Chapter 1: Just A Normal Monday Morning...... NOT!

♡"Monday Morning"♡

☆"Ryan's POV"☆


I smack my alarm off still wide awake from all the pain that I'm in, my body hurts not just physically but also mentally, if that makes sense.

I get up out of bed even though I didn't want to, I just wanted to stay in bed and hope that death would get me before my parents but I know that'll never happen.

I walk into my bathroom after grabbing my bathroom things. I strip down to my underwear and look at myself. A huge black, blue, and purple bruise on my side, bruises scattered everywhere on my body, and to top it off a fucking few hickeys.

You're probably wondering where the hickeys came from, right? Well remember when I said he's the main reason why I burn, well guess what the reason behind that is, I'll give you a hint. It begins with an r ends with an e and is one of the worse most possible things that can ever happen to anyone.

If you said rape, you're 100% right.

Yes he took my first everything from me.

He took my first kiss.

He took my first time.

He took it all and he just laughs about it everytime. He laughs as if he just made a joke.

The worse part about all this is that I can't escape any of it, I get bullied physically, mentally, and I guess you could say verbally.

But anyways, I take off my underwear and jump in the shower turning the cold water all the on and the hot water knob twice.

After 30 minutes, I get out, dry myself off, put my clothes on, brush my hair and teeth, and then walk out of the bathroom.

I get my things together putting a extra set of clothes and an extra pair of shoes which consisted of, a slightly tight black tank top with my black leather jacket, a pair of black skinny jeans, and my black combat boots, in my bag.

I put on a pair of black and white Puma tennis shoes to match with my white long sleeve and black boot cut jeans.

I open my door quietly and quickly but quietly walk out of this god forsaken house.

My school is about a 30 to 40 minute walk depending if you make pit stops which I don't normally but, on rare occasions I do.

-----31 minutes later-----------------

I make it to my school with 10 minutes to spare. That's a recorder.

I start to walk into the school but then as soon as I walk through the doors into the building I'm tripped, of course, and land face first on the ground. I let a painful cry out and got right back up.

I dust myself off and continue walking to my locker with a fake but realistic smile plastered on my face.

I get to my locker and to my suprise, there was no notes, no new spray paint, or anything, and I think I might have felt a little happy.

I open my locker and get my things together for my first period, which is honestly one of my favorite classes, art.

I make to my art class and my art teacher, Mrs.Beckett, was in the front getting things ready. She turns to look at me with a smile. She helps me with my things and sets them down on the desk I normally sit at, which is in the back corner of the classroom.

"So, how was your weekend love?", Mrs.Beckett asked me and I sighed.

"As good as it could possible get in my life.", I tell her and she smiles at me sadly.

"Class is gonna start in 5 minutes would you like to help me get this stuff ready?", she asks gesturing to the things for today's lesson.

"Of course.", I tell her happily feeling a little less useless and little more useful.

After 5 minutes the class was flooded with students and the bell rang I went to back to my desk only to find the one and only Ember Roger.

You're probably wondering, who the hell is Ember Roger, well let's just say she's one of my bullies.

She looks sweet and innocent with her white and bright blue almost silver looking eyes.

I sit down at my desk a somewhat smile.

"Hi Ryan, I didn't see ya this morning.", she whispers in my ear causing shivers to go down my spine. I scoot away from her some.

"Y-yeah, I-I was e-early today.", I stutter to her and she smiles.

"Girls, is there something you'd like to share with the class?", Mrs.Beckett asked and I shake my head.

"Good, now pay attention.", she says going back to what she was teaching.

"Alright class, today you'll be drawing what I tell you to draw, but it also depends on you.", she says and I gulp but get my sketch book out.

I flip it open to a page and not paying attention I opened it to a drawing I had just finished recently. The only thing I was paying attention to was well actually nothing.

"Wow.", I hear Ember breathe out I look up and see her looking at the picture. I gasp and turn it to a blank page instead.

"Did you draw that?", she asks in amazement taking my sketchbook and flipping through it and stopping on the page it was on before I flipped to a blank page.

"Why are drawings so..... dark?", she asks looking at me. I start to bite on my lip from nervousness.

"I-I.... Just because I felt like it.", I say to her taking my sketch book back.

"No seriously, why are they so dark, are in like a bad place right now?", she asks sounding worried.

Yeah, well I guess I'd be sounding worried if I saw somebody drawing things like, human like hands tearing apart a heart, or a person in a corner balled up with demons surrounding her.

"It's none of your god damn fucking business!", I yell and the class all gasps and turns to the back and stares at me.

"Ryan, out of my classroom right now, especially with that language!", my teacher yells causing me to flinch but I still get up, put my things in my bag, and walk out of the classroom slamming the door on my way out.

I down the hallway being pissed off. Look I don't normally get upset or have outbursts like that but her not minding her own god damn business just ticked me off.

"Ryan wait!", I hear someone yell I stop abruptly and turn around only to be knocked down by Ember.

"What the hell Ember?!", I yell in pain from the force of the fall.

"Sorry.", she says blushing.

"Wait, are you blushing?", I ask confused. Why she blushing, there's nothing to be embarrassed of. She clears her throat and gets up she extends her arm out so she can help me up I roll my eyes and stand up by myself dusting myself off.

"Sorry again, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.", she says I sigh and nod my head

"Yeah I'll be fine.", I say in a monotone voice.

"Wel since I'm already out here do you want me to wal-", she goes to say before I cut her off.

"Ember", I sigh out

"What do you want from me?", I ask her looking into her eyes.

"A date if possible.", she says confidently

"What?!", I practically yell in shock.

"You heard me.", she says and I just shake my head

"No.", I say to her walking away.

"Wait, what do you mean no?", she asks

"As in like no it is not possible for me to go on a date with you even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to, for... personal reasons.", I say to her and she nods looking down.

"Okay, um well, do you at least wanna be friends?", she asks and I shake my head no again

"Ember, just stop trying. I'm not gonna be your friend and I'm not gonna go on a date with you, not only to protect you but also cause you've been one of my bullies since forever.", I tell her walking away.

"Wait, can I at least ask you two more questions?", she asks

"That's one question ask the other.", I tell her and she tsk me and rolls her eyes.

"Okay I'm gonna ask you two questions.", she says and think about it and nod my head.

"Okay, first come here.", she says and I walk slowly over to her. She cups my right cheek which good thing isn't the one that's bruised.

"Since when have you had the reddish orange color in your eye?", she asks

"Since forever.", I tell her she examines my face as if she's looking for some kinda hint or something. I raise a brow in confusion and she let's go of my cheek.

"And two, where did you all the bruises and hickeys?", she asks worriedly.

"Um.....", I trail off not knowing an excuse.

"Thise aren't hickeys, and um I fell down the stairs.", I tell her and she gives me a face that says 'bish stop lying'

"I'm telling you the truth.", I tell her and start to walk away but she she grabs my arm and to my luck it's the one with the nee burns on it.

I bite my lip trying not to yelp in pain.

"Will you at le-", she goes to say but the bell rings. Thank god saved by the bell

"See ya later Ember.", I say somewhat running down the hall of the school.