
After they stayed for a little while they left Zane seemed the most affected out of all, he saw his father as indestructible and now he was faced with the reality that he wasn't and this really hit him. once they got home he did what he did every time he is stressed or sad he worked on his fighting.

2 weeks went by and Zane became more emotional but he put it aside and tried to focus on training like he always would. 2 weeks went by and they're dad still wasn't awake, Zane felt things might work out or maybe that was just him hoping they would.

Zane and carl were at school like any other day he was sitting in class bored, when suddenly the panicked voice of the principal sounded on the school speakers. "Teachers don't let anyone lea-." before he could finish his sentence everyone present heard groans then painful screaming, the kids around Zane and Carl started to cry because they were scared.

Zane went to carl and looked at him and said with a shaky voice "what do you think happened it sounded pretty bad?" carl looked worried as well and said with a slightly more sturdy voice "I don't know." as they were talking something shakes the doorknob.

They all jump feeling even more scared, the teacher says "everyone hide behind my desk and stay quiet." no one says anything and does what their told because they are scared, while they were hiding they heard groans lifeless groans, the same ones from the speakers.

The kids started screaming for their parents "no mom dad I don't want to die help me." carl and Zane were also terrified but tried hard not to show it, the banging kept on getting louder and suddenly the door busted off its hinges, the kids tried to recollect themselves to be quieter but they just couldn't they were simply to scared.

The groaning along with footsteps got closer and closer the teachers tried to calm the kids down but it wasn't working, They were terrified as the teachers were trying to calm one kid down he got attacked by a weird guy and he was bitten in the neck but the other teachers quickly moved in to get the guy but as they were struggling they notice it was the principal.

The teachers try to reason with him but he doesn't respond and he starts attacking the other teachers, as they were fighting off the principal someone else came out from behind and grabbed one of the kids by the hair and bite the kid in the neck she screamed out, she didn't for long before she was swarmed by those weird things biting people they were eating her down to the bone and it was horrifying for everyone present.

Those thing started eating the other kids as well as they couldn't move out of fear they started screaming as their flesh was ripped out by the teeth of the things it was disgusting to watch the people they grew up with and were friends with get eaten but what were they supposed to do, after everyone was dead they they all started getting back up and they started coming towards them with the weird things but, they didn't look alive anymore they looked like dead people walking.

As they inched closer to Zane and carl Zane was trying muster up the courage to move but he couldn't he was horrified he just saw those people die, he wasn't given anymore time to think before one of them grabbed his leg he reacts instantly and stomps on the persons head and it burst under his foot making him think he just killed someone. But the thing didn't let go of his foot it just inched closer to him biting at his leg he stomped on its head again and he realized it was his friend Zach he started tearing up knowing what he might have to do.

"stop please." Zack doesn't listen and goes in to bite Zane's leg Zane cant bring himself to kill Zack so he doesn't do anything as Zach is about to bite Zane Carl starts thinking about the things going on.

"what's wrong with Zach why is he trying to bite my brother like those other things, maybe he is one of them maybe the bite does something to you because once the teachers were bitten they changed too Zane hopefully you don't hate me after this."

Carl runs to where Zane is and stomps on Zach's head till it burst "NOOO how could you do that he was my best friend." carl looks at him with guilt and says "I didn't have a choice you would've died, but we don't have the time to talk about this right now." he grabs Zane's hand and takes him to the window

"climb out of the window I'll be right behind you." Zane does as carl says and carl follow behind Zane once their both out of the window they see more of those things and Zane says "what do you think is going on this seems like something out of a game." carl shakes his head and says "I don't know but we have to get home to mom hopefully she is ok." they start jogging home making sure to avoid those things.

After about a half hour they make it home they open the door and run in and carl screams "mom are you here where are you." they don't hear a respond for a second but out of nowhere she comes running out of a room she says "oh thank goodness you guys are ok I was gonna go to your school." they start talking about what to do until Zane ask a certain question.

"what about dad." Lori is mortified for what she has to tell them she starts tearing up and says "Shane showed up from the hospital when all of this started happening and told me that your Father is dead." Zane's face looked as if he had died this was the worst news he could get right now his bestfriend just died and his dad.

He started crying for the first time in his life and this shocked Lori and Carl who had never seen Zane actually show his sadness so this was really a shocker Lori grabbed Zane and carl and gave them a long hug as this was happening Shane showed up and was in a big rush.

"c'mon yawl we got to go before them things get here." Lori nods and tell Zane they have to go to which he nods and head they head off, they drive for awhile and they really don't see much as they are on the outskirts of Atlanta they drive for miles when Shane hears something on his radio "any survivors out there this is a camp in Atlanta."