A long time ago, if you had strength, social standing and achievements, people would call you a hero.
Tales and poems would dramatize his deeds.
Amid this culture that the brave idolized. In a castle that will inherit many of these stories, Prince lived. A little boy who just woke up.
But if the dear reader came for these stories, then he is lost. For this is definitely not a historical drama, so don't blame the little boy if the facts told are nothing like what is considered normal.
If you love stories of brave warrior princes who save princesses, this story is not for you. The boy's room was modest and comfortable. The only simple, non-intimidating place he knew within the castle's gigantic, suffocating walls.
If you are passionate about stories of weak characters who in the future become great masters, this story is not for you either. Since despite appearing to be nothing more than a small boy dressed in modest clothes, his golden hair was a symbol of royalty and his peculiar orange-sunset eyes that were seen as a sign of a special gift. But even those eyes would not take you on a path of great achievement.
If you are one of the lovers of the incredible free boy journeys, I will have to give you bad news. The little boy's day was filled with chores and duties since he learned to walk and talk. He woke up as soon as the sun rose at his window and then he wore one of his only three pieces of clothing. After finishing, even if he grudgingly dragged his feet out of the room.
And if you haven't given up so far, either out of curiosity or out of real interest, get ready, because not all stories have a happy ending, but they all always find a way to continue.
The castle had more than 300 rooms, which were not divided by social class. It was big even for a fortress, it had five patios, six ballrooms and everything else you can imagine.
The point is that crossing it every morning was a difficult task and one that may even contain a little adventure. Especially if you are 5 years old and only one meter tall.
The place he went to was used for the morning training of new soldiers, in which despite his age and social position, he always had to participate.
This was considered an initialization in the art of combat, which was common in those lands.
Upon reaching the clay court, the captain
As soon as the morning training ended, the boy passed out on the floor still covered with sweat and stayed there until a maid brought him a breakfast consisting of bread and fresh fruit. After that she would direct him to a room that changed every day, where he had to decorate maps, old stories, etiquette and thousands of other things that no matter how hard he tried, he would only remember them if they seemed interesting.
He always followed the same routine, as he preferred to do it once well than twice the same task.
At noon and at six in the afternoon he ate with his father, the king, he considered those to be one of the hottest moments of his busy routine.
His father lived for obvious reasons extremely busy, but at meal times he made sure to know every detail of the boy's day. Removing his crown and leaving his cloak hanging in the corner, he was just a father of enormous body and heart who would sacrifice everything to protect those who were important to him.
The arrival of the afternoon one hour before dinner, marked the end of the study period, at that time he would run through the walls in search of freedom and for one time or another he would appear in the servants' workshops just to play with them a little. He was used to trying to get the servants' attention since there were no children his age in the castle to play.
So he spent the evening until the sun went down and the retreat hour bell rang.
But that day, he was in a bad mood. He was so distracted that he ended up ruining dinner by helping the cooks. The servants were irritated, even though they knew that all Prince wanted was attention, this game had gone too far. So they decided to complain to the king. The king let the servants themselves choose the punishment and apply it at sunset the next day.
At dusk the next day the little prince was looking for his next victim of pranks in the halls, when he overheard the conversation between two cooks about the latest news. The cooks who realized they were being watched decided to try to scare him a little. They considered leaving him without food for a week and said that only 100 lashes would bring him back to reason also complaining that he or the king's real son was therefore not worthy to be a prince.
His first reaction was anger.
He had always followed the rules (or most of them) and tried his best to fulfill people's expectations of him. Me so they had labeled him a troublemaker (not that he wasn't).
Even so, the last sentence was the one that hurt the most, he feared every day that he was not considered worthy enough, and feared even more that the reason was his unknown origin. Left in the woods, found at an auction for orphans, the only one who saved him was the king.
But it was the man who had sentenced him to be punished, when he realized his situation, sadness and especially loneliness flooded his mind.
He wanted to disappear, disappear somewhere in the ends of the earth where no one would see him cry. So he ran as far as he could, away from the walls and everyone else. From the feelings that burned in his chest, it hurt, he just wanted to escape the pain.
When he was rational again, he found himself in a totally unknown forest.
He slowly resumed walking as he scanned his surroundings for a clue to take him back to where he came from.
It was dark, but his big orange eyes could see his surroundings perfectly, from the branches swayed by the cold wind to the many mushrooms on the damp ground.
He had succeeded, mushrooms of that type only grew in the heart of the forest.
He continued to walk.
He had fled the castle. Never in his life had he been more than a few meters outside the walls, but now he was lost somewhere far from any living soul.
He wanted to fix things, but now he had made things worse to a degree that he couldn't go back.
He continued to walk.
The wind and the dark sky showed that it would rain soon.
Prince settled himself in a hole under the roots of an old tree, but still tired of leaves, even if a little yellow.
He felt lonely and in a bad mood.
He wanted to cry.
Unfortunately if he did, the only living thing that would hear him would be the forest predators, so he definitely wouldn't cry.
Because he contained all of his anger at himself inside his body without expressing it with any gesture, he had been given an irritating headache.
It started to rain.
He was very cold and hungry, but deep down, he didn't want to go back to the castle.
He took a red mushroom from the roots of the tree and took it to his mouth. He had no taste, the texture was also very rubbery, but it probably contained poison, because his headache got unbearable and his whole wet body burned.
Princes don't cry, I caused it to myself. He thought.
The rain got heavy and the cold wind started to blow.
Involuntarily, tears began to run down his face with the raindrops.
Slowly murmurs of pain turned to whispers that gradually became cries. When he realized, he was already shouting apologies. When at last, all his strengths were extinguished, cold and pale he dropped into the mud.
When he opened his eyes he saw the familiar polished stone ceiling in his room, he was well settled in his bed and he tasted medicinal herbs in his mouth.
The fever, the pain and even the guilt, everything was gone, he was back safe and sound.
He did not want to admit himself, but he felt enormous relief when he realized that the same people who wanted to punish him had saved him. His eyes started to burn.
When he looked to the side, he realized, that someone had been there for a long time.
A beautiful lady was sitting beside him. While she stroked his hair lovingly. It was moli, his personal servant.
Prince wept and hugged the maid.
He has been hired by those who put up with him every day, offered him food, comfort and more.
From then on, he would make it his goal to do his best to earn it all.
Moli was still stroking the tantrum prince's hair when she said:
- You have a visitor, my prince.