-Hello Fredrick. A! What the hell is this? What happened?!? Tell me!"

Other colleagues would welcome her in a near-normal manner. But those who asked could do so. Willie had just escaped shock. He attempted to explain what happened to him:

-No ask, guys. We raided the house of a killer. But Marky is Dead. Everyone in unison: Aaa! Can't be!

Police Marky's ex-girlfriend Cameron was crying.

"The sooner he died. However, my mind was always there. May you find yourself in peace. ''

His crying would soon turn into hiccups. Soon she would go to the bathroom and try to calm herself down. It was as if he was shedding tears not with his eyes but with his whole soul. Fredrick was going to explain the details of the incident soon. The brain of his friend, who entered his job at the police station at the same time as him, was filled with suspicion.

(How can things happen so quickly? Interesting indeed.) He said in his mind.

His superiors would agree with him. However, Fredrick would not be cleared of this business easily and would deal with the slanders thrown at him.

* * * * *

Sam was looking for Fredrick. He heard what had happened. He intended to calm him down. However, the phone calls were not answering. Then he would go to his friends with whom he had contracted. He would use his phone again:

"Hello, Fassy. How are you? I called to let them know that I was coming soon. Oh, and I can't get to Fredrick. Could he be depressed? His phone rings but he doesn't answer. "

"No, Sam, I think, he's just thinking about how to circumvent the investigation. Well, he was charged with murder. Not everyone can handle it easily. "

"You're right, Fassy. Me too.''

"Never mind, Sam, we're waiting for you. Come on.''

"I'm on the road, Fassy."

Sam made his way to the cafe. However, he started seeing strange things. He was muttering inside:

"You are not real, no! You are not real! I'm dreaming. "" Suddenly, he tightened himself (also with the effect of the dark coffee he drank). He continued this, ignoring the confused glances on the subway he was riding. When he got to the station where he was going to land, he stopped boring himself. He left with swift steps.