Part 1 Rio's Chance!

"NOW COMMENCE THE FIRST DATE: THE THEME PARK!" Ichika's voice boomed into my earpiece, deathening me.

"Ugh, shut up..."

"Come on Darling, let's go!" Rio smiled cheerfully as I watched her skip around the park.

"Oooo I want to go on that one!"

"Yeah sure, whatever..."

The Ferris wheel. Probably the most romantic place here. I didn't really want to go on it, even Ichika told me to avoid the Wheel, since they couldn't video us. But I'm sure they'll figure out something! After all, they're a bunch of idiots.

As I got in the cab or box, the doors immediately closed.

I'm not going to lie: I'm deathly scared of heights.

Rio could probably see me shaking. Ahhhh not cool, not cool.

"Hey, Darling," Rio caught my attention with her arm outstretched. "Hold on."

Somehow her words were soothing, calming me down and temporary stopping the shaking. She pulled me to her side of the box, arms wrapped around me. Nothing could ruin this moment.

I looked down again.


"C-calm down Darling!" Rio grabbed me again, pulling me close. "There. There. See, there's nothing to be scared of."

Her words blocked out the embarrassment of being pampered in front of a camera.


Wait! What am I doing!? I'm the man here, aren't I!?

I swiftly sat back up awkwardly.

We were at the highest point now. The camera crew looked like an insignicant dot. How high up were we? Nevermind, don't look down.

Rio was smiling at me, carefree. The sun was almost setting...

How... Ho-When did it get so dark? How long have we been on this thing? It was only 5'o'clock not long ago.

My feet touched solid ground once again, but I refrained from snogging it. Oh sweet, flat ground! Rio seemed unfazed and grabbed my hand to drag me off to somewhere else in the theme park.

Next was the spinning cups; I threw up. After that the roller coaster; I threw up. Then we went on the rocking pirate ship; I threw up. Finally it was the haunted house.

Rio's gentle smile that had been healing my sickness so far, turned into a revolting frown.

"Don't tell me you're actually scared?" I joked, but Rio stared endlessly at the haunted house, clinging to my arm.

This was it! This was my chance! I'll show you my manly side Rio, I'll show you how cool I am!

* * *

T-too scary!

I was cradling my knees, rocking back and forth, while my soul escaped my lips.

W-way t-too scary!

Rio stood over me with a sad smile and with her hand outstretched.

I took her hand.

"I'm sorry Rio. I'm sorry you had to spend your time with someone like me." I said, defeated.

"Don't worry Darling, I'll always love you!"



Our lips were centimeters away...


I'm going to kill that god damn LOLI!