It all begins with a bad day

Am I different, am I crazy or are these people an expert at reading minds, Live your life as they want or they kick you out from their lives That's what Jones was saying in that dark room even there is lamps But he loves it like this.

he knows where the darkness is, calm follows him, In order to enjoy symphony suited to his taste, stranger to us, because we were blinded as a result of the pleasures that happen to us, we do not differentiate between reality and imagination, Lust overwhelmed our thinking, and we killed our dearest people because they differed from us or because of the money that separated us from each other.

Blond Jones sits on his bed as he looks around, a magnum revolver in his hand, Swimming in dirty thoughts that speak of salvation.

He believes that this community is guilty and should be punished Then he stood quickly and proceeded to wander around the room without stopping, repeating in a loud voice: It is salvation, the Lord chose me to cure them of this malicious disease.

Aiming right and left While talking to himself because no one is there, it became clear to you that he suffers from mental illnesses, at least this is what the doctors tell him, Except that he sees himself as sound-minded, but thinks that they are the crazy ones Until he fell on his knees while raising his hands up and shouting at the top of his voice: Yes, it is salvation, I feel it, it runs in my veins.

He had crazy moments, especially when he started to stare in front of him as if he was watching someone and pointing towards him with sick features, Those movements that he makes with his head while he poses in a question to someone he sees and we do not In a very sick tone: Do you know what is the meaning of salvation?

No you are wrong, that not the answer, i said wrong.

He became agitated and started shooting without stopping, until he ran out of ammunition while shouting at the top of his voice, because Farid, his imaginary friend, made a mistake in the answer.

Footsteps quickly coming toward the room, his father, he was shocked when he found Jones crying and saying: Why are you doing this to me? I told you the answer before.

Seconds later, his condition changed to anger again, while he hit the floor with that pistol with a barrage of insults, forced the father to intervene while he took off the gun from his hands and then hugged him tightly in order to give him that love that was taken from him after his mother's death because this was her job and she was doing it well, Those pure tears that fell from his eyes as he kissed Jones' head, who smiled when he saw his father beside him, Looks of love and affection shine in those green eyes that he inherited from his father ad Hugging him deeply, saying: Dad, will you always be with me or you leave me too like my mother did, i promise I will be a good boy and I will obey the orders.

Paralyzing the tongue from responding And those heavy tears that shed like rivers took care of the matter, refuses to let go , embraces in it as if this is a cruel farewell.

That sad moment for the father ended with a kiss on his cheek and then he helped him to get up, while holding his hand, Gently dragging him, smiling as if he had a surprise waiting for Jones , Until they reached the First floor, then closed his eyes and helped him to walk towards the kitchen slowly, and that smile did not erase from his face When he finished took off his hands very slowly so as not to spoil the fun of surprise and said in a happy tone: Happy birthday to my handsome son, you have turned eighteen years today.

After Jones saw the birthday cake on the table, he started hopping and clapping his hands with excitement And turning in a circle with his hands driven as a plane And his father  looks at him with a smile and he is very happy to ease his son and make him see himself special and there is no better way than a birthday Then he went to sit down, bowed his head and gathered his hands in a humble manner.

Jones stopped jumping and cheered after seeing his father in a prayer position He set out to sit, like his father, too, preparing himself for a prayer of thanksgiving, minutes they spent praying to the Lord to thank Him for all the blessings that He gave them, Immediately after they finished that spiritual moment, the father looked at Jones in an indirect way that meant, making a wish and blowing out the candles، Jones understood the message and did just that, then started eating while enjoying that happy evening.

Half an hour passed, It remained in Jones's memory Until the reaper knock on the door of their house But once That door opens, we shall know everything Which of them will be gone forever tonight Unfortunately Fate chose the father because Jones  was still eating.

He walks towards the path of death without knowing while opened a door to welcome whom we feared to meet, The sound of gunfire, that's what he heard, his father's body dead, that's what Jones saw, But his reaction was completely different, despite the sadness on that circular face and tears descending from his eyes, but he continued to eat in a normal way as if nothing had happened.

Four men entered, it looks like they are a gang, you can deduce that from the symbol on their elegant clothes, which is characteristic of the gang's families, One of them is coming towards Jones smiling sinisterly, while the others are standing near the entrance looking from afar, laughing.

He tried to touch Jones's hair, In a way to mock him, But Jones was faster , he grabbed him by his shirt, hit his head on the table twice, and then he Stitching a knife in the back of his head violently, than he pulled the gun from dead man and shot the two gangster in front of him leaving the third one shaking in his place.

he looked at him smiling and ordering him sarcastically to go and face the wall And he resume eating normally As he staring , in shock at the death of his father until the "fuse" owell  He decides to visit him on his birthday uninvited, limps in his walk due to an old injury while carrying a gift for Jones, Then that man looked at him, with looks that indicate that he was confused about the situation in which he was.

He could not speak for fear that he would end up like his comrades, He kept staring , trying to send him a message that meant save me boss , That man, who looked at his fifties, did not respond to him, but only pointed at the wall.

Meaning turn towards it and don't move than he kept moving towards Jones with normal steps and suspicious smile, If you look very deeply at Jones, you will see these features, which indicate that he is indifferent to his presence, and that he has no intention of talking with him as he eating And sadness appeared to him because he lost his most dearest possession, even though of that gift Which was placed on the table very gently whereas he was holding in his hand as a condolence to him for his loss.

However, he did not taste that feeling, which expresses happiness, That he lived it when he was in the arms of his father.

Owell  felt it too inside himself, Try to ease it down for him by open that gift as he smiling while Jones watching his steps cautiously, Who does not trust anyone because the blind trust died with the death of his father.

Jones fell into astonishment and made him stop eating, after seeing a slightly strange gift  for ordinary people, Those who expect a beautiful shirt or a charming necklace that makes you fit the fashion that suits our times, but two yellow-gold guns decorated with a brown snake, you can say wired gift for us.

He gave it to him, smiling, without saying a single word explaining the main reason for this gift at an inappropriate time, Jones  carried and it turned out that he liked his determination and could not hide it, because he wished to have his own gun and stop stealing his father's weapons  in order to have fun with them, Without delay, aim quickly at the gangster, who is waiting in death .

to take him away Then he was shot, it made him lifeless body, The accuracy of the aiming and the speed that is characterized by Jones forced owell to applause Dazzled while speaking:

Excellent , i think you are ready to play with me beautiful game.

Jones  looking without understanding What does he mean Until that mystery was revealed and a fire of anger ignited, which you can see clearly in his eyes.

When owell uttered  those poisonous words that played into Jones' mind And lit that crazy fuse to burn what was around him and turn it into ashes To satisfy the animal instinct that he has ( Jones, son, now you have the opportunity to take revenge for the death of your father, I want you to eliminate them all every single person belong to morris family, and if you succeed in that I will tell you the reason for killing your father and many secrets about your past, Remember don't leave anyone alive, even if it was me.)

Jones  remained silent and did not answer him, those evil looks emanating from his eyes sent a message to owell, he understood it directly Without any difficulty, until he smiled and was happy that his plan succeeded in introducing Jones into his sick game,.

He headed towards him and then kissed his head, saying: may lord have mercy on his soul.

With a dead conscience and complete coldness.

he set out to leave, and Jones stared in front of him without blinking as if he was seeing the future ahead of him and His mind is busy  to eliminating Owell and everyone belongs to his gang while talking to himself in a low voice: What is taken by blood will not return only with blood.

Owell is gone, leaving Jones floundering between feelings of sadness and anger. He does not know if he has to cry or plans to kill those who killed his father.

Minutes later, then he got up with the pistol in his hands In a way it turns out that he will bring death, curse and destruction  to those who have deprived him of the grace of tenderness and parenthood, walking towards the living room And he thinks about the worst ways to get rid of them completely.

he considers killing by bullets a mercy for them, he wants to hear their groaning and begging them out of pity, in order to forgive them, although this is impossible for a person whose heart is as hard as a stone Then he sat alone and was silent, looking at the TV And he was distracted.

he decided to release that madness who used to paint bloody paintings to awaken this society from illusions and judging by appearances, Who can do everything except enter into conflict with him, and they lose their lives in the end, The sound of a knocking on the door gently interrupting that beautiful moment that he loves when he is alone, wandering through his thoughts If we had read it, we would find it very sick And inhuman.