Daily life of 1A

Deku woke up a week after the entrance exam it was clear to his mother that he was impatient to get to school and so she woke up early trying to make him breakfast so right when he woke it was ready but when she came downstairs he was already done making them both breakfast and was almost done with his

Inko: "your really excited huh izuku"

Deku: "yeah im gonna give my all in that school and I'm gonna be number one"

Inko: "ok izuku just don't hurt yourself to much in that school of yours"

Deku: "I won't I promise" (his original self prob couldn't keep that promise to save his life)

Deku told his mom he loves her as he ran out the door inko could only smile at her son

30 minutes later

Deku walked into the school as he looked for 1A until he walked up to the large door which spooked him until he heard bakugou and the familiar voice of the blue haired kid in an argument he walked in on

Iida: "Let's start over my name is tenya Iida I went to insert private school"

Bakugou: "private school huh that will make it even better to destroy you"

Iida: "are you sure you're in the right place"

???: "it's you" *a Yellow haired student said as he pointed to deku*

Deku got alot of stares a couple of them were of anger it seems his stunt at the entrance exam was known by his class


the class would begin talking about his name thinking deku is his actual name

Deku: "my na-

Iida: *would walk over to him* "listen here buddy i heard about the knockout gas you used on the other people in the test the teachers may have allowed it but I don't think about doing it to our class"

Deku: "I mean it's my quirk I wasn't gonna not use it and what was i gonna do use it on the robots?"

The glares from others disappeared since he had a point what else would he have done in that situation but bakugous glare as you can imagine stayed on his face

Iida: "just don't do something like that again"

Deku: "I probably will but ok"

Uraraka taps on his shoulder from behind making izuku jump a bit and getting some laughter from the class as he turned to see Uraraka

Uraraka: "I would like to thank you for saving me and not knocking me out"

Deku: "it was the least I could do since you helped me out before the exam"

Aizawa would walk into the room saying his signature Aizawa things until throwing gym clothes at them telling them to meet them at the field

In the locker room a spiky haired boy would walk up behind him

Kirishima: "hey my names Kirishima"

Deku: "hey Kirishima I'm izuku midoriya"

Kirishima: "nice to meet you midoriya though what you did at the entrance exam wasn't manly I want us to be friends you seem like a nice guy maybe we can work out together"

Deku would agree to this and would see mineta trying  to look in the girls room while the girls were listening

Mineta: "I cant wait to see all th- "

He was cut off by midoriya grabbing him by his ball head and lifting him up

Deku would then shoot a bunch of gas in his face and would throw him across the room

Deku would out the field the test would go on and with all the physical training mineta showed up a couple minutes late he was able to get 6th place in the tests  mineta got expelled immediately due to fact that not only was he late but then he got last place Aizawa had no time for him

The girls celebrated and silently thanked midoriya before they all went inside and went home due to what transpired earlier he was only walking with Uraraka they talked before going there separate ways

A day after that they were sitting in class as izuku began dozing off due to his quirk but Iida caught onto this and yelled at him which woke him up

All might: *bursting through the door saying* "im walking through the dorr like a normal person"

Deku being the tired boy he is would accidentally say out loud "what part of that was normal" *he quickly realized and covered his mouth getting a couple laughs from the class and chuckle from all might*

All might: "you got me there young midoriya anyway today we will be doing heroes versus villains"

*suit cases would fall on everyone with hero suits in them as all the students rushed to the locker rooms*

After a couple minutes everyone was at the testing grounds except midoriya everyone was complaining on how long he was taking until they all get cut off

Deku: "IM HEAR JEZZ it's way harder then it looks to get this thing on" as he walked out of the shadows revealing his hero suit

(Of course the power coming from his hand isn't there but this is how he looks

They all complemented his costume except shoto,Iida and bakugou Uraraka would walk up to him

Deku would look her up and down luckily his mask blocked his blush from. Being seen

Uraraka: "yeah this suit is skin tight i should've been more specific on how I wanted it"

All might would pick teams putting Uraraka and deku against Iida and bakugou bakugou and deku would grin everyone noticed bakugou but due to his mask only Uraraka noticed dekus face change

Bakugou and dekus thoughts: "ITS TIME TO SHOW HIM WHOS BOSS"