
Zane was on the floor of his tent listening to his brother carl speak about things that don't really matter anymore since all of this happened. He just couldn't understand his brother it was like he was living in the past.

His thoughts were interrupted when the tent opened and his mom walked through. she stood there for a moment just looking at them, before she finally walked over to them and kneeled down in front of them.

Lori : "Hey. You know, I bet they'll be just fine." she says sadly.

Carl : "I'm not worried. Are you?"

Lori : "Yeah, A little."

Carl : "Don't be."

Lori : "Why?" she says with a small smile.

Zane : "Think about it, mom. Everything that's happened to him so far - - Nothing's killed him yet." he says interrupting carl.

Lori chuckles after Zane say's that, Zane smiles along with Carl both happy their mother is at least laughing if not happy. She grabs Zane's hand and then Carl's, They stay like that for awhile just in each others presence and they made each other feel safe.

Lori leaves the tent to go wash clothes and the other things she had to do for the day. After she left, Shane came along to the tent looking for Zane and Carl. He got to the tent and opened it and told them they were going frog hunting and they happily agreed.

Lori came back from washing clothes to check on Zane and carl. she checked the tent and saw they weren't there, so she decided to check in with dale to see if he had seen them. She began heading towards him in a hurry.

Lori : "Dale. Have you seen Carl or Zane?"

Dale : "Shane took them down to the quarry. There was some mighty bold talk about catching frogs.

She goes over to the edge of the cliff and looks at the rive their at. She starts thinking about how Shane lied to her about her husband being dead, she get's angry just thinking about. He did that just to sleep with her to humiliate her she thought to herself. As she stared angrily and hastily walking over to where him and her kids where.

Carl : "I'm not getting anything."

Shane : "Yeah. Being all wily, staying submerged. Little suckers, They know something's up. That's what's going on. Just gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way. All right you two, look. You two are the - - You are the key in all of this, Okay? All I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go after one of them, All right, Scare the rest of them off. They're all gonna scatter. I'm gonna drive 'Em your way. What Y'all need to do is you need to round up every bad boy you see, all right? Are you with me?" he says playfully.

Zane + Carl : "Yeah. yeah."

Shane : "Hells yeah. Give me your mean face." he says while growling playfully at them.

Zane and car both growl and show him their teeth trying to be intimidating, which earns a smile and chuckle from Shane.

Shane : "Yes sir. Are you ready?"

Zane + Carl : "Yeah!" they scream happily as their having fun.

Shane : "Are you ready? Here we go, Boy. Here we go."

Shane smiles after he said that. He inches closer and closer to the water as he is creeping up trying to use as little movement at a time as he could manage. He starts lowering his body trying to get the bucket in the best position to get, the frogs. He jumps in the water completely ruining all the effort he used not to get noticed, As he flopped around shouting playful word's at Zane and carl.

Andrea and Jacqui were walking back from getting clothes to wash and they heard Shane screaming playfully.

Jacqui : "I'm beginning to question the division of labor here."

Shane is still jovially playing with Zane and Carl

Shane : " What have you got, Bad boy? What do you got? What do you got?"

Zane + Carl : "Dirt."

Shane : "Oh boy. All right, We've got to start over. Come on, lets find this bucket." he says while laughing with Carl and Zane.

Jacqui and the other women are doing work.

Jacqui : "Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work."

Amy : "The world ended didn't you get the memo?"

Carol looks back at her husband.

Carol : "It's just the way it is."

They all start cleaning the clothes, they're getting tired but they endure it.

Carol : "I do miss my Maytag."

Andrea : "I miss my Benz, my sat nav."

Jacqui : "I miss my coffeemaker with that dual-drip filter And built-in grinder, Honey."

Amy : "My computer . . . And texting."

Andrea : "I miss my vibrator."

they all laugh.

Carol : "Me too."

When she say's this all of them gasp and laugh not expecting her to say something like that. Ed hears the laughing and walks over with a cigarette in his mouth.

Ed : "What's so funny?"

Andrea : "Just swapping war stories, Ed."

He walks over to them until he's almost right behind them and he stands there. Andrea is getting annoyed, to the point she cant hold it anymore.

Andrea : "You got a problem, Ed."

Ed : "Nothin' that concerns you. And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club."

Andrea huffs out air in annoyance, but decides to just work for now.

Lori walks down the cliff and is nearing Shane and her son's she is annoyed and it is clear on her face.

Lori : "Hey, Carl, Zane, What did I tell you about not leaving dale's sight?"

Carl : "But Shane said we could catch frogs, remember?" he says confused.

Lori : "It doesn't matter what Shane says. It matters what I say. Go on Back to camp."

Zane looks at his mother with disbelieving eyes, Shane is the one who saved them and now what he says doesn't matter. He shook his head and walked away along with carl, his mother was really starting to pile on stupid decision's. He wasn't going to argue though, that was his mother who he respected, And her decision was final in his eyes at least for now. Lori began walking away as Shane spoke.

Shane : "I've got to tell you, I do not think you should be taking this out on them."

Lori : "You don't tell me what to do. You lost that privilege."

Shane : "Lori, could you just wait up a second? I think we should talk. We haven't had a chance - -"

Lori : "No. No No. That's over too. You can tell that to the frogs."

Shane : "Damn it, Lori. Look, I don't know how it appears to you or what you think - -"

Lori : "How it appears to me? I'm sorry. Is there a gray area here? Let me dispel it. You stay away from me. You stay away from my son's. You don't look at them. you don't talk to them. From now on, My family is off-limits to you."

Shane : "Lori, I don't think that's fair."

Lori : "Shane, shut up." she says walking to him angrily.

Shane : "I don't think that - -" he cant finish his sentence as she pushes him.

Lori : "My husband is back. He is alive."

Shane : "He's my best friend. Do you think I'm not happy about that?"

Lori : "How dare you? Why would you be? You are the one who told me that he died. you son of a bitch." she says walking away.

Zane was confused about the conversation that just ensued, he heard everything why was his mom so mad. Shane could've simply thought dad was truly dead or he had no time to check, he knew at the school there was no time to check anything so he figured the hospital would've been worse.

Shane sat angry after what just happened. How could Lori just blame him for everything it wasn't fair. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw Ed and Andrea going at each others throats, He thought nothing of it at first so he went back to minding his business.

He heard shouting and the he saw Ed slap carol across the face, he went over quickly and grabbed him off of the women and threw him to the floor and began to bet his face into the floor. The rest of them were screaming at Shane to stop, he couldn't hear them their voice's were muffled as he beat his face over and over again.

Carol was trying to run over and help her husband, she couldn't as Andrea held her and she just sat there crying while his face was beat in.

Shane : "You put your hands on your wife, Your little girl or anybody else in this camp one more time, I will not stop next time. Do you hear me? Do you hear me?!" He Barks out.

Ed : "yes." he says slurring his words.

Shane : "I'll beat you to death, Ed." he says as he punches him again.

Carol : "Ed." she screams worried for her husbands life.

Shane finally gets off of Ed kicking him in the torso and stands over him he he looks around how shocked everyone was, he looked down and now fully realized the state he left Ed in. Carol looked at her husband sobbing when finally Andrea let go of her, she went and pounced on him crying and apologizing for what just happened. Shane seeing this walked away.