. It's a very enjoyable choice. "+

-Thanks honey. You might not believe it, but the carpet is second hand.

"Are you serious, which pickaxe will sell this? I'd love to meet that sucker. Hah hah. "

- He probably had a debt. I mean, it probably is. Actually, I did not ask when buying.

Milena was surprised as she stared at the reflection of the glass lamp. Because it darkened from the lamp. Then the lamp went off. One of the pieces of glass that shot out of the lamp hit Dore's face. Blood gushed from his face as Dore tried to remove that glass.

-Dore don't panic, don't move! Hold the wound with your hand! I immediately bring the first aid kit and come for intervention.

Both hands of Dore were shaking. But he would do as Milena said.

-Banded cloth, this is Dore. I will wrap it up before you move.

"Watch out, Milena. "Come on!" Milena wrapped the banded cloth in Dore's face. Both were surprised. Milena thought for a while. The electrical wiring had just been renewed. There could be nothing like electrical leakage, excess current, or any other problem.

- Sorry Dore, I just renewed the electrical wiring. I do not know.

"I know Milena. The ghost has come again. No lamp reflects a blackout. We have to take it now."

-I think it's Dore. An hour later, he saw Milena Dore off. He was afraid of having nightmares when he went to bed. Only ten minutes later he would get through it. Her dream will excite her this time, then she will relax. (12:16 pm, his dream begins)

-What is this car? 18 lanes of road, oh Lord. Where is here!?! Brake, Brake! Damn, I can't stop. What! 390 km. Don't come truck, no, no! I want wings, wings.

Milena was sweating on her bed as if she had gotten wet in the rain. However, what would happen could not be changed.

-No. This is not the world, I have to fly. What is this? There is a train. Our speeds are the same, we'll crash, no !!! Get out, ugly ghost, get out! I said get out !!

The train touched Milena. Soon his wings would save him. There had been no collision. He was relieved as he flew. He would wake up after crossing the sky. Milena was struggling between quitting work and going to the hospital or entering group therapy. He would choose the latter. Milena had bought herself a blouse before going to the clinic. He had chosen a model with orange stripes and green. He thought of buying a new pair of pants. However, he gave up later. Because all the trousers he had were able to be worn. Milena's neighbor, Sharon, would want to go out today. However, he first started eating a green apple and a yellow apple. He said, "Let me rinse the apples."

Then he searched for a knife from the kitchen drawer. He had a fruit knife, but when he noticed it was getting moldy, he grated it with another knife.

"I like apples. Especially the green apple is my favorite."

He said cheerfully. He would eat the other apple on the way. The phone rang just as he was about to leave.