The cheater's date

"Yato~ Come on~ Let's go!"

This girl!

Like the date I had with Irami, we went to town to do shopping and eat. The shops weren't as busy today and less people were walking on the street.

"This way!"

Our first destination, which Ichika led me to, was a tea shop tucked back into a corner. We were in a desolate part of town, yet the buildings seemed polished.

We opened the door and a waft of warm coffee drifted out.


The room was filled with polished oak furniture and a counter pushed off to one side. A man, in his presumably late 50s, stood at ease, leaning on the shining countertop.

"Ah! Welcome!" He spoke gently with a kind smile on his thin lips.

When we sat down Ichika looked at me with an evil grin.


The coffee came, served on a silver platter. Just one sip made my whole body feel like it was wrapped in a cozy, fuzzy blanket.

Ichika, who hadn't touched hers, just stared at me with that devilish grin.

I started to feel light headed. My arms and legs froze up, as my head dropped.

Why am I always drugged!?

* * *

"What would happen if I put this in him!? These toys are amazing! Thank you Father!"

Who's voice was that?

"Oh~ I think he's waking up!"

So annoying!

"Come on sleepy head~"

Shut up!

"Did you say something~"

"-ut up..."



I was in some sort of lab. There were strange trinkets and instruments scattered across a desk, while a computer sat, unoccupied, opposite. The computer was surprisingly old considering the weird high tec lab I was in.


I looked closer at the instruments on the table. Fear and shock swept over me in an instant. For on the table were... toys.



"Ah! So you finally noticed!" Ichika appeared in my view, smiling while holding a dildo.

I'm scared. Like... really terrified.

"Can I go home now?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"The fun's just getting started!"


Ichika took... is that a toothbrush!? Ichika was holding an electric toothbrush, brandishing it like a weapon. The evil smile on her face grew larger.

"Hehe. It seems like you are scared. Don't be. These toys are all harmless," Her voice sounded sexy all of a sudden.

Wait, what!

This loli is... A SADIST!

Her cheeks flushed rosy red as she licked her lips. An incriminating smirk of pleasure darkened her ice cold eyes.

"Well~" Ichika's voice was a soothing lullaby. It was deep, yet there was a certain softness to it.

"W-what's with that seductive voice of yours?"

"The meaning of this experiment is to make as much pleasure for the test subject as possible!"

Help me, my harem! Be useful for once!

As if to answer my call Rio came crashing through a door along with Nami, both with furious faces.

""What are you doing with my Darling!"" They chorused.

Thank you!!!!

* * *

Is what I would be saying but...

"Heh heh... It seems we got stuck Darling~" Rio said playfully.

"Yes we are in quite the predicament." Nami said blushing furiously.

"You guys are fucking idiots," I said disappointed.

Ichika marched over to Rio, holding a vibrator in one hand and the control in the other. Rio was staring in horror at large dildo, sticking out of Ichika's pocket, and trying to break free of the bonds. Honestly, I wanted to see what happened.

"Are you ready for this, Rio?" Ichika smiled gleefully.

"W-we can talk about this, right? A-at least m-make sure Darling isn't watching!" I was starting to grow a little empathetic towards Rio's plea for help.

"Hey! Loli-bitch! Come here!"

"What is it, Yato?" Ichika asked looking extremely offended. "And don't call me Loli-bitch!"

"Let me whisper it to you..."


"That's a great plan! I'll untie you right away!" Ichika fell for it.

The plan I proposed was that 'If you let us go I will bring you so many more test subjects that this lab with overflowing!' These girls are so simple-minded.


Rio and Nami wrapped their arms around me, scrambling, like hungry animals. Jeez. I'm not food you know!

"Loli-bitch. I've got something to tell you..." I started, grinning maliciously. "I think it's time for PUNISHMENT! COME HERE FOR PAYBACK YOU LOLI-BI- Ack!"

Ah. It seems I went overboard. I saw Ichika stifling a laugh as I slowly lost my vision. I could feel someone trying to heft me on their back.


Who's voice was that? I wonder...

[End of volume 3]