
When Zane embraced his father in that hug he felt happy again, his dad returned the man he saw as the pillar of strength was here alive, and he was happy the happiest he'd been since any of this happened, if you could even call what he felt happy.

It started getting dark so they decided to make a fire so they could talk. they sat around the fire and began to talk

Rick : "Disoriented I guess that comes closest. Disoriented. Fear, Confusion -- All those things But . . . Disoriented comes closest."

everyone looked around not saying anything. All thinking about what he said

Dale : "Words can be meager things. sometimes they fall short."

Rick : "I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life. And put somewhere else. For awhile I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, Something I might not wake up from ever.

carl looked up at his father.

Carl : "Mom said you died."

Rick : "She had every reason to believe that. don't you ever doubt it?" he says trying to relieve his wife of guilt.

Lori : "When things started to get really bad, they told me at the hospital that, they were gonna medevac you and the other patients to Atlanta, And it never happened.

Rick : " Well, I'm not surprised after Atlanta fell. And from the look of that hospital, it got overrun.

Shane : "Yeah, looks don't deceive. I barely got them out, you know?"

Rick : "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Shane. I can't begin to express it

Dale : " There go those words falling short again. Paltry things.

As everyone began to go silent they hear the sound of wood clattering

Shane : " Hey, Ed, you want to rethink that log?"

Ed leans back in his chair nonchalantly not caring.

Ed : " it's cold, man." he say's sounding uninterested in what Shane is saying

His wife carol shifts awkwardly, and looks at Sophia her daughter who looks really uncomfortable. Zane see's this but doesn't think its the right time to go to her.

Shane : "the cold don't change the Rules, does it? keep our fires low, just embers so we can't be seen from a distance, right?" he says with and edge of anger hardly noticeable

Ed : "I said it's cold you should mind your own business for once." he says annoyed

Shane begins to stand up, T-dog reaches his hand out to stop him but its to late he walks over to Ed,

Shane : "Hey Ed . . . Are you sure you wanna have this conversation, Man?"

Ed stares at Shane for a few seconds

Ed : "Go on. Pull the damn thing out, GO ON!"

Carol his wife quickly gets up and gets the log from the fire, when the log was out Shane stomped out the fire. he goes in front of carol and squats down.

Shane : "Hey, Carol, Sophia, How are Y'all this evening?"

Carol : "Fine. we're just fine.

Shane : "okay.

Ed stares at carol as she talks to Shane

Carol : "sorry about the fire."

Shane : "No no no. No apology needed. Y'all have a good night."

Shane then gets up and walks away and while he's walking past Ed he say's "appreciate the cooperation."

Shane walks back to where he was before and sits down, but dale ask a sudden question.

Dale : "Have you given any thought on Daryl Dixon, he won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind."

T-Dog : "I'll tell him. I dropped the key. it's on me." he says with guilt weighing his mind and his face showed it all to well.

Rick : "I cuffed him. that makes it mine."

Glenn : "Guys, it's not a competition. I don't mean to bring race into this, But it might sound better coming from a white guy." he says looking really guilty for what he just said.

T-Dog : "I did what I did. Hell if I'm gonna hide from him."

Amy : "We could lie."

Andrea : "Or tell the truth. Merle was out of control. Something had to be done or he'd have gotten us killed. Your husband did what was necessary. And if Merle got left behind, It is nobody's fault but Merle's." she says not holding back and ounce of the truth.

Dale : "And that's what we tell Daryl? I don't see a rational discussion to be had from that, do you? word to the wise, we're gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt." he says with concern deep within his voice.

Everybody looks around at each other likely looking for an answer they knew they weren't going to find.

T-Dog : " I was scared and I ran I'm not ashamed of it."

Andrea : "We were all scared we all ran. What's your point?" she asked with curiosity.

T-Dog : "I stopped long enough to chain that door. Staircase is narrow. Maybe half a dozen Geeks can squeeze against it. At any one time. It's not enough to break through that - - not that chain, not that padlock. My point - - Dixon's Alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof. that's on us." he says as he gets up and walks away.


Later on that night when Zane and Carl where laying in the tent

Rick : "I found you, didn't I?" he says while smiling at his two sons gently.

They both say I love you dad at the same time, and he says the same back to them, tire they both go to sleep.

Rick goes to his wife and gives her a kiss afterwards he spoons her while cuddling,

Rick : "I found you both, I knew I would." rick says while holding his wife securely in his touch.

You're getting cocky now, a little bit." she says jokingly.

Rick : "No. no, I knew. Walking into our home, finding an empty house, both of you gone." he says assured

Lori : "I'm so sorry." she says her voice full of guilt and her face showing it as well.

Rick : "I knew you were alive. The photos were gone, All our family Albums."

she smile and chuckles and gets out of the back hug he is giving her and she grabs the family album. She opens the book of pictures and rick grabs a photo of all of them together.

Rick : "It belongs here."

Lori : " Baby I really thought I would never see you again. I'm so sorry. For everything. I feel like - - when you were in the hospital, I just - - I wanted to take it all back - - The anger and the bad times. But the mistakes - -."

Rick interrupts Lori by kissing her he looks into her eyes like it was the last thing keeping him sane and his love was overwhelming for her.

Rick : "Maybe we got a second chance. Not many people get that." he says passionately

He kisses her and she kisses back, they kiss for a few seconds until she pulls back and brings out his wedding ring,

Lori : "Do you want it back." she ask with a small hint of nervousness.

rick smiles at her affectionately. As he takes the ring from her and put's it on his finger, As he put it on his finger they started kissing and he place his hand on her face while he kissed her affectionately.

She broke away from his kiss, and she turned off the lights, Rick looked at carl and Zane but Lori assures rick they wont wake up, he puts the cover over them and he puts his pole inside her and begins thrusting.

The next day Rick wakes up to find some new clothes or him to wear, he walks out of the tent, and see's carol and they talk about how she washed his clothes he thanks her, and walks over to his wife.

Lori : "Morning, officer." she says in a joking tone.

Lori : "You sleep ok."

Rick : "Better than in a long time."

Lori : "Well I didn't want to wake you. I figured you could use it. God. What?"

Rick : "I've been thinking. About the man we left behind." he says with the look of guilt.

She looks at him for a few seconds.

Lori : "You're not serious."

As rick was about to answer Shane pulls up in the car.

Shane : "Water's here, Y'all. just a reminder to boil before use.

Shane gets out the car and nods his head at rick and so does rick.

Lori : "Are you asking me or telling me?"

rick : "Asking."

Lori : "well, I think it's crazy. I think it is just the stupidest way to break your - -"

before she could finish her sentence she heard a women scream then she heard carl she and rick ran over there as fast as they could,

Zane heard the scream of the woman then he saw the walker his first instinct was to scream but he drowned that out and he stayed quite, he placed his hand over Sophia's mouth to keep her quite.

He knew carl would hold it together so he tried being as quite as possible. He walked over to where carl was.

Zane : "What do we do? that walker is close and we don't have any weapons." he whispered

carl looked worried he knew that his dad was on the way but that walker was close they could practically hear death inching closer and closer to them. But they pushed it down because they had to survive

Carl : "We could try to sneak away quietly, but I don't know how good walker's hearing is." he whispers.

Zane : "But I think Sophia is to scared to stiff she isn't gonna be able to get away if we leave." he whispers

As he finishes his sentence, carl is attacked by the walker, he struggles to get it off to no avail. as the walker was about to sink its teeth into him. Zane kicked it off of carl.

When it fell on the ground he went over to it and began to stomp on the walker and he kept going. Until he saw it's head was completely crushed, As he stomp's on it for the final time. Rick comes running into the woods.

Rick see's Zane over the dead walker and he goes over to him and hugs him and carl.

Rick : "you're ok now I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you two." he says while tearing up holding his son's thinking about what could've happened.

When Zane is about to reply they hear rattling of branches on the tree's and the bushes, all the adults get their weapons ready.