Part 3 Nami's Chance!


I'm never going to get Ichika's voice out of my head.

Nevermind that, I'm about to enter a girls room for the first time! I wonder if girls hide dirty porn mags to. I wonder what type they are~


"Darling!" Nami jumped at me, her lips spread out in a cheeky grin.

Before she embraced me, her face contorted into a deadly smile. "I smell other women~" She said half playfully and half serious.


I turned away guiltily, avoiding eye contact, and hurriedly said: "W-why don't we g-go into your room?" My pained smile made Nami revert back to her cheerful personality and drag me into her room.

I guess this is fine...

As I had never been in a girls room before I had no idea what to expect...

...but this was not it!

Her walls were completely covered in pictures of me; her bed was covered in 'I ♡ Yato,' the girl even had a body pillow of me. On one of the sides was me sleeping... when did she get that!?

The only normal thing there was her desk. Still, I didn't want to know what was inside.

"Gosh... This is embarrassing~" Nami hid her red face behind the body pillow.

"W-what an interesting room," my features were scrunched.

Honestly I didn't know what to think in that situation. Embarrassment? Or be disgusted? These emotions were displayed on my face, leaving a scrunched up mess.

"Do you think I'm weird, Dar-ling~" she said.

"N-no, I-I think you are fine... ahaha..."

"Thank you!" Nami wiped away her tears then pulled me into her chest.

Well this can't be all bad...

I can't breathe!

As I struggled, trying to pull myself away, Nami held me tighter, squeezing the air out of my lungs.

"...N-nami... I... I... can't... breathe..."

"Oh! Sorry Darling!"

I fell to the ground, unconscious, when she let me go...

* * *

"-ling... Darling... Darling, wake up..." Nami was whispering in my ear. It sent a shiver down my spine and a tingly feeling in my head. "Oh good! You're awake!"

We were at a table, Nami sat next me, and there was a plate of food in front of me. Nami wasn't paying attention to her plate, and instead took a rice ball from my plate, biting it first then trying to feed it to me.

Her face drew ever so closer, her lips holding the rice in place. I could smell her hair's flowery conditioner.

Eyes closed and mouth open, I waited for her to kiss me. Then I felt it.

The taste of rice and the softness of skin. Nami pushed the rice into my mouth with her tongue, exploring the cave, of which, was my mouth.

She finally drew back, her cheeks shone red. I could feel my own face flushing from embarrassment.

Then I finally noticed it. Chains were confining me to the chair; hands, feet, arms, legs, all bound to the furniture.


"Hm? What's the matter Dar-ling~?" Nami said playfully.

"What do you mean, 'what's the matter!?' I shouted angrily. "Honestly I'm fine with bonda-" There was a long pause. "But at least tell me..."

"But I want you all for myself, nobody can have you!" Nami's voice was gradually rising.

Ignoring her, I searched the room for Ichika's camera crew, but I couldn't see them.

"Hey! Loli-bitch! Get me out of here!"

"NO, I DON'T THINK I WILL!" Her voice screeched from a megaphone somewhere in the house. "AND DON'T CALL ME A LOLI-BITCH!"

God dammit. These idiots are useless.




"I dare you! You witch!" Now Nami was shouting.


She's not useless after all! Way to go Rio!

"No no no no. You won't be taken from me... heheheheh..."

Oh god.

Nami had gone full on Yandere.


"Was that the door?"

"Darling!" Rio burst into the room, her eyes shining... dangerously. "I'm going have to cut the skin off your lips now~ Because that witch has sullied your beautiful face~"

Rio hadn't been like this in a while.

"Don't ignore me!" Nami shouted, throwing a punch at Rio.

Her fist was suddenly stopped, Rio was staring at Nami with eyes filled with rage. Nami fell back, startled.

"You're OK now, Darling~"

"Yeah... Sure I am..."

Her terrifying smile was the last thing I remembered about that night...