Not safe part 2

Rick and his group were heading back to camp, after they had come back from looking for Merle and they had no luck finding him. As they were just nearing camp they heard gunshots, they began rushing towards camp. after awhile of sprinting they had made it back to the camp and rick saw Zane looking around trying to figure out what to do, he went and grabbed his son's shoulder trying to get his son's attention.

Rick : "Z-"

Before he could get a word out of his mouth he felt a sharp pain in his knee, he fell down on the floor. As Zane was about to begin stomping on what he believed to be a walker, he stopped as he saw that it was his father lying on the ground in pain. The other's from the group that went to get Merle had already started helping with the walker's.

Zane quickly helped his dad up, so he could go and help the rest of the group ward of the walker's. Once his dad was on his feet he was insistent on checking to see if Zane was fine to which, he said.

Zane : "Dad you have to hurry, over there. I don't know if mom and carl are ok."

He says worried for his Brother and mother. Rick when he realizes what his son said rushes into the ensuing chaos to help the group and make sure the rest of his family is ok. Zane seeing his father is gone decides to hide just to be careful.

Zane find's a bush and hide's behind it. He was getting more and more worried as time went by as he could still hear bullets going off and he still didn't know if his brother or mother were alive. As he had that thought the bullets started to die down, then they stopped completely.

A few minutes after the bullets had stopped, he heard his mom and his dad calling his name and he walked over to them. Lori ran over and hugged him checking him for wounds to see if he was bitten, She said.

Lori : "Are you ok?"

She asked with a hint of worry. As she began checking him even more ferociously, He tried to stop her by saying he was fine. She didn't listen though, as she just checked him thoroughly anyway. When they headed back to the camp, after she was done checking him. Zane saw Carl sitting on a log and he quickly ran to him and gave him a hug, And said.

Zane : "Glad your ok - - Big Bro."

He said sincerely. Carl hugged his brother back and finally was able to let go of his worries as he didn't know where Zane was when this all happened he was happy his brother was ok, he replied.

Carl : "I'm glad your safe, Lil bro."

He say's sincerely. They break up the hug and they sit down, and they talk for awhile with nothing else to do while they were talking, The adults where discussing what to do next. They all agreed that leaving was probably, the best thing they could do for themselves and the kid's.

While Zane was taking to Carl he looked over at Andrea for a second, he noticed Amy on the ground bleeding from her neck and arm. He shook his head sadly and looked away from that site he didn't want either himself, nor his older brother ending up like that.


The next day when Zane woke up, he saw the adult's grabbing the walkers body's, and dragging them into the fire. As he was watching them Drag the walkers body's into the flames, he heard Glenn suddenly yelled at Daryl and Morales.

Glenn : "Our people, go in that row over there. WE DON'T BURN THEM! We Bury Them. Understand."

He roared out sad and angrily. Daryl and Morales look at Glenn for a quick second before Daryl bends down again and grabs the fallen survivor, and drags their body to be Buried, with Morales quickly helping him.

Glenn : " Our people go in that row over there."

He says with his voice shaking. Daryl and Morales quickly drag the fallen survivor, over to the pile where the other dead survivor's where. Daryl explodes saying they all had this coming for leaving, his brother for dead before he walks off. Zane is about to walk over to his brother as, he hears Jacqui scream something.


She say's loud enough for everyone to hear. They all get up and begin to circle around him, Daryl begins to shout at him to show it to them. Jim feeling threatened grabbed his shovel and got ready to attack. Before he could do anything T-dog grabbed him from behind, and they lifted his shirt reveling the bite.

T-dog pushed Jim off of him after seeing the bite, everyone else looked on in shock and horror what were they supposed to do they had never dealt with someone who was alive after a walker bite.

Jim : "I'm ok I'm ok I'm ok I'm ok."

He say's softly as he breathes heavily trying to convince them and himself. They stare at him for a moment before telling him to sit o the back of the R.V. he does. and they go form a circle away from him and begin discussing it.

Daryl : "I say we put a pickaxe in his head and the dead girl's and be done with it."

Shane : "Is that what you'd want if it were you?"

Daryl : "Yeah, and I'd thank you while you did it."

Dale : "I hate to say it - - I never thought I would - - But maybe Daryl's right."

Rick : "Jim's not a monster, dale or some rabid dog."

Dale : "I'm not suggesting - -"

Rick : "he's sick. A sick man. We start down that road, where do we draw the line?"

Daryl : "The line's pretty clear. Zero tolerance for walkers, or them to be."

Rick : "What if we can get him help? I heard the C.D.C. Was working on a cure."

Shane : "I heard that too. Heard a lot of things before the world went to hell."

Rick : "What if the C.D.C. Is still up and running?"

Shane : "Man, That is a stretch right there."

Rick : "Why? If there's any government left, any structure at all, They'd protect the C.D.C. At all costs, Wouldn't they? I think it's our best shot. Shelter, protection - -"

Shane : "Okay, Rick, you want those things, all right? I do too, okay? Now if they exist, They're at the army base. Fort Benning."

Lori : "That's 100 miles in the opposite direction."

Shane : "That is right. But it's away from the hot zone. Now listen to me. If that place is operational, it'll be heavily armed. We'd be safe there."

Rick : "The military were on the frontlines of this thing. They got overrun. we've all seen that. The C.D.C. Is our best choice and Jim's only chance."

Daryl : "You go looking for aspirin, Do what you need to do. Someone needs to have some balls to take care of this damn problem!"

He says tired of the conversation. He rushes towards Jim with his pickaxe and is about to drive it into his head, when he hears a gun cock behind his head.

Rick : "We don't kill the living."

He says with authority. Daryl slowly stops and look's at rick for awhile.

Daryl : "That's funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head."

Shane : "We may disagree on some things, not on this. you put it down. Go on"

Daryl slams the pickaxe into the ground, and walks away not wanting to deal with their bullshit any longer. Rick goes over to Jim and tells him to follow him, Jim ask where are you taking me and rick simply replies somewhere safe, Zane see's all of this and watches as his dad takes Jim into the R.V.