Man left behind

The three of them were running down a hallway with the walkers right behind them Zane looks over his shoulder at the walkers "Damnit!" he yelled in his head as he sped up a little moving in front of Otis who seemed to be having trouble. He catches up to Shane and they make it to the end of the hallway noticing the doors are chained Zane's face contorts into anger along with Shane's "Damnit, Fuck no no no. We have to get back to Carl or he will die." Zane thought to himself, he didn't care if he died as long as his brother would live, They quickly took a left running down that hallway with the walkers gaining on them even more.

Zane, Shane, and Otis were on the bleachers that weren't down so the walkers were having trouble getting to them. the walkers beneath them clawed at their feet Growling and snarling. "Those windows, What's on the other side?" Shane says. Pointing his flashlight in the direction of the windows. "About a twenty foot drop with nothing to catch you, maybe some bushes, Then the athletic field" Otis answered "We just need enough time. We got to get up there. We got to get em open and get out." Shane said still flashing his flashlight in the same direction. "Nott me. Maybe you two." Otis says back quickly. "Hey hey hey." Shane says in and disapproving tone. "Come on, man, look at me. You really think I can squeeze through one of them tiny windows? They'd be all over us." he says looking at the walkers before continuing "Look, we lay down some fire to get a head start. You two stay here. I hop down and draw them away. That gives you the chance to get up the bleachers and out a window." he says pointing to the window.

"And where do you go?" Shane ask. Otis takes the flashlight out of Shane's hand. "Locker room. Down those steps." He says pointing the flashlight in the that direction, he hands the flashlight back to Shane. "Looks like a good way to get trapped." Shane's face showing worry for the plan. "It's got windows too, and more my size. I get out through one, I double back, we meet up out on the field." he says handing Shane a duffle bag full of supplies. "You're a crazy son of a bitch, Ain't you?" he says strapping the bag to his back. "Just trying to do right by that boy." he says his face full of guilt and his voice laced with regret, pissing Zane off "Come on, lets get on with the plan. stop with all the yapping." he says aiming his gun at the walkers. Shane and Otis looked at each other for a brief second "Take three shots. After that we fire. I'll lay down a cover for you. We'll get you a lead." Shane says getting ready to put the plan into action.

"All right." Otis says getting ready as well. He shot three walkers in the head jumping down but he didn't land right and he fell, a walker grabbed his leg Zane reacted immediately shooting the walker in the head. Otis got up and headed towards the locker room, While Zane and Shane shot the walkers that were to close to him. Once they saw he was close enough the both jumped down from the bleachers heading for the windows, Two walkers heard the sound heading after them Shane went to the window bashing it out while Zane watched his back he noticed the two walkers he shot one in the head making it fall into the other walker who fell over the rail. Shane threw the bags and his gun down in the bush "Come on Zane, you first." Zane nodded hanging out the window before dropping down and rolling to lessen the impact on his feet. Shane quickly did the same and as he was hanging out the window he was grabbed, he punched the walker but it did nothing he reached for his hand gun before quickly realizing he gave it to Zane.

Zane seeing this quickly took aim shooting the walker in the head but Shane landed awkwardly hurting his leg Zane quickly helped him up "I'm sorry Shane." he says his voice oozing with regret. "Nah you saved me man." Shane says smiling trying to make Zane feel better. Zane ignores him helping him up, and grabbing one of the bags while Shane grabs the other bag along with his shotgun and they head off with Zane helping Shane walk. They are crouch walking along a wall as they hear walkers growling above them, Zane follows the limping Shane up some stairs and they see a walker Shane shoots it in the head immediately. They walk forward and see three more walkers heading toward them they walk away from them and lean on the fence opposite the walkers coming towards them, Shane reloads his gun and Zane shoots one walker then the second and decided not to waste anymore bullets he ran up to it snapping its leg with a quick kick causing it to fall he stabs his knife into it's skull.

As he finishes off the last walker he notices Otis, Shane walks up to Zane "We thought we lost you man." Shane says quickly as Otis takes over Zane's job helping Shane walk. "That was my last rifle round." Otis said. "Mine too. Come on." They start going as fast as they could with Shane's injured leg, They had made it down a huge flight of steps and Otis was tired "Come on." Zane said annoyed. "Just let me catch my breathe." Otis says breathing heavily. "We don't have time for this come on." Zane says again as Otis leaned on the fence, Bang walkers smashed against the fence causing Otis to jump he quickly made his way to Shane helping him walk away. As the three of them were running Shane fell from the pain in his leg causing Otis to fall as well, Zane turned around quickly picking Shane up as Otis got to his feet on his own "Got to get to the street, Double back to the truck." Otis said still breathing heavily. "Look, we aint gonna make it, okay?" He says angrily taking off his back knowing he was a liability.

"Got to try, man." Otis says trying to encourage Shane. "Come on, we can make it Shane." Zane said angrily, As he held on to Shane. "Your gonna take these bags, and your gonna go home to your family Zane." Zane shook his head angrily "You are my family now come on. We are getting out of here." Shane smacks the ground "Fine! How many rounds you two have left?" He ask "Two." he says checking how many bullets he had left. "Four." Otis says checking as well. They begin going as fast as they can with Shane's leg injured, Otis begins shooting the walkers as well as Zane he shoots a walker in the head as they were walking deciding to save the last bullet for himself. "Down to my last." Otis says. Zane realizes something he could use Otis as bait but that's wrong what would Shane think. He turns to Shane then to Otis "I'm sorry." He says shooting Otis in the leg so he couldn't walk.

Shane seeing this quickly begins taking the bag off of Otis but he tackles him down grabbing him by the hair ripping some of it out. Zane quickly kicks Otis in the face making him let go of Shane to grip his face Shane quickly got the bags off of him, as Zane kicks Otis again running off with Shane helping him to walk. As they left Zane looked back feeling bad he wouldn't wish getting eaten alive on his worst enemy, but it had to be done it was you survive or you don't and Otis wouldn't have made it in this world anyway. Zane and Shane made it to the car and they drove off it was silent for a while before Shane spoke "You had no choice, it was us or him. And you chose us." Zane nods his head "I know. And about before what I wanted to tell you earlier. Sophia she's dead I left her. She was bit." Shane looks at Zane his face full of shock "Don't tell anyone please." Shane nods his head as they pulled u to the farm.