Lost part 2

Zane and Sophia were running while five walkers were chasing after them quickly, With Rick following closely behind them suddenly when they began to gain on the walker Sophia fell down and Zane helped her up quickly, And they began to run again but Rick grabbed Sophia causing her to scream a little.

Rick : "Are you two alright? Are you okay." He says worriedly. Zane try's to answer but Sophia starts acting crazy out of fear.

Sophia : "Shoot them!" She screams reaching for his gun.

Rick : "No. No! Those walkers on the road would hear it. Then it wouldn't be just two, It'd be hundreds. Come on." He says picking her up and running away with Zane following closely behind the two of them.

Rick : "All right, Just hold here. You stay there." He says as he jumps into water and he quickly grabs her while Zane follows closely behind the two.

Rick : "Zane, Sophia, You have to do exactly as I say. Hide in there. Squeeze in tight. I'll draw them away from you two." He says while directing them into collapsed wood you could hide in.

Sophia : "No No, Don't leave me."

Rick : "Listen listen listen listen. They don't get winded. I do. I can only deal with one at a time. I wouldn't be able to protect you. This is how we all survive. You understand? Okay? Go go go go. If I don't make it back run back to the highway. Back to the others straight the way we came. keep the sun on your left shoulder" he says as she joined Zane in the hiding spot. suddenly to walkers came at rick and he left.

After a while he didn't come back so Zane suggested they mad their way back to the highway and Sophia agreed, They were walking back when suddenly a silent walker grabbed Sophia biting right into her neck. Zane was shocked for a second before he quickly killed it.

Zane : "Sophia are you, ok?

Sophia : "It hurts." she screamed out with Zane telling her to be quite.

Zane : "Sophia your gonna turn. Your dead already." he says with cold eyes on her bite he was angry he hated this and only more of it was to come in this world. he begins to walks away "I-I'm sorry Sophia." He says tears falling from his eyes, though he never looked back at her even when she pleaded for him to come back he just kept walking.

Zane starts to follow the directions his father gave him when suddenly he saw a bunch of walker he quickly hid behind a tree cursing his luck "Today Sophia is gonna die and by time I get back to the highway the group might be gone." Thinking of all this he tried to hurry and sneak past the walkers.